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GWATFL 2020 Virtual Fall Conference Program
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GWATFL Virtual 2020 Fall Conference Program

Saturday, November 7 @10:00 a.m. (ET)




10:00 am (15 mins)

Open Conference


Luis Deocares

GWATFL President

10:15 am to 11:00 am (30 mins) (15 min)

Many Languages: Keynote & Keynote Q&A


Can-Do Learning:  A Blueprint for Reaching Higher

Paul Sandrock

11:00 am to 11:15 am (15 mins)



Tim Young

Pianist, Composer & Educator

11:15 am to 11:45 am

(30 mins)

Many Students:

Session 1 (Pre - recorded)

Learning Variability 

Jessica Jackson

11:45 am to 12:30 pm

(45 mins)

Many Students:

Global Citizenship Panel and Q&A


Learning is co-designing with the students

Rola Tibshirani*

Veronica Boix-Mansilla

Connie Rensink

Barbara Anna Zielonka

12:30 pm to 1:00 pm

(30 mins)



Social Time Away-Together

Glenda de Hoyos

1:00 pm - 1:15 pm

(15 mins)

Many Ways:

Session 2.1


Play in the target language. Engage with Curiosity. Connect with students!

Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett

1:15 pm - 1:30 pm

(15 mins)

Many Ways: Session 2.2 (Pre-recorded)

Many Ways to Organize for Many Students

Meredith White

1:30 pm - 2:15 pm

(45 mins)

Many Ways:

EdTech Panel and Q&A


Engaging Learners with Tech Tools Across the Modes

Heidi Trude*

Maris Hawkins

Edwige Simon

Nathalie Ettzevoglou

2:15 pm - 3:00 pm

(45 mins)

Many Students: Social Justice Panel and Q&A


Having 2020 Vision: Courageously Seeing Our World Language Students

Sheena Jordan*

Abelardo Almazán-Vázquez

Simon Ponce

Sandra Sachar

3:00 pm - 3:15 pm

(15 mins)

Award Ceremony & Closing



Luis Deocares

GWATFL Teacher of the Year

Best of GWATFL

LifeTime Recognition Award

GWATFL Virtual Fall Conference 2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020 from 10:00 a.m to 3:15 p.m.


Many Languages: Can-Do Learning:  A Blueprint for Reaching Higher

Paul Sandrock

Imagine that all language learners achieve a level of language proficiency that is high enough to proudly put on their resumé!  How might your program gear up to support all learners to achieve that outcome? The World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements provide the blueprint to guide learners to meet their goal.  Empower yourselves as educators to unleash your superpowers; build your repertoire of high leverage teaching practices that connect with 21st century skills of collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication; and focus on developing and assessing what learners CAN DO with what they know.

Paul Sandrock, Director of Education at ACTFL, directs this organization’s professional development and initiatives around standards, curriculum, instruction, and performance assessment.  While at ACTFL, Paul has facilitated the revision of the national World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and the NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements, and before that was a member of the original Integrated Performance Assessment development team. Previously, Paul was Assistant Director of Content and Learning at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), coordinating the areas of English language arts, mathematics, international education, and world languages. He earlier served as the Wisconsin DPI state-wide consultant for world languages. Paul taught Spanish for 16 years in middle school and high school and authored The Keys to Assessing Language Performance as well as Planning Curriculum for Learning World Languages.

Many Ways: Music - Tim Young

Tim Young is a pianist, composer, and educator originally from Newport News, VA. now residing in Columbia, MD. He served as pianist with The U.S. Army Jazz Ambassadors – the official touring big band of the United States Army, for 20 years upon retiring in 2018. As a part of the Jazz Ambassadors, Tim performed extensively across the United States and around the world, connecting the American people to its Army.

Tim now teaches piano lessons at the school he founded in 2011, Young's School of Gospel and Jazz Piano. Tim is also the founder of an organization called Young Society of Outstanding Professionals International where he helps and supports young professionals achieve their goals and dreams.

Many Students: Learner Variability - Jessica Jackson

Learning science research has shown that learners bring varied experiences, backgrounds, and skills to the classroom that affect how they learn best. The Learner Variability Navigator (LVN), a free web app,  helps educators harness the power of research to address the needs of their students using a whole child framework of factors and strategies. In this session, Jessica Jackson will use the LVN to explore connections between learner factors that impact learning world languages and identify research-based strategies for addressing learner variability both virtually and in-person.

Jessica Jackson is Practitioner Partnerships Director at the Learner Variability Project. Jessica comes to Digital Promise with 19 years of experience in turn-around school work and a passion for innovative education that addresses the whole child.  Previously as Director of Academic Achievement, she designed instructional systems and professional development to scale for a network of schools at Capstone Education Group.  She was a founding principal of an integrated arts elementary school where she created a pathways program designed to allow students to pursue their own passions. She served as a New Leader Resident and a Relay National Principal Institute Fellow. She also taught third- and fourth-grade in Memphis, TN, and Brooklyn, NY.  She has her Masters in Education from Pace University in New York and her undergraduate degree from the University of Richmond.

Many Students: Learning is co-designing with the students

When we equip students with thinking tools they become co-planner and co-designer of their learning. Agency is more than just knowledge building. Having students to find strategies and tools that give them agency to be co-learners with their colleagues and their teacher.

Rola Tibshirani *

Rola Tibshirani a middle school French immersion teacher with the Ottawa Catholic School Board. Passionate about students taking ownership of their learning and applying Integrative Thinking and Design Thinking processes when embracing challenges. Connecting students ​to make a difference in solving ​real-world problems ​and making a difference in their communities locally and globally. A co-learner with and from the students by encouraging reflections on all learning tasks.

Barbara Anna Zielonka

Barbara Anna Zielonka has worked as an English teacher, educational technology specialist and teacher trainer at Nannestad High School for the past 12 years. In 2007, she earned her master’s degree from the University of Silesia, Poland. During the past seven years, she has participated in post-secondary learning programmes in Norway and abroad on a regular basis. In 2012, she was one of the teachers representing Norway in the Teachers SummerInstitute 2012 in Amherst (Massachusetts) sponsored by the United States Department of State under the Fulbright Program. In 2014, she co-authored an English textbook for vocational students. In May 2017, Barbara received ”Gullepleprisen 2017” from the Norwegian Educational Data Society (NPeD). This prestigious prize is awarded once a year to an educator who has used ICT in teaching in an innovative way.

In June 2017, Barbara became one of the winners of the Great Global Project Challenge Grant for one of her global projects called "The Universe is Made of Tiny Stories".In her teaching of English Barbara focuses on the power of international projects,pedagogical use of ICT tools, sustainable development goals, learner empowerment and connections-based learning. Several of her global and collaborative projects have been recognized internationally and have received the European Quality Labels. In March 2018, Barbara became one of the top 10 finalists of the Global Teacher Prize. In May 2018, Barbara became the laureate of the “Outstanding Pole in Norway” contest. She published "Keys to Educational Success: The Teaching Methods of a Top 10 Finalist of the Global Teacher Prize" in May 2019. She also serves as an ambassador in the following organizations -eTwinning, HundrED and Varkey Foundation.

Connie Rensink

Connie Rensink is the Director of Global Education and Outreach at iEARN-USA. As a global education specialist with 12 years of experience in the classroom, Connie is dedicated to helping teachers and schools integrate global competency into existing curriculum. In her role at iEARN, Connie is responsible for developing and implementing strategy to offer high-quality, engaging global learning opportunities for K-12 youth while growing the number of U.S. students engaging in iEARN projects and gaining global competence.

Veronica Boix-Mansilla

Veronica Boix-Mansilla, Ed. D. Harvard University, is a Senior Principal Investigator at Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Director of Research at Re-imagining Migration and Senior Fellow in Museum Practice at the Smithsonian Institution.  An international expert on global competence education, her research examines conditions that enable individuals to understand and take action on the most pressing issues of our times (e.g. migration, globalization, climate change) through quality disciplinary and interdisciplinary work and develop the dispositions necessary to live harmoniously in increasingly diverse societies.

Her research and publications address the development and assessment of global competence among students, signature pedagogies in global education; as well as cultural re-interpretations of global competence in China, Japan, Vietnam, Argentina and the USA.  Boix-Mansilla has co-led the conceptual development of key global competence frameworks at the OECD-PISA, International Baccalaureate, Project Zero, Asia Society and the Council of Chief State School Officers. She works nationally and internationally to advance research-based education innovations for an interconnected world on the move.

Her most recent initiative Re-imagining Migration examines the importance of nurturing integrated global competence dispositions among immigrant-origin and receiving youth preparing them to build more inclusive and democratic societies.    

GWATFL STAT: Social Time Apart-Together 

[STAT: without delay]

Join our Social Time Away - Together during the GWATFL FALL conference lunch to have a well deserved fun break together - apart!. Don't miss the opportunity to connect with other members of this amazing community, laugh and participate in a raffle. We will play games, move and dance a little bit at the same time that we learn some creative ways to keep our students and ourselves energized, focused, and motivated.

Glenda De Hoyos

Glenda De Hoyos is a passionate educator with 15 years of experience. Throughout her career, she has been committed to create inspiring, meaningful and joyous activities that motivate students to thrive and become life-long learners. She teaches Spanish in grades preschool through 2nd grade and is the World Languages Department Chair at The Langley School in McLean, Virginia. Glenda received her B.A. in Humanities with a concentration in Modern Languages from the University of Puerto Rico and her M.A. in Curriculum and Education from the Metropolitan University in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She has been a presenter at ACTFL, NNELL and GWATFL conferences, and she is always looking for ways to learn, grow, and be challenged. Besides education, Glenda loves reading, exercising, cooking, collecting quotes, dancing, music, and spending quality time with family and friends. Follow Glenda on Twitter @glendadehoyos.

Many Ways: Play in the target language. Engage with Curiosity. Connect with students! - Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett

How to immerse young learners in the target language from in-class learning to distance learning? How to engage young learners in a virtual classroom? What are the playful ways to connect with students when distance learning is in place? Join the session to see how you can enhance the connection between teaching and learning. You will see how to build a bridge from where you are to where your students are with the tools you already have. See what AI teaching cannot do but YOU can!

Amanda Hsiung-Blodgett is an experienced language educator, the creator of “Miss Panda Chinese,” a popular online resource for parents and educators, and the host of the “PLAYFUL CHINESE” podcast. She has taught ESL and Chinese language to non-native speakers on four continents. Amanda is the Chinese language consultant for The Jim Henson Company’s Word Party Season 4 on Netflix. She is the author of "Let's Learn Mandarin Chinese with Miss Panda!" audio album and "First Mandarin Sounds: an awesome Chinese word book."

Many Ways: Many Ways to Organize for Many Students - Meredith White

In this session, Meredith will share her favorite high-leverage practices for getting organized during virtual and hybrid teaching. Many ways of doing things and many students both make for many tasks, but together we can collaborate and streamline these processes. All resources will be shared during and after the session for copying, editing, and sharing forward. Don't come for the latest, greatest teacher tool: come to see some ways to maximize what you're already doing!

Meredith White earned her B.A., B.S., M.Ed., and Ed.S. all in World Language Education from the University of Georgia. Her focus on novice learners works to ingrain proficiency, authentic resources, genuine tasks, student-guided thematic units, and making language learning enjoyable. When she isn't at PRHS teaching Spanish, she's at Georgia State University teaching educational methods classes or presenting/attending state, regional, and national workshops. Passionate about sharing and collaborating with other teachers, she blogs, moderates the PLN #langchat, and serves on the GGC College of Education Advisory and SEALLT Executive Boards.

Many Ways: Engaging Learners with Tech Tools Across the Modes

In this panel discussion, we will discuss various ed tech tools and how teachers can use these tools to capitalize on student learning across the modes. Panelists will share some of their favorite tech tools that not only engage students, but also help advance students on their path to proficiency. Join us as we share, discuss, and learn about the many ways we can leverage technology in the world language classroom.

Heidi Trude *

Heidi Trude is a French teacher at Loudoun Valley High School in Purcellville, Virginia. She has 13 years of experience teaching every level of French from French I through AP French. She created an international partnership between her school and Lycée-Bazin in Charleville-Mézières, France, to engage her students with the French language and culture. Furthermore, she possesses multiple educational technology certifications and she is a master at integrating technology meaningfully into the world language curriculum. Heidi serves as the President Elect of FLAVA (Foreign Language Association of Virginia), serves as a member of the SCOLT (Southern Conference on Language Teaching) Board of Directors, and serves as a member of the executive board of the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) Virginia chapter. Heidi is the 2017 Region IV Virginia Teacher of the Year; the 2017 FLAVA David Cox World Language Teacher of the Year; the 2018 SCOLT World Language Teacher of the Year and a 2019 ACTFL Language Teacher of the Year finalist.

Edwige Simon

Dr. Simon holds a PhD from the Atlas Institute at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where she wrote her dissertation on The Coming of Age of the Virtual Teacher. She holds an M.S. in Educational Technology from Indiana University in Bloomington. Dr. Simon was the Founding Director of the Graduate Certificate in Teaching with Technology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where for five years she designed and managed one of CU’s first fully online program. Prior to that she served at CU Boulder as the Educational Technology Consultant for ten years, where she designed and managed a non-credit professional development program for University faculty.

Dr. Simon has authored numerous publications and participated in and on many panels, talks, and workshops. She is the Founder and Editor of the FLTMAG, a quarterly online magazine on technology integration in the language classroom. She received the ACTFL Award for Excellence in Technology Integration in Language Education at the ACTFL Conference in November of 2019.

Dr. Simon currently works for the International Center for Language Studies (Washington DC) as Instructional Technology and Online Learning Director.

Maris Hawkins

Maris Hawkins is a lower and middle school Spanish teacher at Capitol Hill Day School in Washington, DC. She has a BA in Spanish and art history and a MT in Teaching Foreign Language from the University of Virginia. She is interested in proficiency based foreign language teaching, and has taught Spanish at all levels from elementary school through high school. She has presented at VAIS Technology conference and has talked about arts integration in the classroom through the Kennedy’s Center VSA program. In addition, she has presented about technology tools to use in a proficiency based foreign language classroom at NECTFL and GWATFL.  Maris volunteers on the podcast We Teach Languages.

Nathalie Ettzevoglou

Nathalie Ettzevoglou is currently a French teacher at Alpharetta High School in Alpharetta, GA. Prior to joining Fulton County Schools in 2014, Nathalie served as Department Chair and Middle School French Teacher at Stratford Academy for three years. During graduate studies at UCONN, Nathalie began to develop her passion for educational technology in regards to 21st century world language skills. She has since then presented at national conferences such as ACTFL, IALLT, FLAG, and SCOLT. She is currently serving as IALLT's K-12 representative and co-chair of the 2020 ACTFL Cengage Postsecondary Award. Nathalie loves learning and sharing with other educators. Nathalie also has a graduate certificate from the University of Colorado at Boulder in Language Teaching and Technology. 

Many Students: Having 2020 Vision: Courageously Seeing World Language Students

What is 2020 vision? According to Google the definition of visual acuity is a sharpness of vision, measured by the ability to discern images at a given distance according to a fixed standard. The perfection of this visual acuity is often assumed to be 20/20 but this is not the case. 20/20 vision is not perfection but simply the fixed standard or otherwise known as “normal” vision. As we move forward in our efforts to be more inclusive educators, let's learn not to expect perfection but instead let's strive for having a sharper and more precise accuracy with our discernment of the students we are entrusted to teach. Do we really see our students and acknowledge them for all of their differences (race, gender, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, sexual orientation, religion) or are we still forcing the old colorblind paradigm that limits the vastness of what world language truly represents in breaking through some systemic barriers ? Do our students have opportunities to see themselves reflected within our lessons, our literature, and our lives? We must move beyond the narrative of being colorblind and recognize that the year is 2020… It's time to see things clearly, accurately, courageously, through at least a 20/20 lens.

Sheena Jordan *

Sheena Jordan has been edifying young minds in foreign language for over 20 years.  Sheena earned her BA from James Madison University in Spanish and holds a Master of Arts in Intercultural Communication from the University of Maryland in Baltimore County.  In 2017 Sheena was selected as the GWATFL Teacher of the Year and went on to become a finalist for Northeast Conference for Teachers of Foreign Language (NECTFL)Teacher of the Year in 2018.  The following year, in 2019 at the NECTFL conference Ms. Jordan proudly served as a mentor for new teachers in the world language profession.   Sheena is currently the Director of Diversity at Glenelg Country School in Ellicott City, Maryland and is passionately committed to increasing social justice awareness in the world language arena and beyond.  Sheena has served on the GWATFL board since 2018.

Abelardo Almazán-Vázquez

Abelardo Almazán-Vázquez is in his 10th year teaching Spanish, coaching an all-gender soccer team, and teaching Latin Dance at The Putney School. He pursued his Licenciatura in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language at Universidad Internacional UNINTER, and his Master's degree in Latin American Studies at Cleveland State University. Abelardo has been here as an immigrant for 18 years. Native from the beautiful “City of the Eternal Spring”, Cuernavaca Mexico, He is truly devoted to continuing building bridges these days -not walls- and always finding rooms for meaningful and positive dialogues across the divide.

Sandra Sachar

Sandra Sachar likes to challenge status quo, break barriers, and empower students and colleagues to discover their purpose and take action. Born and raised in Puerto Rico, she grew up feeling the pull of diverse cultures and languages - Taino, Basque; English and Spanish. In college she met her husband, born in India but raised in the USA from childhood. She welcomed another culture and language into her life, raising three children with the awareness of all of them. She started her career as a counselor but for the past 21 years has been an educator. She started teaching in public school but for the past 17 years has taught at Calvert School, and independent school in Baltimore City, Maryland. Here she has held several leadership roles: Director of Global Outreach, Middle School Diversity Club Proctor and World Languages Department Coordinator. Open minded, creative, energetic and a good listener, Sandra often engages in courageous conversations with students and colleagues. She believes the world is our community, and equity and inclusion our goal. Therefore, it is crucial to provide students with opportunities to thrive where they can authentically learn about the world and its people and gain the skills needed to understand themselves and their place in the world, accept and respect others, and feel that they belong and can take positive action for all.

Simon Ponce

Simon Ponce: I am a visionary educator committed to the education of the whole student. With over 10 years of experience in independent schools, my main focus  has been to help people unleash their inner potential and individual vision for a better future, whether through Spanish, History, Politics, or even rowing. I am committed to equity and inclusion and stand in awe of all the diverse ways in which humanity presents itself. I served as Director for Inclusive Community at SP for the last four years and now I am consulting educational institutions. I am a global citizen committed to making a local impact in all of my intentional communities; born in Venezuela and currently residing in Baltimore.

V. October 9th, 2020