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2022-2023 Health and Safety Plan.docx
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MaST Schools

Health and Safety Plan: 2022-2023 School Year

Updated August 17, 2022 (Pending Board Approval)

This plan applies to all of the MaST Schools:  

MaST Community Charter School

MaST Community Charter School II

MaST Community Charter School III

John Swoyer - CEO, MaST Schools Network

Health and Safety Plan Summary: MaST Schools - MaST Community Charter School, MaST Community Charter School II, and MaST Community Charter School III

Initial Effective Date: 8/25/21

Date of Last Review:         8/17/22

Date of Last Revision: 8/17/22

  1. How will the LEA, to the greatest extent practicable, support prevention and mitigation policies in line with the most up-to-date guidance from the CDC for the reopening and operation of school facilities in order to continuously and safely open and operate schools for in-person learning?

MaST Schools will open normally, in-person, at all of the MaST School locations. We do not currently plan to offer remote learning at the campuses, but we are planning on implementing CDC, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Health Department guidelines & recommendations as they currently stand.  We will adhere to 3 foot spacing when possible in classrooms. Virtual Learning will not be offered to start the school year, but we will continue to monitor the variants of COVID-19 and incident rate to make decisions moving forward. The schools will continue to follow the recommendations of the CDC and the Department of Health, City of Philadelphia.

  1. How will the LEA ensure continuity of services, including but not limited to services to address the students’ academic needs, and students’ and staff members’ social, emotional, mental health, and other needs, which may include student health and food services?

Resuming somewhat normal schooling from the pandemic has taken a great deal of strategic planning. We are confident that putting additional strategies in place will assist in bringing all students back into the focus of MaST Schools. We will target our focus on small group learning and individual interventions for students to ensure academic acceleration.

  1. One of the primary programming elements we plan to integrate is a daily intervention period in which teachers will be planning and targeted instruction for each student’s individual strengths and needs.  During this period, students will receive targeted intervention and instruction specific to their strengths and needs. Student groupings will periodically change to support the ongoing strengths and needs of each student. During this time available resources will include but are not limited to Fundations, Dreambox, READ 180, Math 180, System 44, Capit, Reading Eggs, Study Island, IXL. We are planning to provide before and after school academic support.
  2. We are planning to provide a myriad of social emotional support for our student’s return. Our counselors and social workers have been collaborating with the MaST Schools Network team on an SEL plan and curriculum. Teachers will be utilizing an SEL screening tool to gauge where their class is and what needs could be addressed within their classes.
  3. Counselors will be sending out Google forms to our students, that will remain confidential, but allow for counselors to be aware of who may require help. This form will also be posted on the teacher’s Google classroom for easy access for our students. Teachers will remind the students of the form during morning meetings. Counselors are currently developing in-class lessons that will be utilized throughout the school year.
  4. Our team is working on selecting an SEL curriculum that our teachers can use as a resource to help explain and discuss different topics each day. We are currently looking at a program called Harmony. In addition to the Harmony curriculum teachers will provide PD on how to utilize the curriculum, as well as supplemental, counselor created lessons, SEL programming that can be incorporated into the daily curriculum.
  5. Extracurricular activities/Sports - MaST Schools will offer both this year. MaST Schools will adhere to collective health department guidance when thinking about each activity or sport.


  1. Use the table below to explain how the LEA will maintain the health and safety of students, educators, and other staff and the extent to which it has adopted policies, and a description of any such policy on each of the following safety recommendations established by the CDC.

ARP ESSER Requirement

Strategies, Policies, and Procedures

  1. Universal and correct wearing of masks;

Masking is optional for all students, staff, and visitors indoors, outdoors, and on school vans unless any local, state, or federal mandate is put into place where masks would once again be required in any capacity, that would take effect immediately.  The school, at its discretion, maintains the ability to require masks for any event involving crowds. Masking rules on yellow buses and on SEPTA are dependent on transportation mandates that those running those services are following.  The mask protocol remains an active document for any scenario where masking would be required.

  1. Modifying facilities to allow for physical distancing (e.g., use of cohorts/podding);

Physical distancing will occur to the greatest extent possible.

  1. Handwashing and respiratory etiquette;

Hand Sanitizer stations will be provided in numerous areas throughout the building including classrooms, offices, hallways, entrances, large common spaces, bathrooms, etc.  Students will have regular opportunities to wash/sanitize hands when entering the building, before and after eating, making trips to the bathrooms, etc.

  1. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation;

Needlepoint bipolar ionization air filtration systems installed in the HVAC system which has proven to significantly inactivate airborne COVID-19 virus.

Clorox Total 360 System will be used for mass cleanings as needed

Contracted cleaning company on-call for deep cleans as needed

High touch points will be regularly wiped down

5x per week disinfection of student and teacher desks and chairs

  1. Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State and local health departments;

We will use the MaST Schools' COVID-19 Positive Case Response Chart document for all scenarios.
    -Individuals that test positive must    
     isolate at home

     -”Mask-to-stay”:  The school will notify    
     parents/guardians of
     identified as possible close contacts
     from potential exposure and advise on
     the importance of wearing a mask in
     school for a period of time

Isolation room in place to utilize if any student or faculty member becomes symptomatic

  1. Diagnostic and screening testing;

We will continue to use the Daily Screening Tool

  1. Efforts to provide vaccinations to school communities;

MaST Schools offered a vaccine clinic in the past for families and school community members to provide an opportunity for easy access to vaccinations.

  1. Appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities with respect to health and safety policies; and

Individual student needs will be included in their IEPs or 504s (if applicable).

MaST Schools will evaluate the needs of students on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Coordination with state and local health officials.

We will coordinate protocols in all areas with guidance set forth by city, state, and federal agencies.  We will remain in contact with health departments as needed if/when cases arise.

Note:  Due to the constantly changing guidance from local, state, and federal agencies and in accordance with the board resolution passed on March 6, 2022, the school administration, under the directive of the CEO, may change these policies effective immediately when appropriate without waiting for the next board meeting to amend this plan.  This also applies to any other public health emergencies as it relates to infectious disease.  The Board shall formally adopt these changes at its next meeting

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