Writing Portfolio

Equipped with a Bachelor’s degree majoring in both Advertising and Drama, as well as a background in working on various video games and animations as a voice actress, Dom has a penchant for natural sounding dialogue/copy and relatable characters. From commercials to demo reels, rest assured she’ll be up to the task. When Dom isn’t doing voiceover or writing, she’s sitting down on her couch playing her Switch, or grinding on competitive VALORANT while drinking some bubble tea.




[Jude and Coral are hiding in the bushes, on a stakeout for their target, Baranov, who is currently inside of his condo. Jude is fidgety and restless, while Coral is looking through their binoculars, thinking]

Jude: Tch, how long does it take for this man to finish a fucking shower? He’s been in that bathroom for a solid 40 minutes!

Coral: You don’t get to look that pretty without putting in a bit of effort, I guess.

Jude: Yeah, well, his effort is making me bored. Bored, Coral. I mean, for fuck’s sake, when I agreed to come along, I thought I’d get to bash some skulls in? Some actual action? Instead, I have to look at some asshole’s bathroom door while he gets ready for nearly an hour?

Coral: This asshole is the son of the city’s most feared crime boss. If we do this wrong, we are fucked, Jude. We wait. We plan—

Jude: “We execute”, yeah, you’ve told me a hundred times before…

Coral: Think of the bigger picture, here. If we scare Baranov off and he escapes, we’re never going to get even close to finding out what happened to Trawley. You want that on your conscience?

[Jude is visibly frustrated at Coral’s words, especially after hearing Trawley’s name. He finally settles, slumping down]

Jude: Fine. On your call.


[Cam is sitting at a small table, sipping on her latte. Byron enters, approaching her. Cam gets up to greet him, nervously]

Cam: Thanks for meeting me here… I thought it’d be better than just calling over the phone—

Byron: Just… get to your point.

Cam: Right, okay… Look, I’m— I’m really sorry for the way things happened between us. I really hope that, one day, you can even think of forgiving me…

Byron: [snappy] Do you really think—honestly think—that you deserve forgiveness? Really, now?

Cam: I made mistakes, Byron. I know that. I know I messed up, but—

Byron: Cam. You crossed a line when you started harassing my family. It was our problem, not theirs.

Cam: I promise you that I’m going to do better, and I’m going to do everything to gain your trust back. If you would just let me explain—

Byron: No, Cam! Enough is enough. I can’t stand to hear any more of your lying, and your excuses. Every single time you come back around, you keep on promising you’re going to do better, but you don’t. It’s all just empty words.

[Cam tries to reach out her hand, but Byron slaps it away and starts walking out]

Byron: There’s no helping you, Cam. At all. I’m over it.

Scene: INT. Apartment living room

[Robert is staring blankly at the wall as Mitch enters]

Mitch: Alright, so I think we can still catch the 613 out of here. Get your shit packed and— Rob?

Robert: All of them, just… gone. Like that. Without a trace.

Mitch: Rob, buddy, listen to me. Please. It wasn’t your fault. Come on, we have to go.

Robert: Those people… All just… tiny specks, now.

Mitch: It was an accident! You’ve barely even hurt a fly before, let alone… all of that. I know you didn’t mean any of it.

[Robert finally turns his gaze towards Mitch]

Robert: But what if I did, Mitch? What if, deep down, I wanted those people to suffer?

Mitch: Robert. I probably know you better than you know yourself. There’s no way you wanted to do this. You didn’t know

Robert: But I knew what I was doing when I hit that button. I knew it was going to do something bad. I might not have known what it was going to do, but I still did it…  

[Mitch has a concerned expression on his face]

Mitch: No… no, you were tricked… He forced you into pressing it, he manipulated you!

Robert: He wasn’t even in the room when I pressed it. I made a conscious decision to do this. All of this.


30s radio ad - Hottman Coffee

VO: If you ever come down to Australia, there’s only one place you go to get a smashing coffee: Melbourne. We’re known for our love of coffee for a reason: we care for it. We think of it. We dream of it. We live for it. If you’re looking for coffee worth your keepcup, come downtown for a down under experience at Hottman Coffee. Authentically Melbourne, right over at Grand Central Market.

20s radio ad - Beyond Blue

Sometimes being alone just isn’t enough for you to bounce back. You want to talk to someone, but you’re not comfortable sharing your issues out in the open, or even outside of your home. Beyond Blue is here to help — to get you in touch with your mental health with vetted professionals that don’t judge. They just listen. 1300 22 4636. Support. Advice. Action.

20s radio ad - Bad Money (podcast)

Scams, fraud, and the psychology behind them… that’s what Carly Diamond explores in her podcast, Bad Money. From the fake telco call centres to the greatest cases of corporate fraud, take a listen to Bad Money on Spotify, Apple Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.

30s radio ad - Mobile Monster

Got an old phone that you don’t use, and can’t seem to sell it online? Well, why not try Mobile Monster? They’ll send you a paid-for satchel in the mail, you wrap up your phone, send it off, and you can get paid within 24 hours after they get it! They use the highest prices on the market, and if you’re not happy with the final offer, they’ll send it back to you, free of charge! Head on over to to get started today!