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Jacen scene
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This scene takes place in season 3 of Guardians of the force, episode 1. In this scene Jacen sees a vision of the hooded man.

Meanwhile Jacen was wandering around the dark forest.

DZ-23: Beep Boop Beep.

Jacen: I don't know buddy, something doesn't feel right.

Suddenly, a low maniacal laughter echos from all round the forest.

Jacen: Did you hear that?

DZ-23: Whirrrrrrr.

The laughter sounded again; the air around them became extremely cold. Jacen ignited his lightsaber.

Jacen: Who's there?

Voice: Just me. The one who everyone has forgotten. But I'm always here because I'm imprisoned on this planet by those infuriating Sith Lords.

Jacen: So you're a jedi??

Voice: No I'm not a jedi.

Jacen: What are you then?

Voice: Someone who liked to experiment.

Jacen: Show yourself.

All of a sudden, the cloaked man walks out from among the trees. He bows low towards Jacen.

Cloaked Man: Greetings Jacen Skywalker, son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. I am…

The cloaked man went to speak but all that came out were sounds of voices speaking so fast you couldn't even hear what they were saying.

Jacen: I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that.

Cloaked Man: When your name hasn't been spoken for centuries it tends to fade.

Jacen: Wait how do you know who I am?

Cloaked Man: Your friend always speaks of you.

Jacen: Wait do you mean Zel? What have you done to him!

Cloaked Man: Nothing, I'm not even real. I'm just a remnant of this past prisoner on this planet. But I still have power.

He laughs once, a cold and sharp laugh, as he suddenly vanishes and the whole forest becomes black as two dark pieces of smoke come out of the ground and out step Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker. Only their eyes are sith yellow and they have black veins showing on their skin.

Luke: You failed us son.

Mara: You could have been the strongest one instead you cower behind men and women who you believe are stronger than you.

Their onslaught of insults continued and Jacen looked like he was about to break but then a composure of calmness crossed his face.

Jacen: You're not real, you're dead and you can't touch me.

The spirit's face filled with anger and they ignited their lightsabers and then screamed and evaporated into dark particles. All of a sudden, the remnant of the cloaked man walked out.

Cloaked Man: Very good Jacen but now you must die.

He ignited his two lightsabers and launched himself at Jacen. However, Jacen had anticipated this and quickly rolled out of the way and then ignited his own lightsaber. The two began to circle one another; until the remnant lost patience and charged towards Jacen. Jacen effortlessly blocked the first and second strikes and parried the last blow staggering the Cloaked Man. Jacen used this opening to swiftly slash down with his lightsaber causing the remnant to evaporate into dark particles. Jacen then fell to the floor in exhaustion and stayed there for a couple of minutes to regain his strength.

DZ-23: Beep Deet Reet.

Jacen: I'm ok buddy come on let's go find the others.