Video Challenge Storyboard


Movie Title:  Are you alright?  by: TeacherTubers!


What kind of movie will you make?          

Which genre? Historical. Based in real facts.

Briefly describe what your movie is about:

With this video we are going to introduce our students to the main rights that children have. Later, they will have to find out  about the children's rights.

Cover: TeacherTubers Presents….

Frame 1: Enter Scene

Title: Introduction.

Description: In this scene we are going to introduce the rights and compare who was the life before of the stabilization of the human rights.



Now we are going to see some situations.

Frame 2: Enter Scene

Title: Right to Education.

Description  In this scene, we will show two different situations. The first one, it will be a school that we can find in any developed country. The second one, it will be a school of any developing countries country. Then the narrator will ask questions which make students think.


Silent scene.

Narrator: What differences do you see between both situations? Is it fair? Do you think that both students have the same opportunities to study as you?

Frame 3: Enter Scene

Title: Quality of life.

Description This scene is going to be develop in a doctor office. There, we will see the improvements that the health service has due to the doctor is going to attend the patient by video calling.After that, the narrator will ask some questions to reflect about the importance of medical resources.


Doctor: Hello Alba, how are you?

Alba: ooh! Thanks Doctor Peter! I don’t know what is happening but i started to feel sick yesterday night. I had some fever but today...look at my face!!

Doctor: Let me see! Bring your camera closer to your face, please

Alba: that’s ok?

Doctor: Yes! I can see that you have many pimples, aren’t you?

Alba: Yes! And not only in my face, they are around all my body!! They itch me a lot (She cries)

Doctor: No worries Alba, it is something usual. You have chickenpox. It is not very common in adults but you don’t have to be afraid. I will send you some recipes by mail with all the instructions that you have to follow.

Alba: thanks a bunch Dr Peter

Doctor: bye- bye Alba I will call you next Tuesday at 11:15. See you!

Narrator: What have you seen in this scene? Have your doctor ever call you? Do you think that all people can attend to the doctor? Is it free or you must pay? Are free in all countries?

Frame 4: Enter Scene

Title: Right to equality.

Description: In this case we are going to represent the differences that exist between women and men. To show it there are going to appear a woman and a man those have won the same competition. And when they arrive to the airport with their medals there are many people and paparazzi waiting for the men but there was only one waiting for the woman. Then, both athletes are going to talk and in the scene they will show how she is starting to feel.


        ( Racket of paparazzi, cameras, and the typical noise of the airport)

Man: Thank you, thank you.Thanks a bunch for coming. I am very happy. But please, I am so tired and I need to rest.

Paparazzis: Congratulations! Bye bye

(one woman is crying next to the athlete).

Man: Sorry, is it something wrong? Can I help you?

Woman: Snif… I was looking how the papparatiz are with you. I have won a medal too. I am the number one in the olympic woman race, as you in the man one but the difference is that anybody is here waiting to me.

Man: Oh my Goodness! I can't believe it! I didn't know it. wait a second, please.

Mark, Peter, Annie! Please, back! I want to tell you something.

Paparazzis: Tell us Jonh! What do you want to say?

Man: Look, she is Sarah, she won the same race as me but anybody have asked something to her. I would like to denounce this situations. She did as much effort as me to achieve this medal. why any TV channel is waiting her? If you are not going to follow women with the same intensity as you follow men I will never speak with any media. Thanks.

Narrator: Do you think that it happens today? What would you do if you were a journalist? and if you were Jonh?

Audio and Effects

In all the scenes we will use GarageBand for the audio and iMovie for the creation of the video and the effects.

 **This template has been adapted from, Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0., who originally had adapted it from Lukas Henne’s template