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St. Robert’s Catholic First School  

Oldgate, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 1QF

We care, we serve, we learn together in the love and truth of Jesus

St Robert’s Catholic First School

SEND Information Report

Date Reviewed: 7th October 2023

Review Date:   7th October 2024

Headteacher: David Sutcliffe

Chair of Governors: Fiona Swift

Statement of Aims 

● To encourage all our children to develop the confidence, self-respect, understanding and awareness of cultures, religions and values that lead to respect for each other;

● To enable all our children to reach the highest levels of achievement which they are capable of

● To provide all our children with a broad and balanced education;

● To assist all our children to acquire the knowledge, competencies, experiences and skills that will enhance their life chances;

● To raise the expectations and aspirations of children , to expand their horizons and foster an awareness of the range of opportunities available;

● To equip our children with the knowledge, understanding and independence of mind which is essential to overcoming prejudice and stereotyping;

● To cultivate in all our children an understanding of rights and responsibilities such as would enable them to defend their own rights and have due regard to the rights of others.


St Roberts Catholic First School

First School Reception to Year 4 and Nursery provision


Wheelchair accessible

Our building is single story and fully wheelchair accessible. A disabled toilet is available as well as onsite disabled parking.


Are you currently able to deliver your core offer consistently over all areas of your school?

Yes. We are a fully inclusive school. All teachers and teaching assistants have sufficient, and sometimes extensive, experience, training and expertise to identify children who may need additional support. Following any referrals, staff work closely with support services to provide any recommended interventions or strategies. Our SENCo ensures that staff training is appropriate and responsive to the specific needs of the children.


Are the school policies

available on the website for:

NB: Please note that some of these policies will be subject to review to reflect imminent changes in SEND legislation.









Are you aware/familiar with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Equality Act 2010?




Please indicate what your school has to offer (over and above your core offer) in each of the following areas:

Areas of strength

Our expertise is in identifying children’s needs quickly and negotiating with children and families to provide early intervention and support. This is initially provided by school staff with training and experience. Further specialist advice is requested when necessary.

A number of staff have additional training and/or qualifications in ASC, precision teaching, Read Write Inc (RWI), positive handling, social skills and nurture, behaviour management, Emotional Literacy, Resilience, Talk Boost, Communication support, First Class@Number 1 and 2, Numicon. The SENCo holds the National SENCo Award.

Specialist Facilities/Equipment to support SEND

Three rooms, additional to classrooms, are available for interventions and therapy. We have an accessible toilet. The school hall is available for physiotherapy and occupational therapy that requires a larger space.

The school has a range of resources and equipment, including ICT resources, suitable for supporting learning and physical needs.

Input from Therapists/Advisory Teachers/other specialist support services

We have access to our Inclusive Education Support Services based in Cramlington. They offer specialist support and advice for pupils, families and staff and provides specialized staff training.  Specialists include support teams in the following areas:

  • Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Support Literacy (SpLD) Support
  • Autism Support
  • Speech & Language Support
  • Sensory support (Hearing and vision impairment and multi sensory
  • Educational psychologist
  • Educational welfare officer and Inclusion Support

The primary aim is to support schools to identify and manage the needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. They will provide advice to schools on meeting pupil needs within the context of the classroom and wider school environments. They will work with school staff to develop and implement successful strategies for inclusion and help them to create conducive learning environments for those who experience barriers.

The Autism Support and Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour Support also provide advice to support the onward referral by schools to CYPS for Neurodevelopmental Assessments for conditions such as ASD and ADHD; particularly in relation to cases where a child may present very differently in their school and home environment.

Health support services available include speech and language (SALT), Paediatric physiotherapy, occupational therapy, mental health – Children’s and Young People’s Services (CYPS), dieticians, school nurse and health visitors. 

Breakfast and After School support

St Robert’s club offers before and after school provision from 8am until 8.50 am and from 3.10 pm until 6pm. See the website for further details on the cost or simply contact the school office: 01670 512031


How do you promote inclusion within the school? Including day and residential trips?

Teachers plan to challenge and support individual children in every lesson. Quality First Teaching provides a range of strategies appropriate to all children. Many further strategies are also used to provide for the needs of specific children as appropriate. All children are included in all lessons, events and trips, and support is provided where necessary, as subtle as possible. Extracurricular activities are available to all children, including those with SEND. Lunchtime and support staff are aware of the particular needs of specific children. When appropriate, additional funding is sought to provide additional staffing or resources.

All children are included in the residential trip in Year 4. Where appropriate, additional staff will accompany specific children if necessary.

What proportion of children currently at the school have an SEND? SEN support: – 12.%

EHCP – 4.5 %

  (October 2023)


How do you involve/support the parents of children/YP with an SEND regarding and meeting their needs. How do you communicate their progress and areas of difficulty?

We listen to and consult parents/carers as soon as needs are identified. Where appropriate, we guide parents/carers through the referral process to request specialist support. In addition to progress meetings, parents/carers are involved in frequent, fairly informal conversations with the class teachers and SENCo. Home-school communication books are used where appropriate.

Intervention plans are discussed with parents at the beginning of every term and the plans are sent home to enable parents to carry out agreed home actions. Plans are then reviewed at the beginning of the following term and new targets set. Parents/carers of pupils with a statement of SEND are invited to a formal review of provision annually.

All parents are invited to formal parent evenings in the Autumn and Spring term as well as an optional parents evening in the Summer term. All parents receive a written report during the Summer term.

How will school prepare children with SEND to join their next setting/college/stage of education or life?

Where appropriate, Early Years staff will carry out a home visit for children as part of their transition to Reception class.

We have carefully planned and structured transition programmes between schools.

Liaison with local Middle Schools from Y5 teachers and SENCO/CP leads. Smooth transition between Key Stages in school through close liaison and early preparatory work. Consistently shared pupil data.

Additional visits to new schools/classes are arranged for those pupils identified as benefiting from such an approach.



What else do you think parents carers would like to know about your school?

We have the following intervention programmes available to use:

Cognition and Learning

Communication and Interaction

Sensory and/or physical

Social Emotional and Mental health

RWinc - phonics

  • 1:1 tuition

RWinc get writing

      - comprehension

Write from the Start

  •  Teodorescu programme


  • Precision teaching
  • SOS spelling

Toe by Toe

Daily readers

First class@numbers

Numicon intervention

Mastering numbers

Snip 1


Reading plus

Letter join (handwriting)

Talk boost.


Language for behaviour and emotions.

Talkabout for Children.

Language for thinking.

Time to talk.

Teaching children to listen.


Lego therapy

OT intervention - deep pressure






Sensory circuits

Social stories


Other programmes may be provided for specific children from a range of agencies, occupational therapy, and are delivered by staff in school.

Children’s progress is monitored closely and tracked every half term. SMT meet each half term to discuss and monitor progress of all children, including those with SEND. Where appropriate, we use P scale assessments to measure small steps of progress.

Our SEND policy is currently on our school website.


(Name and position)

Chantal Johnson (SENCo)



