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Friday, February 2nd IC Imagine Second Grade Weekly News
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Updates and Reminders for the week ending 1.26.24

This Week We…

Math: This week students practiced different strategies for adding and subtracting.  

ELA: We began our new story “The Story of Johnny Appleseed”.  Students worked on answering the question “What life lesson can we learn from Johnny Appleseed?”

Phonics:  We wrapped up our open syllable unit 7 this week, and students took an assessment.

Science/ Social Studies: We continued our unit on government, discussing being a good citizen.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Students reviewed the DIVE matrix and the expectations for our classroom.


(See below for links that provide more details!)

Next Week We Will…

Math:  Students will assess on Module 2 this week, using different strategies to add and subtract two and three digit numbers.  We will also begin Module 3, Shapes and Time with Fraction Concepts.

Students will finish the tall tale, Johnny Appleseed, as well as read another similar Johnny Appleseed story.  Students will compare and contrast the two stories using a Venn Diagram.

Phonics:  We will start Unit 8, r-controlled vowels.  This unit will concentrate on the /ar/ and /or/ sounds.

Science/ Social Studies: Students will finish the unit on government, discussing the 3 branches of federal government and why communities have laws.

Moments to Celebrate!

It is so hard to believe that we have made it to quarter 3!  Students worked hard this week finishing up their middle of year testing!  We are so proud of all of their hard work, please look for more information to come with report cards.

We Need Your Help

As a reminder, please make sure to label your child’s outerwear in case it gets put into lost and found.

Just wanted to remind 2nd grade families that our school policy is not to bring in sweet treats for birthdays!  

Tardies will be given out at 7:57.  Please make sure your child is at school to be on time for class!

Announcements and Reminders

We know that it is vital for parents to be involved and aware of what is happening at school to ensure student success.  Please look here for more information about each unit/topic we are studying.

Curriculum links:

Wit and Wisdom:

Module 2


Unit 8

Second Step:

Unit 2


Module 2:

Dates to Remember

February 2: No School-Remote Learning Day

February 13: Report Cards go home

February 14: Friendship Party

Have a Great Weekend!