Lost in translation

One morning I woke up and had my breakfast          and shower. And once I went downstairs something was off so I went outside and my whole village was speaking a different language. They were speaking French. And there were no announcements in the village. So I went to one of my village friends and I asked her what's going on but she just replied in french so I don't know what to do so I just sat in the room with my house locked and my room door locked. Trying to learn French for days, I sat there for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and months. I was there for 9 months . So now I started to speak french fluently within 9 months. So I unlocked my house and all of my doors and went out into the open world. And started to speak a lot of french. I went to my parents first and then my friend, aunties, uncles, sisters, brother and everyone in the village. They were surprised that I knew how to speak French but I told them it took me 9 months to learn it fluently. And they were so shocked but they still knew why I was not outside in the village, because I was learning fluent french.

So after that we all went to celebrate that I learnt how to speak fluent french. So we went to this fancy restaurant and I ordered a whole heap of food. So I went home happily because I know how to speak french. 3 weeks go by. And another day I wake up and eat my breakfast. I go downstairs and all of a sudden my village is speaking Spanish and again there were no village announcements so again I locked everything in the house and I sat in my room for seconds, minutes, hours, days, and even weeks. I spent 7 months trying to learn fluent spanish. But this time it took only 7 months. I mean it's still 2 months apart but it's still a very long time. So I went out in the open to my village. And again everyone was shocked. I learnt Spanish and I went to go meet everyone in my village. And this time my village took me out for a shopping spree at the mall, to celebrate. And it took me 5 hours to do my shopping ‘HAHA’. And I happily went home again. And when I was going home I was reflecting about my day and I was thinking that all of these language things are starting to get suspicious.

So I started to sneak into peoples' village houses at night so they would not see me. And also it's not a bad thing to do. I mean it is but I need to know what's going on. Because there's no village announcements going on, I needed a solution. So once it was night I started to peek out of my room window so I could see if they were asleep or not. So I waited 2 and a half hours for them to settle down and go to sleep. So first I went to my parents bedroom to see if any evidence was there. I went there first because they were sleeping in the castle I live in, so it was close to me. Okay now I'm in my parents room. I go in their closet to see if I can find a letter or something to do with languages. But I did not find anything so I was pretty bummed about that.

‘’Okay now i'm going to my siblings room, i knew that I wouldn't have anything i just tried for the sake of it’’. And again I found nothing. I went to everyone's castle in the village and I found nothing. And there it was one last castle, the Kings and Queens castle. I got so scared at this moment because no one comes here unless they invite us. So there was the biggest castle of all. (The Kings And Queens Castle). But when I got there there was no key. Normally the other villagers' houses have their keys under the welcome mat. So it seems like I have to start looking for the keys for the biggest castle of all. So I started searching, and searching once I stumbled across this plant pot.

So i was searching around it but there was nothing so i lifted the pot up and there it was the *Key* to the Kings and Queens castle. So i gently open the door to the castle so i don't make a sound because the King and Queen are very light sleepers, I search their whole castle and i found nothing until i passed this room so i opened the door and there was a glowing chest a enchanting table to enchant stuff and bookshelves with books in it and much more. So I went to open the chest first because I knew there was going to be something I needed to know about.

As I was about to open the chest I shut the door too loud and I got so scared they were going to wake up so I waited about 20 seconds to see if I could hear anything so i didnt. So as I was going to open the chest, I heard a voice saying Stop in anger and at the moment I knew someone woke up so I turned around and I saw….. Queen Majesty hi I said (awkwardly). And she said what are you doing here politely, because the Queen is way nicer than the King the king is so strict. And I was like. Well I've been wondering why everyone in the village for these past months is speaking a different language. And she said well I'm not supposed to say this because this was King's majesty's job to do this but since you're asking me ill will say this. So myself and the king and the whole village wanted to surprise you with a trip to New Caledonia to Mexico. So we wanted to learn both languages and tell you. I said OMG that's so exciting. Thank you guys so much. When we were going I asked, she said next week. I asked why we were going and she said to take a break from the village. The Very End.