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CFBISD- Code of Ethics, Disrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation, and other forms of Prohibited Conduct (Fine Arts)
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Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD

Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics,  Discrimination, Harassment, and  Retaliation, and other forms of  Prohibited Conduct

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The following text is an abbreviated version of Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD Professional  Employee Handbook. Please visit for the latest  version of C-FB Policies.

All District employees should perform their duties in accordance with state and federal law,  District policies and procedures, and ethical standards. Violation of policies, regulations, or  guidelines, including intentionally making a false claim, offering false statements, or refusing to  cooperate with a District investigation may result in disciplinary action, including termination.  Alleged incidents of certain misconduct by educators, including having a criminal record, must be  reported to SBEC not later than the seventh day after the superintendent knew of the incident.  The Educators’ Code of Ethics, adopted by the State Board for Educator Certification, which all  District employees must adhere to, is reprinted below:  

Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics  

Purpose and Scope  

The Texas educator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward students,  professional colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of the community and shall  safeguard academic freedom. The Texas educator, in maintaining the dignity of the profession,  shall respect and obey the law, demonstrate personal integrity, and exemplify honesty and good  moral character. The Texas educator, in exemplifying ethical relations with colleagues,

shall extend just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession. The Texas educator,  in accepting a position of public trust, shall measure success by the progress of each student toward realization of his or her potential as an effective citizen. The Texas educator, in fulfilling  responsibilities in the community, shall cooperate with parents and others to improve the  public schools of the community. This chapter shall apply to educators and candidates for  certification. (19 TAC 247.1(b))

Enforceable Standards

1. Professional Ethical Conduct, Practices, and Performance

Standard 1.1 The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly engage in deceptive practices regarding official policies of the school District, educational institution, educator preparation program, the Texas Education Agency, or the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and its certification process.

Standard 1.2 The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly misappropriate, divert, or use monies, personnel, property, or equipment committed to  his or her charge for personal gain or advantage.

Standard 1.3 The educator shall not submit fraudulent requests for reimbursement,  expenses, or pay.

Standard 1.4 The educator shall not use institutional or professional privileges for  personal or partisan advantage.

Standard 1.5 The educator shall neither accept nor offer gratuities, gifts, or favors that  impair professional judgment or that are used to obtain special advantage. This standard  shall not restrict the acceptance of gifts or tokens offered and accepted openly from  students, parents of students, or other persons or organizations in recognition or  appreciation of service.

        Standard 1.6 The educator shall not falsify records, or direct or coerce others to do so.

Standard 1.7 The educator shall comply with state regulations, written local school  Board policies, and other state and federal laws.

Standard 1.8 The educator shall apply for, accept, offer, or assign a position or a  responsibility on the basis of professional qualifications.

Standard 1.9 The educator shall not make threats of violence against school District employees, school Board members, students, or parents of students.

Standard 1.10 The educator shall be of good moral character and be worthy to instruct  or supervise the youth of this state.

Standard 1.11 The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly misrepresent his or her employment history, criminal history, and/or disciplinary record  when applying for subsequent employment.

Standard 1.12 The educator shall refrain from the illegal use, abuse, or distribution of  controlled substances, prescription drugs and toxic inhalants.

Standard 1.13 The educator shall not be under the influence of alcohol or consume  alcoholic beverages on school property or during school activities when students are  present.

2. Ethical Conduct toward Professional Colleagues

Standard 2.1 The educator shall not reveal confidential health or personnel  information concerning colleagues unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes  or is required by law.

Standard 2.2 The educator shall not harm others by knowingly making false  statements about a colleague or the school system.

Standard 2.3 The educator shall adhere to written local school Board policies and state  and federal laws regarding the hiring, evaluation, and dismissal of personnel.

Standard 2.4 The educator shall not interfere with a colleague’s exercise of political,  professional, or citizenship rights and responsibilities.

Standard 2.5 The educator shall not discriminate against or coerce a colleague on the  basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, disability, family status, or  sexual orientation.

Standard 2.6 The educator shall not use coercive means or promise of special  treatment in order to influence professional decisions or colleagues.

Standard 2.7 The educator shall not retaliate against any individual who has filed a  complaint with the SBEC or who provides information for a disciplinary investigation or  proceeding under this chapter.

Standard 2.8 The educator shall not intentionally or knowingly subject a colleague to  sexual harassment.

3. Ethical Conduct toward Students

Standard 3.1 The educator shall not reveal confidential information concerning students unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is required by law.

Standard 3.2 The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly treat a  student or minor in a manner that adversely affects or endangers the learning, physical  health, mental health, or safety of the student or minor.

Standard 3.3 The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly misrepresent facts regarding a student.

Standard 3.4 The educator shall not exclude a student from participation in a program,  deny benefits to a student, or grant an advantage to a student on the basis of race, color,  gender, disability, national origin, religion, family status, or sexual orientation.

Standard 3.5 The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly engage in  physical mistreatment, neglect, or abuse of a student or minor.

Standard 3.6 The educator shall not solicit or engage in sexual conduct or a romantic  relationship with a student or minor.

Standard 3.7 The educator shall not furnish alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs to  any person under 21 years of age unless the educator is a parent or guardian of that child  or knowingly allow any person under 21 years of age unless the educator is a parent or  guardian of that child to consume alcohol or illegal/unauthorized drugs in the presence  of the educator.

Standard 3.8 The educator shall maintain appropriate professional educator-student  relationships and boundaries based on a reasonably prudent educator standard.  

Standard 3.9 The educator shall refrain from inappropriate communication with a  student or minor, including, but not limited to, electronic communication such as cell  phone, text messaging, email, instant messaging, blogging, or other social network  communication. Factors that may be considered in assessing whether the  communication is inappropriate include, but are not limited to:  

(i) the nature, purpose, timing, and amount of the communication; (ii) the subject matter of the communication;

(iii) whether the communication was made openly or the educator attempted to conceal the communication;

(iv) whether the communication could be reasonably interpreted as soliciting sexual contact or a romantic relationship;

(v) whether the communication was sexually explicit; and

(vi) whether the communication involved discussion(s) of the physical or sexual attractiveness or the sexual history, activities, preferences, or fantasies of either the educator or the student.

Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation

Policies DH, DIA

Employees shall not engage in prohibited harassment, including sexual harassment, of other  employees, unpaid interns, student teachers, or students. While acting in the course of their  employment, employees shall not engage in prohibited harassment of other persons including  Board members, vendors, contractors, volunteers, or parents. A substantiated charge of  harassment will result in disciplinary action.

Individuals who believe they have been discriminated or retaliated against or harassed are  encouraged to promptly report such incidents to the campus principal, supervisor, or  appropriate District official. If the campus principal, supervisor, or District official is the subject  of a complaint, the complaint should be made directly to the superintendent. A complaint  against the superintendent may be made directly to the board.

Any District employee who believes that he or she has experienced prohibited conduct based  on sex, including sexual harassment, or believes that another employee has experienced such  prohibited conduct, should immediately report the alleged acts. The employee may report the  

alleged acts to his or her supervisor, the campus principal, the Title IX coordinator, or the  superintendent. The District’s Title IX coordinator’s name and contact information is listed in  the Equal Employment Opportunity section of this handbook.

The District’s policy that includes definitions and procedures for reporting and investigating  discrimination, harassment, and retaliation is reprinted below:

For ease of reference, the District’s policy which includes definitions and procedures for  reporting and investigating discrimination, harassment, and retaliation is available online at: 

Harassment of Students

Policies DH, DHB, FFG, FFH, FFI

Sexual and other harassment of students by employees are forms of discrimination and are  prohibited by law. Romantic or inappropriate social relationships between students and District employees are prohibited.  

Employees who suspect a student may have experienced prohibited harassment are obligated  to report their concerns to the campus principal or other appropriate District official. Any  District employee who suspects or receives direct or indirect notice that a student or group of  students has or may have experienced prohibited conduct based on sex, including sexual harassment, of a student shall immediately notify the District’s Title IX coordinator, the  ADA/Section 504 coordinator, or superintendent and take any other steps required by District policy.

All allegations of prohibited harassment of a student by an employee or adult will be reported  to the student’s parents and promptly investigated. An employee who knows of or suspects  child abuse must also report his or her knowledge or suspicion to the appropriate authorities,  as required by law.  

For ease of reference, the District’s policies that include definitions and procedures for  reporting and investigating harassment of students are shared below:

Solicitation of a romantic relationship” means deliberate or repeated acts that can be  reasonably interpreted as the solicitation by an educator of a relationship with a student that is  romantic in nature. A romantic relationship is often characterized by a strong emotional or  sexual attachment and/or patterns of exclusivity, but does not include appropriate educator student relationships that arise out of legitimate contexts such as familial connections or  longtime acquaintance. The following acts, considered in context, may constitute prima facie  evidence of the solicitation by an educator of a romantic relationship with a student:  

1. Behavior, gestures, expressions, or communications with a student that are unrelated to the educator’s job duties and evidence of a romantic intent or interest in the student, including statements of love, affection, or attraction. Factors that may be considered in determining the romantic intent of such communications or behavior include: a. The nature of the communications;

b. The timing of the communications;

c. The extent of the communications;

d. Whether the communications were made openly or secretly;

e. The extent that the educator attempts to conceal the communications; f. If the educator claims to be counseling a student, SBEC may consider whether the educator’s job duties included counseling, whether the educator reported the subject of the counseling to the student’s guardians or to the appropriate school personnel, or, in the case of alleged abuse or neglect, whether the educator reported the abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities;

g. Any other evidence tending to show the context of the communications between educator and student.

2. Making inappropriate comments about a student’s body, creating or transmitting sexually suggestive photographs or images, or encouraging the student to transmit sexually suggestive photographs or images.

3. Making sexually demeaning comments to a student.

4. Making comments about a student’s potential sexual performance.

5. Requesting details of a student’s sexual history.

6. Requesting a date, sexual contact, or any activity intended for the sexual gratification of the educator.

7. Engaging in conversations regarding the sexual problems, preferences, or fantasies of either party.

8. Inappropriate hugging, kissing, or excessive touching.

9. Providing the student with drugs or alcohol.

10. Violating written directives from school administrators regarding the educator's behavior toward a student.

11. Suggestions that a romantic relationship is desired after the student graduates, including post-graduation plans for dating or marriage.

12. Any other acts tending to show that the educator solicited a romantic relationship with the student.


Policy FFH (Local) which addresses Student Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and  Retaliation can be found here: 

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse

Policies DG, GRA

All employees are required by state law to report any suspected child abuse or neglect, as  defined by Texas Family Code §261.001, to a law enforcement agency, Child Protective Services (CPS), or appropriate state agency (e.g., state agency operating, licensing, certifying, or  registering the facility) within 48 hours of the event that led to the suspicion. Alleged abuse or  neglect involving a person responsible for the care, custody, or welfare of the child (including a  teacher) must be reported to CPS.

Employees are also required to make a report if they have cause to believe that an adult was a  victim of abuse or neglect as a child and they determine in good faith that the disclosure of the  information is necessary to protect the health and safety of another child, elderly person, or  person with a disability.

Reports to Child Protective Services can be made online at or to the Texas Abuse Hotline (800-252- 5400). State law specifies that an employee may not delegate to or rely on another person or  administrator to make the report.

Under state law, any person reporting or assisting in the investigation of reported child abuse  or neglect is immune from liability unless the report is made in bad faith or with malicious

Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD Employee Handbook  

intent. In addition, the District is prohibited from taking an adverse employment action against  a certified or licensed professional who, in good faith, reports child abuse or neglect or who  participates in an investigation regarding an allegation of child abuse or neglect.

An employee’s failure to make the required report may result in prosecution as a Class A misdemeanor. The offense of failure to report by a professional may be a state jail felony if it is  shown the individual intended to conceal the abuse or neglect. In addition, a certified  employee’s failure to report may result in disciplinary procedures by SBEC for a violation of the  Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics.

Employees who suspect that a student has been or may be abused or neglected should also  report their concerns to the campus principal. This includes students with disabilities who are  no longer minors. Employees are not required to report their concern to the principal before  making a report to the appropriate agency.

Reporting the concern to the principal does not relieve the employee of the requirement to  report it to the appropriate state agency. In addition, employees must cooperate with  investigators of child abuse and neglect. Interference with a child abuse investigation by  denying an interviewer’s request to interview a student at school or requiring the presence of a  parent or school administrator against the desires of the duly authorized investigator is  prohibited.

Sexual Abuse and Maltreatment of Children

The District has established a plan for addressing sexual abuse and other maltreatment of  children, which may be accessed at  

As an employee, it is important for you to be aware of warning signs that could indicate a child  may have been or is being sexually abused or maltreated. Sexual abuse in the Texas Family  Code is defined as any sexual conduct harmful to a child’s mental, emotional, or physical  welfare as well as a failure to make a reasonable effort to prevent sexual conduct with a child.  Maltreatment is defined as abuse or neglect. Anyone who suspects that a child has been or may  be abused or neglected has a legal responsibility under state law for reporting the suspected  abuse or neglect following the procedures described above in Reporting Suspected Child Abuse.

Reporting Crime

Policy DG

The Texas Whistleblower Act protects District employees who make good faith reports of  violations of law by the District to an appropriate law enforcement authority. The District is  prohibited from suspending, terminating the employment of, or taking other adverse personnel  action against, an employee who makes a report under the Act. State law also provides employees with the right to report a crime witnessed at the school to any peace officer with authority to investigate the crime.


Employee Dress and Grooming

The personal appearance of employees contributes significantly toward a favorable public impression of the District. All employees are expected to dress in a manner appropriate to their position and work responsibilities. Employees should serve as role models, exemplifying high standards of professional appearance to instill community values and proper grooming and hygiene. Employee dress should be clean, neat, and appropriate to the particular day’s expected job or work activity.Clothing that is sloppy, too tight, ill fitting, provocative or revealing, or likely to be distracting is  not professional or appropriate. Jewelry or accessories that create a hazard or are distracting  are not appropriate. Tattoos, body art, or piercings that are distracting, lewd, provocative, or  depict unlawful actions or products, incite violence or lawlessness are inappropriate and must  be covered or removed at work. Rubber flip-flops or house slippers are not appropriate  footwear.

Principals or other immediate supervisors will provide staff with any guidelines for proper dress  at individual campuses or other work locations. When jeans days are approved by the building  principal, all employees are still expected to maintain professional appearance. Each supervisor  has the responsibility to counsel his or her employees and suggest a change in dress or personal  hygiene habits, if appropriate.

Employees who report for work in inappropriate attire, or with inappropriate tattoos or  piercings visible, will be asked to leave the work setting and return when appropriately attired.  Repeated failure to demonstrate appropriate personal appearance will result in disciplinary  action, up to and including termination of employment.

The District reserves the right to require employee face coverings while at work.  

Personal Use of Electronic Communications

Policy CQ, DH

Electronic communications include all forms of social media, such as text messaging, instant  messaging, electronic mail (email), web logs (blogs), wikis, electronic forums (chat rooms),  video-sharing websites (e.g., YouTube), editorial comments posted on the Internet, and social  network sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram). Electronic communications also  include all forms of telecommunication such as landlines, cell phones, and web-based  applications.

As role models for the District’s students, employees are responsible for their public conduct  even when they are not acting as District employees. Employees will be held to the same  professional standards in their public use of electronic communications as they are for any  other public conduct. If an employee’s use of electronic communications interferes with the  employee’s ability to effectively perform his or her job duties, the employee is subject to  disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. If an employee wishes to  use a social network site or similar media for personal purposes, the employee is responsible  for the content on the employee’s page, including content added by the employee, the  employee’s friends, or members of the public who can access the employee’s page, and for  web links on the employee’s page. The employee is also responsible for maintaining privacy  settings appropriate to the content.


An employee who uses electronic communications for personal purposes shall observe the  following:

The employee may not set up or update the employee’s personal social network page(s) using the District’s computers, network, or equipment.

The employee shall limit use of personal electronic communication devices to send or receive calls, text messages, pictures, and videos to breaks, meal times, and before and after scheduled work hours, unless there is an emergency or the use is authorized by a supervisor to conduct District business.

The employee shall not use the District’s logo or other copyrighted material of the District without express written consent.

An employee may not share or post, in any format, information, videos, or pictures obtained while on duty or on District business unless the employee first obtains written approval from the employee’s immediate supervisor. Employees should be cognizant that they have access to information and images that, if transmitted to the public, could violate privacy concerns.

The employee continues to be subject to applicable state and federal laws, local policies, administrative regulations, and the Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics, even when communicating regarding personal and private matters, regardless of whether the employee is using private or public equipment, on or off campus. These restrictions include:

o Confidentiality of student records. [See Policy FL]

o Confidentiality of health or personnel information concerning colleagues, unless disclosure serves lawful professional purposes or is required by law. [See DH (EXHIBIT)]

o Confidentiality of District records, including educator evaluations and private email addresses. [See Policy GBA]

o Copyright law [See Policy CY]

o Prohibition against harming others by knowingly making false statements about a colleague or the school system. [See DH (EXHIBIT)]

See Electronic Communications between Employees, Students, and Parents, below, for  regulations on employee communication with students through electronic media.

Electronic Communications between Employees, Students,  and Parents

Policy DH

A certified or licensed employee, or any other employee designated in writing by the  superintendent or a campus principal, may use electronic communications with students who  are currently enrolled in the District. The employee must comply with the provisions outlined  below. Electronic communications between all other employees and students who are enrolled  

in the District are prohibited. Employees are not required to provide students with their  personal phone number or email address.

An employee is not subject to the provisions regarding electronic communications with a  student to the extent the employee has a social or family relationship with a student. For  example, an employee may have a relationship with a niece or nephew, a student who is the  child of an adult friend, a student who is a friend of the employee’s child, or a member or  participant in the same civic, social, recreational, or religious organization. An employee who  claims an exception based on a social relationship shall provide written consent from the  student’s parent. The written consent shall include an acknowledgement by the parent that: The employee has provided the parent with a copy of this protocol

The employee and the student have a social relationship outside of school; The parent understands that the employee’s communications with the student are excepted from District regulation; and

The parent is solely responsible for monitoring electronic communications between the employee and the student.

The following definitions apply for the use of electronic media with students: Electronic communications means any communication facilitated by the use of any electronic device, including a telephone, cellular telephone, computer, computer network, personal data assistant, or pager. The term includes email, text messages, instant messages, and any communication made through an Internet website, including a social media website or a social networking website.

Communicate means to convey information and includes a one-way communication as well as a dialogue between two or more people. A public communication by an employee that is not targeted at students (e.g., a posting on the employee’s personal social network page or a blog) is not a communication: however, the employee may be subject to District regulations on personal electronic communications. See Personal Use of Electronic Media, above. Unsolicited contact from a student through electronic means is not a communication.

Certified or licensed employee means a person employed in a position requiring SBEC certification or a professional license, and whose job duties may require the employee to communicate electronically with students. The term includes classroom teachers, counselors, principals, librarians, paraprofessionals, nurses, educational diagnosticians, licensed therapists, and athletic trainers.

An employee who communicates electronically with students shall observe the following: The employee is prohibited from knowingly communicating with students using any form of electronic communications, including mobile and web applications, that are not provided or accessible by the District unless a specific exception is noted below. Only a teacher, trainer, or other employee who has an extracurricular duty may use text messaging, and then only to communicate with students who participate in the extracurricular activity over which the employee has responsibility.

For each text message addressed to one or more students, the employee shall send a copy of the text message to the employee’s District email address.

The employee shall limit communications to matters within the scope of the employee’s professional responsibilities (e.g., for classroom teachers, matters relating to class work, homework, and tests; for an employee with an extracurricular duty, matters relating to the extracurricular activity).

The employee is prohibited from knowingly communicating with students through a personal social network page; the employee must create a separate social network page (“professional page”) for the purpose of communicating with students. The employee must enable administration and parents to access the employee’s professional page.

The employee shall not communicate directly with any student between the hours of 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. An employee may, however, make public posts to a social network site, blog, or similar application at any time.

The employee does not have a right to privacy with respect to communications with students and parents.

The employee continues to be subject to applicable state and federal laws, local policies, administrative regulations, and the Texas Educators’ Code of Ethics including: o Compliance with the Public Information Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), including retention and confidentiality of student records. [See Policies CPC and FL]

o Copyright law [Policy CY]

o Prohibitions against soliciting or engaging in sexual conduct or a romantic relationship with a student. [See Policy DH]

Upon request from administration, an employee will provide the phone number(s), social network site(s), or other information regarding the method(s) of electronic media the employee uses to communicate with one or more currently-enrolled students.

Upon request from a parent or student, the employee shall discontinue communicating with the student through email, text messaging, instant messaging, or any other form of one-to-one communication.

All staff are required to use school email accounts for all electronic communications with parents. Communication about school issues through personal email accounts or text messages are not allowed as they cannot be preserved in accordance with the District’s record retention policy.

An employee shall notify his or supervisor in writing within one business day about improper electronic communication by another employee. The notification should describe the form and content of the electronic communication.

Criminal History Background Checks

Policy DBAA

Employees may be subject to a review of their criminal history record information at any time  during employment. National criminal history checks based on an individual’s fingerprints,  photo, and other identification will be conducted on certain employees and entered into the

Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD Employee Handbook  

Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Clearinghouse. This database provides the District and  SBEC with access to an employee’s current national criminal history and updates to the  employee’s subsequent criminal history.

Employee Arrests and Convictions

Policy DH

An employee shall notify his or her principal or immediate supervisor within three calendar  days of any arrest, indictment, conviction, no contest or guilty plea, or other adjudication of the  employee for any offense except Class “C” misdemeanors.  

Alcohol and Drug-Abuse Prevention

Policy DH

Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD is committed to maintaining an alcohol and drug-free  environment and will not tolerate the use of alcohol and illegal drugs in the workplace and at  school-related or school-sanctioned activities on or off school property. Employees who use or  are under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs as defined by the Texas Controlled Substances  Act during working hours may be dismissed. According to policy DH (LOCAL),

An employee shall not manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use, or be under the  influence of any of the following substances during working hours while on District property or  at school-related activities during or outside of usual working hours:  

1. Any controlled substance or dangerous drug as defined by law, including but not limited to marijuana, any narcotic drug, hallucinogen, stimulant, depressant, amphetamine, or barbiturate.

2. Alcohol or any alcoholic beverage.

3. Any abusable glue, aerosol paint, or any other chemical substance for inhalation. 4. Any other intoxicant or mood-changing, mind-altering, or behavior-altering drug.

An employee need not be legally intoxicated to be considered “under the influence” of a  substance.

Tobacco Products and E-Cigarette Use

Policies DH, FNCD, GKA

State law prohibits smoking, using tobacco products, or e-cigarettes on all District-owned  property and at school-related or school-sanctioned activities, on or off school property. This  includes all buildings, playground areas, parking facilities, and facilities used for athletics and  other activities. Drivers of District-owned vehicles are prohibited from smoking, using tobacco  products, or e-cigarettes while inside the vehicle. Notices stating that smoking is prohibited by  law and punishable by a fine are displayed in prominent places in all school buildings.


Possession of Firearms and Weapons

Policies DH, FNCG, GKA

Employees, visitors, and students, including those with a license to carry a handgun, are prohibited from bringing firearms, knives, clubs, or other prohibited weapons onto school premises (i.e., building or portion of a building) or any grounds or building where a  school sponsored activity takes place. A person, including an employee, who holds a license to  carry a handgun may transport or store a handgun or other firearm or ammunition in a locked vehicle in a parking lot, garage, or other District provided parking area, provided the handgun or firearm or ammunition is properly stored, and not in plain view. To ensure the safety of all persons, employees who observe or suspect a violation of the District’s weapons policy should report it to their supervisor or call 972-968-6428 immediately.

Visitors in the Workplace

Policy GKC

All visitors are expected to enter any District facility through the main entrance and sign in or report to the building’s main office. Authorized visitors will receive directions or be escorted to their destination. Employees who observe an unauthorized individual on the District premises should immediately direct him or her to the building office or contact the administrator in charge.