Table of contents
A Letter from the Community Executive Director 3
Drug Free Moore County Mission and Vision Statement 4
Changing Personal Information 8
Request, Complaints, Problems, Suggestions 9
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Confidentiality 9
HIPAA Agreement and Confidentiality 9
Volunteer Dress Code and Customer Service 10
Respecting Cultural Diversity 10
At DFMC, we hope that your volunteer service is a special source of personal satisfaction and growth as you support clients and extend your services to our community. Our volunteer programs are designed to provide evidence based prevention, harm-reduction, treatment, and recovery support services. We are committed to supporting our employees, volunteers, clients, and stakeholders.
Dear Volunteers,
We are pleased to have you join our team of Volunteers. Drug Free Moore County Inc. believes in Integrity, Trusting Relationships, and Client Empowerment! Our doors swing open to serve, support, and empowerment. Please let us know how we can assist you as you support our vision and mission.
Dr. Charay Dupree- Smith
Executive Director, Drug Free Moore County Inc.
Vision: DFMC is a well-known, well-connected leader in treatment and Recovery Support for youth and adults with Substance and Mental Health Disorders.
MISSION: provides evidence-based prevention education, treatment options and recovery support services to youth and adults.
Drug Free Moore County, Inc. was appointed by the Moore County Board of Commissioners in 1989 to combat the war on drugs. With the help of local officials, partners, and stakeholders the organization has added its newest addition, Moore Re-Creations Recovery Community Centers. The Community Center provides:
Prevention/Education, Harm Reduction, abstinence-based recovery pathways, medication assisted treatment options, residential treatment options, 12 steps options, faith-based treatment, transportation, housing, and support to persons in active addiction, recovery and their families.
The goal for volunteers is to help support our staff, thus assisting to focus their attention on the needs of the organization. Such services include but are not limited to answering phone calls, responding to messages, and making sure appropriate staff is notified. Volunteers may provide schedule/calendar, daily upkeep and office maintenance, conduct inventory, research statistics, maintain record or appointments, maintain calendar help with community events. Volunteers are expected to represent the core values and principles of Drug Free County Inc.
All volunteers participate in a 3-hour training conducted annually. Volunteers training introduces policies and procedures of DFMC. These include safety policy, workplace conduct, being a drug-free workplace, conflict of interest, attire and personal hygiene, complaint procedure, the use of personal automobiles, personnel records, speaking to the media, solicitations, and harassment, client’s confidentiality, including compliance with standards established by HIPAA.
After successfully completing training, new volunteers are then trained for task specific service. On-the-job training by experienced volunteers or staff will be offered. During this period volunteers can practice their new skills while veteran volunteers and/or staff monitor and guide their performance.
We ask all adult and college student volunteers to commit to a minimum of one 3- or 4 hour shifts a week for a minimum of six months. This commitment works out to about 75 hours. Of course, we hope they will continue beyond the introductory period. Other volunteer hours and shifts may be available.
As a part of the DFMC Team you may be photographed. If you agree, please sign the authorization below.I authorize the use of photographs, video or recording by DFMC in any publication, website, program, presentation or other media without compensation to me, for the purpose of education, telemedicine, marketing (including online and social media marketing), development (fundraising), community affairs, public relations, news media or healthcare communications, or other stories that will be read, seen and/or heard by the public. I have the right to cease participating in any recording, filming or photography session.
Signature of Volunteer________________________________ Date _____________________
I understand that nothing contained in my application is intended to create a promise of, or contract between DFMC and me for either employment or the providing of any benefit. If a volunteer relationship is established, I understand that my status as a volunteer will be at will and that I or DFMC has the right to terminate my status as a volunteer at any time, for any reason.
Signature of Volunteer_________________________________ Date_____________________
Each volunteer must clock in and out using the DFMC Team Schedule located at the front of the office when you walk in or on your mobile device. Credit for the hours you donate is based on these entries. We must report these hours annually to the Executive Director and Board of Directors.
If you are able to contribute extra hours or need to make a permanent change of your schedule, please contact the Community Training Coordinator via email to make arrangements.
We rely on each other at DFMC. As a volunteer you are part of a team that helps our staff provide our clients and the community with the best possible services and resources we can give. It is a courtesy expected of all volunteers that you inform the appropriate individuals when unable to work.
You are not expected to report for duty when weather conditions are severe. This information will be communicated to you from our Community Training Coordinator.
January New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Jr. Day | April Good Friday Easter Easter Monday | May Memorial Day |
June Juneteenth | July Independence Day | September Labor Day |
October Columbus Day | November Election Day Veterans Day | December Christmas Eve Christmas Day Day after Christmas |
Our goal is to provide an injury free environment free from all recognized hazards. All volunteers will perform their work in a safe and responsible manner. Any injury occurring while on the job, no matter how slight, must be reported immediately to the Community Training Coordinator. Any willful violation of a safety procedure can result in immediate termination as a volunteer. Volunteers should always wear their badges whenever they are on the property or off the premises performing any duty on behalf of Drug Free Moore County.
During the course of your volunteer “career,” you may move, change phone numbers, get a new email address. In short, go through any of the normal life changes most people experience. In such cases report any changes promptly to the Community Training Coordinator.
DFMC is committed to making ours the volunteer program of choice in our area. We want you to feel rewarded and valued for the time you give our clients and staff. If in the course of volunteering, you have a complaint or problem, we want to know about it. We can fix only what we know needs repair. And if you have suggestions or requests that you believe would improve the program or our service to DFMC, we welcome your ideas.
The Privacy Rule protects and enhances patients’ rights, including those related to accessing their personal information, and creates a national framework that governs protection of our client’s privacy rights. HIPAA increases the responsibility of all DFMC personnel, including volunteers, to protect client’s privacy beyond the confidentiality we have always required. HIPAA gives clients the right to tell us with whom we may share their information and how we use that data; we, in turn, are obligated by law to honor their decisions.
I understand that HIPAA includes the Privacy Rule which protects and enhances patients’ rights, including those related to accessing their health information. I understand that violation of HIPAA and confidentiality policies in any way may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Signature of Volunteer______________________________ Date_____________________
A designated uniform makes it easy for clients, staff and visitors to identify volunteers and distinguish them from other personnel. A neat, professional appearance, which includes the uniform DFMC T- Shirt with Denim pants/skirt, also helps ensure that volunteers appropriately reflect the organization's professional appearance standards.
Service Excellence, specifically the Customer Service Standard “Respectful,” includes clear provisions regarding diversity that apply to all DFMC personnel, including volunteers. DFMC recognizes the many differences among people as an asset to our organization. The various cultures, religions, ethnic backgrounds, races and other characteristics that distinguish human beings and give them their unique identities are a normal part of the environment of our community. We ask for RESPECT!
By completing this form below, I acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the Drug Free Moore County Volunteer Manual. I understand that the Volunteer Training Manual sets forth the terms and conditions of my volunteer services with Drug Free Moore County and Moore Re-Creations Recovery Centers as well as the duties, responsibilities and obligations as a volunteer with Drug Free Moore County and Moore Re- Creations Recovery Centers.
Volunteer Full Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Contact Number: __________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________
Executive Director Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________________________________
Availability: _________________________________________________________
Notes: ______________________________________________________________