Athletic Department Handbook
6161 Business Center Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130
Tel: 303.471.8439
Fax: 303.470.1903
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Section I: School Overview
Founding Principles:
Section II: Athletic Program
Athletic Program Mission
Contact Information
General Expectations
CHSAA Citizenship Rule
Student Health & Safety
Student Athlete Code of Conduct
Parent Conduct & Communication
Coaches will hold a parent meeting after the team has been selected and prior to the first game. During the season, coaches will communicate via a weekly email.
Practice and games are prohibited on Sundays by CHSAA regulations.
Section III: Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines
Compliance Paperwork
Multi-Sport Athletes
Facility Usage
Supervision for Away Events
Varsity Lettering Criteria
Parent/Student Acknowledgement
Duties and Responsibilities of the Athletic Staff
Director of Athletics
Director of Athletics Assistant
ALL Coaches
Head Coach
Athletics Coach Employment Agreement
Section I: School Overview
SkyView Academy is committed to preparing students to be life-long learners and honorable leaders of tomorrow.
SkyView Academy offers a research-based, content-rich liberal arts program with a commitment to foreign language studies and community service. Staff, parents and students are actively involved in a culture of expectation and support where individuals are respected, valued and known by the content of their character.
Founding Principles:
- To foster a joy of learning and a passion for knowledge in each student by offering a rigorous, research-based and content-rich curriculum that challenges each student to achieve at their highest potential.
- To teach children to be more aware and respectful of other cultures, languages and traditions through an integrated foreign language program that begins in preschool.
- To encourage children to actively participate in their local community and to help them gain an appreciation and increased sense of compassion for others regardless of ability or circumstance.
- To create independent, well-rounded and confident students through a program that effectively balances academics, physical education and general wellness.
- To provide a school culture where students, parents and educators are welcomed, valued and actively engaged in the learning process.
- To hire staff members who are committed to the mission of our school and provide opportunities for them to learn from each other and to learn from other educational professionals.
- To provide a student learning environment that increases academic achievement and fosters the development of social skills through effective classroom management strategies and a clear and consistent school-wide discipline policy.
- To recognize that not all students start at the same level, learn in the same way or master skills at the same pace and to provide a variety of teaching strategies and instructional methods that recognize these differences to make learning accessible to every student.
- To increase awareness and support for parental choice in education by creating a community of advocates that are actively involved in the charter school industry.
Section II: Athletic Program
Athletic Program Mission
To develop, enhance, and preserve the educational values of interscholastic athletics. The department serves its athletes by providing opportunities for character development, leadership, and individual athletic growth. In conjunction with the Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA), SVA promotes a spirit of sportsmanship and fair play in all athletic contests and works to safeguard the physical, mental, social and moral welfare of all student athletes.
Contact Information
- Main Line: 303.471.VIEW (8439)
- Fax Number: 303-470-1903
- Email:
- Individual Coach Contact Information is on the school website:
- Beginning dates for all sports seasons are determined by CHSAA. All sports end with the last regular season game and/or tournament participation.
- Sports Offered
- Fall: Boys Cross Country, Boys Soccer, Girls Cross Country, Girls Volleyball
- Winter: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Girls Poms, Boys ESports, Girls ESports
- Spring: Boys Baseball, Boys Track and Field, Girls Baseball, Girls Soccer, Girls Track and Field
General Expectations
Athletes are expected to commit to each sport, commit to getting better, and commit to their teammates and school.
Coaches are expected to perform their duties honorably, reliably, and in a way that is going to grow each of their players (athletically and socially) and lead their team to success.
Parents are expected to encourage their children, to trust the coaches, and to support the mission of SkyView Athletics.
CHSAA Citizenship Rule
Citizenship and academic eligibility rules hold students accountable for their actions. In order to play, a student must meet these standards. According to CHSAA rule, if concerns about behavior arise, it will be the judgment of the principal of the student’s school to determine if he/she is representative of the school’s ideals in matters of citizenship, conduct, and sportsmanship. SVA students are asked to do their best, and be their best on a daily basis, and especially while representing the school in the community.
Student Health & Safety
- Student athlete safety is our priority at SkyView and while traveling to opposing schools. All coaches should adhere to the following guidelines to insure student athlete safety.
- Every coach must carry their emergency athletic cards to all athletic events and complete any medical delegation required to assist with individual athlete conditions.
- EMS should be called when a coach feels an injury requires immediate medical attention by professionals.
- There should be an emergency coaches ‘plan in place and on file in the athletic office so that everyone knows their role in helping in an emergency situation (who stays with the student, who calls 911, who waits for the ambulance, etc...).
- The coach should call the parent/guardian of the athlete BEFORE calling for transport. A pre-transport call is mandatory. If a coach is unable to reach a parent, the chain of command should be followed in order to determine transport for a student.
- The chain of command on whether to transport an athlete is: parent, coach, Athletic Director, Principal.
- The coach and/or Athletic Director should report the incident to the Principal at the earliest possible time. The Principal needs to be contacted anytime EMS is called.
- For injuries at away games where transport is needed, notify the Athletic Director or Principal as soon as possible.
- For injuries occurring to opposing team members SkyView Academy is hosting, the following steps are required:
- Offer assistance to the opposing team’s coach
- The chain of command for transporting a player in EMS: parent, opposing team coach, Athletic Director, Principal
- 2 rules: Start the breathing; Stop the bleeding
- Coaches cannot diagnose injuries and should not touch a player’s injury.
- Coaches need to understand HIPPA law with regard to the disclosure of athlete information.
- If a player is suspected of having contracted an infection (e.g. staph, ringworm), the following procedure shall be followed:
- Notify the school nurse so that the athlete may be examined
- Send a note home with the student for the parents
- Call (and document) home to the parents
- A doctor’s note is needed to clear the athlete to resume participation
- Cuts: if cuts are necessary, they should be made and posted for athletes to view. An official roster must be turned into the athletic office before posting.
- Sports with no cuts: An official copy of the roster should be turned into the athletic office after the 5th day of official team practice.
- Athletes will not be added to teams after the 5th day of official team practice. (This rule does not apply to new SVA students added after the first day of classes, or to students who compete in overlapping sports).
Student Athlete Code of Conduct
- Represent SkyView Academy by modeling life-long learning, and honor leadership - At no point should any athlete be ejected from a contest. If an athlete is ejected he/she will be required to take a Sportsmanship class through CHSAA.
- Student Absences
- A student athlete absent from school cannot participate in a practice or an athletic contest on the day of the absence.
- In order to participate in any practice or game, a student must be present for a minimum of 5 periods in an 8 period day.
- If a student is absent from school on a Friday, he/she cannot participate in activities for Friday, or during the weekend.
- Exceptions can be made for certain excused absences including: religious holiday, bereavement, or at the discretion of the director of athletics
- Any student who has been given an out of school suspension cannot practice, participate in a game, or even be on school property.
- Cursing: Usage is prohibited for every coach and athlete in the program. Vulgar language is not allowed in the locker rooms, on the practice field, or during an athletic event. The athletic department and SkyView Academy administration will not tolerate or defend anyone who uses such language.
- Hazing: Any form or level of hazing is prohibited. If hazing is found to have occurred in an athletic program, the coach can be released from his/her coaching duties, and terminated from the school. Please be aware of what players are doing.
Parent Conduct & Communication
Coaches will hold a parent meeting after the team has been selected and prior to the first game. During the season, coaches will communicate via a weekly email.
Practice and games are prohibited on Sundays by CHSAA regulations.
- An athlete no longer with the team: Any athlete who quits or is dismissed from a team CANNOT participate in the next sport season until the sport which he/she quit or was dismissed has concluded its season.
- Parents should not be attending practices, or on the field/court during competition, under any circumstances.
- If a parent is a distraction or disruptive, the Athletic Director should be notified immediately.
- A parent should not approach the coach before or after any contest to discuss playing time or any other problems. They are permitted to set up a time to meet the following day.
- Coaches cannot refuse to talk to parents, however, parents need to follow the following communication pathway
- 1. Player to Coach (if player would like a third party in that meeting the director of athletics, dean of athletics, or assistant will participate as well)
- 2. Parent to Coach
- 3. Parent, Player to Athletic Director, Athletic Dean, and/or Athletic Assistant and Coach
- 4. Parent, Player to Head of Schools, Athletic Director, and Coach
Section III: Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines
Compliance Paperwork
- In order for student athletes to participate in sports at SkyView Academy, all fees, paperwork, and physicals must be on file in the Athletic Office.
- The Athletic Assistant will notify potential athletes about needed paperwork.
- Prior to the first practice or conditioning, coaches will receive a list from the athletic office with notification of student athletes who have turned in required paperwork. If a student does not have everything turned in, they are not allowed to try out, practice, or condition.
- After the season is over, coaches will need to return emergency cards to the athletic office. Winter and spring sport coaches will need to pick up emergency cards at the athletic office to hand out to athletes for completion.
- All student athletes are expected to maintain academic eligibility while participating on an athletic team.
- Eligibility grade reports are printed once a week, and eligibility is determined on amount of F’s a students has
- Any student who has 2 F’s or more is considered ineligible for that week’s team competition.
- If a student is found to be ineligible for a second week, he/she has to sit out of practice and competition for that week and a conference will be scheduled with the player, coach, and Dean of Athletics
- A third week of ineligibility could result in dismissal from the team.
- HS students can practice during they are ineligible, MS students cannot
- It is at the discretion of the teacher if a MS Athlete can go to practice during advisement. Examples of holding a student back would be the following:
- Missed assessment
- Multiple missing assignments
- Teacher support in a class with a D or F
- Probation of an athlete includes exclusion from the next team competition.
- Player probation: At least one phone call must be made to the parents prior to dismissal to notify them of the player being put on probation for their behavior.
- Player Dismissal: the player should be notified in person by the coach. Parents must be notified by the coach as well.
- Ejected: If a player is ejected from a contest, he/she is put on probation automatically.
- After a second ejection, the athlete is automatically dismissed from the team for behavior that does not represent SkyView Academy.
- If the student athlete was already on probation (for behavior other than ejections), the ejection is grounds for dismissal.
- No player can immediately be dismissed from an athletic team. There must be 24 hours between the action and the dismissal from the team. An athlete may be told to leave an event or practice. However, they cannot be dismissed from the team until the following day. Consequences are allowed for players actions that led to their removal.
- No player can immediately be off the team when, in an emotional outburst, yells out “I Quit.” The following day a meeting should be scheduled between the coach, player, and Athletic Director to discuss the situation. If the player desires to still be on the team, they may be permitted back on (as long as they are not on probation). Consequences are allowed for their actions.
Multi-Sport Athletes
- Two sports, same season: An athlete may compete in two sports during the same season if an arrangement is made between the coaches and is approved by the Athletic Director.
- Two sports that overlap seasons: The season that is currently in-season (playing games) takes precedence.
- A student athlete must fulfill their obligation to the current season prior to participating in the next sport (not miss any games or meets).
- Any special arrangements must be made through the athletic office and must be approved by the in-season coach.
- Coaches will leave a few roster spots open for those student athletes who are currently participating in another sport. They should be allowed an opportunity to try out.
- Conflicts with other school functions: Students at SkyView Academy are heavily involved in their school and community, as encouraged by our mission statement. Conflicts will arise with performances, service, and competitions.
- All performances/games should be brought to the attention of the Athletic Director.
- Fairness should be used in dealing with students who have conflicts between sports and performances. Athletes will not be penalized for missing a practice in order to be a part of another performance or competition.
- The expectation is that coaches and other club sponsors communicate regularly to help students work out potential conflicts with schedules.
- If there are multiple conflicts, the athlete may need to choose one activity over another.
- Volunteers are an important part of the SkyView Academy athletic program.
- All parents who volunteer to drive athletes to competition should have a completed risk management form, and insurance declaration on file with the athletic office.
- All volunteers should check in with the athletic secretary or event manager at the start of the event to sign in.
- Outside Volunteers - Sports specialists, or outside volunteers should be approved by the Athletic Director or Principal prior to working with SkyView Academy athletes.
Facility Usage
- Facilities are to be used by SkyView Academy teams only, unless a contract is on file with the Business office.
- Coaches are not allowed to give permission to outside organizations to use any athletic facility. Please direct all interested parties to the Director of Finance, Operations and HR.
- Any outside usage of SkyView Academy athletic facilities needs to go through the Business office.
- Any contact about an interview or story with the press must be first presented to the Athletic Director or Principal.
- Only head coaches are allowed permission to speak with the press.
- Coaches need to prepare their teams for press, and the questions that may be asked.
- If questioned by the press, coaches and students should always remain positive and compliment both teams during interviews after games.
- Coaches are allowed to recruit athletes to participate in their sport within the high school SkyView population (9th-12th grade only).
- General Rule: No contact can be made with ANYONE outside of SkyView Academy for the purposes of getting them to attend SkyView Academy to be a part of the athletic program, unless they are already enrolled via the lottery. This includes parents and family members. SkyView Academy parents and family members are not allowed to recruit either.
Supervision for Away Events
- If a bus is provided by the athletic department, the team must ride the bus to the event and back to school from the event.
- An athlete may be allowed to ride home with their parent/guardian or carpool provider if they sign out with the coach before leaving.
- If a bus is contracted, a paid coach must ride the bus with the team.
- Waiting for rides: Upon returning from away events, a coach must stay until all athletes have driven off campus or their ride has picked them up.
- Locker Rooms: Should only be used if necessary. If one is used, athletes must be under direct supervision at all times. Any damages occurred at the host school will be paid by the team, possible suspension handed out to the players involved, or even the whole team, and the team will automatically forfeit the next competition.
HS Varsity Lettering Criteria
- 1st year: The athlete will receive a letter (a large shield patch) and a sports specific pin.
- 2nd-4th year: The athlete will receive a bar for below the sports specific pin.
- Specific Sport Criteria - Student athletes need to meet at least one of the requirements under their sport in order to earn an athletic letter:
- Any player that has been selected for the varsity roster at the beginning of the season, and completes the year on varsity will receive a letter.
- An athlete that is brought up onto varsity must be part of the active roster for a minimum of 50% of the varsity contests.
- State Series Playoffs: Is a starter, plays in the majority of innings, or records a minimum of 9 outs pitching.
- Other additional criteria as determined by the head coach.
- Any player that has been selected for the varsity roster at the beginning of the season, and completes the year on varsity will receive a letter.
- An athlete that is brought up onto varsity must be part of the active roster for a minimum of 50% of the varsity contests.
- State Series Playoffs: Is a starter, or plays in a majority of quarters during the playoffs.
- Other additional criteria as determined by the head coach.
- Run 25:00 (girls) or 21:00 (boys) or faster on a legitimate course.
- Be a member of the top ten runners on the team.
- Be a part of the varsity team before being injured and continue to attend practices and meets during rehabilitation of the injury.
- Other additional criteria as determined by the head coach.
- Any player that has been selected for the varsity roster at the beginning of the season, and completes the year on varsity will receive a letter.
- An athlete that is brought up onto varsity must be part of the active roster for a minimum of 50% of the varsity contests.
- State Series Playoffs: Is a starter, or plays in a majority of quarters during the playoffs.
- Other additional criteria as determined by the head coach.
- Be selected to compete in the last chance meet or Qualify for State
- Be a part of the varsity team before being injured and continue to attend practices and meets during rehabilitation of the injury.
- Other additional criteria as determined by the head coach.
- Any player that has been selected for the varsity roster at the beginning of the season, and completes the year on varsity will receive a letter.
- An athlete that is brought up onto varsity must be part of the active roster for a minimum of 50% of the varsity contests.
- State Series Playoffs: Is a starter, or plays in a majority of quarters during the playoffs.
- Other additional criteria as determined by the head coach
- Any athlete who scores well enough to qualify for regionals
- Any athlete that has been selected for the varsity roster at the beginning of the season, and completes the year on varsity will receive a letter.
- An athlete that is brought up onto varsity must be part of the active roster for a minimum of 50% of the varsity contests.
- Any athlete that has been selected for the varsity roster at the beginning of the season, and completes the year on varsity will receive a letter.
- An athlete that is brought up onto varsity must be part of the active roster for a minimum of 50% of the varsity contests.
Parent/Student Acknowledgement
I acknowledge receipt of an electronic copy of the SkyView Academy Athletic Handbook for the 2022-23 school year. I understand that it is my responsibility to read and understand this Handbook.
________________________________________________ _________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Print Parent/Guardian Name
This page will serve as the parent/guardian Handbook signature page for the following students:
Name__________________________________________ Grade____________
Name__________________________________________ Grade____________
Name__________________________________________ Grade____________
Name__________________________________________ Grade____________
Appendix: Duties and Responsibilities of Athletics Staff
Athletics Coach Employment Agreement
Duties and Responsibilities of the Athletic Staff
Director of Athletics
- Hire coaches. Require pre-season and postseason meetings with coaches.
- Assure that coaches and players adhere to the CHSAA guidelines and SkyView Academy Handbook rules and regulations.
- Verify that all athletes are medically cleared, have insurance, have been released by parents, and have all necessary fees paid.
- Schedule all competitions
- Maintain transportation plans for all away competition.
- Provide or assign supervision for home competition.
- Provide individual sports banquets (Fall, Winter, Spring). Keep records of all awards/letters issued.
- Verify that all athletes are academically eligible to compete.
- Purchase all equipment and uniforms.
- Provide adequate practice and playing facilities.
- Schedule and maintain facility schedules for practices and competition.
- Respond to all parent concerns and calls within 48 hours.
- Respond to all staff/coaches concerns within 48 hours.
- Maintain regular communication with coaches via a weekly email.
- Troubleshoot the day to day operations of Upper School athletic programs.
- Ensure that each varsity coach maintains an accurate inventory of equipment and materials, and file such inventory with the principal at the conclusion of each season.
- Responsible for the development of a practice schedule of varsity and junior varsity and freshman events in the absence of the coach.
- Responsible for securing officials for all home events, and assists in the coordination of transportation for all away events.
- Train and hold accountable coaching staff for the set up and cleanup of sports events.
- Responsible for the orientation of all coaches regarding SkyView Academy policies, procedures and expectations: and ensures that all coaches comply with CHSAA rules and procedures.
- Works closely with the coaches and the school nurse to schedule athletic physicals and processes necessary forms.
- Serves as a liaison between the athletic coaches and SkyView Academy administration
- Works closely with the staff and SkyView Academy administration to enforce school rules, policies and social contracts.
- Responsible for the oversight of the Athletic Department budget.
- Assist the Principal in the development of a quality athletic program.
- Coordinate and budget transportation (if necessary) for all athletic programs.
- Assist in the responsibility for certification of coaching staff and walk-on coaches in accordance with State guidelines.
- Assume the responsibility for the safety and welfare of students whenever a danger is observed during all athletic events (practice, game, etc…)
- Supervise Athletic Assistant and delegate tasks as necessary.
- Other duties as assigned
Director of Athletics Assistant
- Contact opposing team schools to gather information prior to competition (information to include: how to arrive, where to park, map of the school, when can the team warm up, coach’s name, contact number for coach, what teams will be playing, etc..)
- Maintain team transportation plans and share with the main office (rosters, who is driving, where is the team going, etc..)
- Maintain student athlete paperwork
- Assist in the coordination of transportation and/or bussing for all events
- Manage all sports volunteers via Volunteer Spot or another volunteer management system
- Prepare programs for athletic events
- Maintain and update all schedules on school website and internal calendar and sites
- Receive, and record all athletic forms to include: physicals, emergency forms, money, etc..
- Enter athletic attendance on game days for early release athletes
ALL Coaches
- Support your program and the other activity programs of SkyView Academy Upper School. Make it a point to visit various school functions throughout the year—your support goes a long way with each other.
- Recognize that middle school, freshman and JV programs exist for developmental purposes. All players at these levels should receive some playing time during the season (not necessarily every game). It is the coaches’ responsibility to build up the program.
- Recognize that while winning is the goal, it is not required of a sports program. Teaching the sport, developing students of character and providing a positive environment for the student-athlete to grow is essential.
- Specific Requirements:
- Represent SkyView Academy by modeling life-long learning, and honor leadership - At no point should any coach be ejected from a contest. If a coach is ejected he/she will be required to take a Sportsmanship class through CHSAA.
- Supervise the locker room - The head coach or his/her assistant should locate themselves in such a position that they can see and hear what is transpiring in the locker room. They must be the last to leave and are responsible for locking up the locker rooms.
- Coaches/Assistant Coaches should not give their keys to unauthorized personnel or students.
- Athletes are not allowed in the gym, weight room, training room, or any other athletic facility unless accompanied by their coach.
- Teach players the proper techniques and the proper use of equipment.
- At no time shall anyone except the head or an assistant coach be in charge of a practice.
- Do NOT leave a practice or game unattended.
- Set Up/Clean Up fields, gym or any other space used for practice or competition.
- Coaches/Assistant Coaches will follow all relevant student safety and health protocols.
- Remain with players until all students have been released to a responsible adult, or driven themselves off campus whether after a practice or game.
- The coach should be the last one to leave the school and ensure the building doors are locked and secure.
- For away games when a bus is provided, parents need to sign students out with the coach in order to not ride the bus home.
- When parent volunteers are driving teams to away games, a risk management form and insurance declaration must be on file with the athletic office.
- Report any injuries that result in loss of practice or game time. An athletic injury report must be filled out by the coach or trainer (if applicable). A copy must be given to the Athletic Director for the office files.
- If the player has gone to get medical care (doctor’s appointment, emergency room, orthopedic, etc…) they must have a written doctor’s release before returning to practice or games.
Head Coach
- The head coach is under the direction of the Athletic Director.
- Specific Responsibilities include:
- Read and review the athletic handbook with assistant coaches.
- Organize and supervise his/her staff.
- Interview and recommend assistant coaches.
- Develop a method of evaluation for his/her staff.
- Verify Academic Eligibility:
- Check reports issued by the Athletic Director and take necessary action with student athletes.
- Prior to first practice, the head coach must verify academic eligibility of each athlete with the athletic office.
- If their season overlaps semesters, coaches must re-verify eligibility with the Athletic Director.
- Provide parents, students, athletic office and main office a full season practice schedule two weeks prior to the start of the season
- Keep an accurate equipment list for each sport. Document all lost/stolen equipment and/or uniforms. A copy of the list should be given to the Athletic Director.
- Make known to all athletes and parents what is required to earn a varsity letter before the season begins.
- Report all athletic event results to the Athletic Office (Athletic Assistant or Athletic Director).
- Provide a weekly parent update via email. The Athletic Director should be copied on all email correspondence to parents.
- At the conclusion of the season, the following information must be submitted to the Athletic Director:
- One week after the season is over, a list of athletes that have earned a letter or certificate, as needed.
- Within 30 days of completion, a complete inventory list including needs and wants for the upcoming season.
- Season stats (varsity only) which includes team and individual.
- Attend all mandatory CHSAA rules/coaches clinics.
- Submit all purchase orders to the Athletic Director for approval.
- Any monies collected by coaches should be turned into the Business manager by the following day.
- Maintain SkyView Academy Dress Code expectation while traveling to other schools for competition.
- Create and maintain a current contact list of all athletes, parents, athletic director and principal for home and away events.
- Provide the athletic department and front office with a transportation plan, list of athletes and travel details 48 hours prior to away games.
- Other duties as assigned.
Athletics Coach Employment Agreement
Effective Date: _________________ Stipend Amount: $_______________
Sport/Team: _________________________________________
Position: ☐ Head Coach ☐ Assistant Coach
Coach’s Full Name: __________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
Driver’s License #: _____________________ Cell #: ________________________
Employment Terms:
- By signing this agreement, SVA coaches agree to comply with the following expectations of the SkyView Academy Coaches Agreement:
- In accordance with Colorado law, your employment is “at will.” This means that you are free to end your employment with SVA at any time and for any reason. It also means that SVA can end your employment at any time and for any reason that is not illegal under state or federal law.
- This offer is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of your background check.
- This offer is also dependent on the verification of your eligibility to work in the United States.
- SkyView Academy makes no promises or guarantees about your ability to secure employment authorization.
- SVA coaches must comply with the expectations provided in the Athletics Handbook including all student safety and health procedures.
______________________________ ______________________________
Coach Signature Athletic Director Signature