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II- April 14-17
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Español II

Elearning April 14-17

14 de abril→

  1. El Silbón Capítulo 12- Last chapter Henry thought he had an encounter with El Silbón after he and his horse were lost but it turned out to be nothing. Every day is a NEW day. What will happen to Henry today?  (10 minutes?) CLICK HERE to have me read it to you! :) (4 minutos)

El Silbón Vocabulary- In addition to the underlined words in the chapter, do not forget that if there is a word that you do not know and is not underlined it may have been defined earlier in the packet. Check the packet or check online what that single word means.

  1. El Silbón Comprehension Questions- Due Friday @830 This is going to go in as a classwork grade. You are welcome to take the quiz multiple times! Read carefully! (4 minutes)
  2. Vocab Review! Open up your vocabulary list and point to each of the pictures and say the vocabulary word that is being represented. These pictures would have been used for our BINGO cards! (Answers are below if you cannot figure one out!)


Answers in English:

Row 1: lights, tire, convertible, stop light, door

Row 2: parking meter, coin, sign, slow, to fill the tank

Row 3: empty, one way, free space, intersection, truck

Row 4: caution, toll booth, highway, driver’s license, lights

  1. Gimkit Vocab Practice! Click on the appropriate link below and set a timer to practice for 8 minutes!

2a Hora                4a Hora                6a Hora                7a Hora

  1. Quizizz Review of tú positive Commands- Complete this quizizz to practice both vocabulary and commands. There are 20 questions but it is a great review since you have not practiced tú positive commands for over a week! DO IT! (7-8 minutes)

15 de abril→

  1. Google Presentation of Cars and Commands! (This is your only assignment today and will be worth 20 points in the project category.- You are going to create a google presentation that command someone that you know to do 6 different things when taking a car/road trip with you. Click into the folder below that is associated with your class. The folder linked below is titled the hour of your class and viaje conmigo (trip with me)

2a Hora        4a Hora        6a Hora        7a Hora

Create a google presentation with the following requirements.

  1. Title Slide→ This slide should have your name in it somehow and a picture.  Las reglas de viajes con Ariana (The rules of trips with Ariana) Un viaje con Ariana (A trip with Ariana)


Un viaje con Ariana (A trip with Ariana)  (2 points)

  1. The next six slides all have the same requirements. Create a tú affirmative command that also includes a vocabulary word. Your command is telling someone a rule for a roadtrip with you. **Since you have only learned affirmative commands you cannot tell people NOT to do something.


**each command should be a different verb

**each sentence should be at least three words

**include a picture


**This is your only assignment today and I will be checking it at 830 AM tomorrow, Thursday April 16!**

16 de abril→

Viaje conmigo slides due at 830 AM today! If you did not finish yesterday, get this done!!!

  1. Command Review- On an extra sheet of paper, number 1-8 to practice the tú affirmative commands.Then continue with the same slide for number 2!


  1. LoLa LosLas notes with objects- Go through the notes. If you are confused at all by the accent placement, please check out the Axel Explanation! (10-12 minutes)
  2. Review of Everything!- This google form has vocabulary, commands in the tú affirmative and finally commands with direct and/or indirect object pronouns.This google form is due Friday @830 AM.

17 de abril→

¡Feliz viernes!

  1. Let’s get started today in a fun way! ¡Cultura viernes! Let’s talk about Jesse and Joy. They are a brother/sister duo from Mexico that I LOVE! I love ALLLLLL of their songs. One of my favorites that I have played in class numerous times is called Corre. To start today, all I want you to do is listen to the song and watch the lyrics. (This is not the official video...just the lyric video.) There are a lot of tú positive and tú negative commands in this song so it fits perfectly with our that I want to point out is the chorus. Corre corre corre corazón...Run run run heart...Click here to listen! If you are curious to know more about Jesse and Joy, click here! (5 minutes)
  2. Affirmative Commands with Objects Practice- Complete this practice to make sure you are understanding both positive commands and the addition of direct and indirect object pronouns.(6-7 mintes)
  3. Tú negative commands- So, we have practiced telling people what to do, let’s learn how to tell someone we know NOT to do something. Don’t chew with your mouth open. Don’t hang out with your friends in April. Don’t say the h bomb. This can be a little bit confusing so I have a google slides explanation with built in practice and an Axel youtube explanation. Please take notes and go through both of these! Once you have finished, go on to your final practice of the week! (12 minutes)
  4. Let’s do gimkit with negative tú commands. Next week we will be mixing tú negative and tú positive commands together! Make sure you do not skip this step!!! Please practice for 8 minutes. (8 minutes)

2a Hora                4a Hora                6a Hora                7a Hora

You made it through another week! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns! Please keep reaching out! I love this time with my family but I am definitely here for YOU as well! I miss you!