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English translation: "ASL - They're not happy."
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Do you know Fox News reporter, Tucker Carlson?  He has a TV show Monday - Friday evening.  Also, do you know January 6, 2021?  Many protesters entered the Capitol building in Washington DC.  Democrat Congress people say that when the protesters entered the Capitol, the Democrats were scared that the protesters might try to kill them.  

The liberal media said that all the protesters were violent.  They also said that the protesters engaged in an insurrection and tried to overthrow the government.  The liberal media say that January 6 was worse than 9/11 and the Civil War.  

We have seen a little bit of the January 6 video.  Recently, Congressman Kevin McCarthy released the full video to be transparent.  The House Speaker sent the video to Tucker.  

Tucker showed the video.  The video showed that the liberal media have lied about January 6, 2021.  The full video shows people walking, sightseeing, and a little bit of chaos.  Also, the video shows a man with his face painted walking peacefully.  After his trial, that man was sentenced to four years in prison.  The video shows that the Capitol police never confronted him.  In reality, the police helped that man and led him around.  The man’s name is Jacob.  Nine Capitol police officers gathered around to help him, but they didn’t confront him.  Jacob said a prayer in the Senate chambers for the Capitol police officers and thanked God for them.  

This is important.  The liberal media and Democrats say that one Capitol police officer died when a protester hit him with a fire extinguisher.  The video shows that Capitol police officer alive and walking around.  Democrats say that other Capitol police officers were killed by protesters.  The truth is that long after January 6, those officers committed suicide.  

It is important that most January 6 protesters were peaceful.  Some were violent and chaotic.  Most were peaceful.  Some were violent and chaotic, but most were peaceful.  Most were just sightseers.  

The job of the January 6 Committee is to try to investigate the protest, but they are trying to make up evidence.  Democrats’ goal is to prove that Trump set up the January 6 protest, because they are afraid.  If Trump runs in the 2024 election, he could win, because of Biden’s failures.  Biden promised to unite America.  Really, since 2021, America has become divided, because Biden encourages division.  Biden blames MAGA Republicans for America’s problems.  He blames MAGA Republicans for his failures.  Biden fears MAGA Republicans, because he has been destroying America since January 2021.  Also, polls show that Democrats don’t want Biden to run in 2024.  Also, Democrats don’t like Vice President Harris, meaning that another Democrat will have to run  Democrats are scared.  They need Trump to be guilty.

New York Senator Chuck Schumer said that by showing the full January 6 video, Tucker was spreading “the big lie.”  Wait a minute!  Previously, Democrats said that the “big lie” was when Republicans said that Trump won the 2020 election.  

Democrats know that the full January 6 video debunks their lies.  Democrats say that January 6 was an insurrection, but in May 2020, when Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioted at the White House, the liberal media ignored that insurrection.  

The liberal media wants to control what you think.  One time, MSNBC reporter, Mika (Brzezinski) said, “He (Trump) can control exactly what people think, and that is our job.”  

OOPS!  Mika confessed that the liberal media’s job is to control what we think.  I used to think that the media’s job was to provide information.  I was wrong.  Their job is to indoctrinate.