Published using Google Docs
MyCourses HTML
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


IMPORTANT: This document serves as a practical guide, outlining step-by-step instructions for implementing accessibility features in your course materials. These steps incorporate best practices gleaned from our Inclusive Course Design certificate courses on RIT Talent Roadmap. Familiarity with these practices, applicable to all course materials, is recommended before proceeding with the guide.

This instruction shows HOW to apply headings in the MyCourses HTML editor.

Note: When using headings, they should follow a hierarchical order. Typically, Heading 1 is the page title or main document heading and should be unique per page. Heading 2 represents major sections, Heading 3 is for subsections of Heading 2, and so on, with each subsequent heading representing a subsection of the previous one. Remember not to skip subsequent headings.

Add hyperlinks in MyCourse Editor.

Add a new heading

  1. Select the text to which you want to designate as a heading.
  2. Click on the Format dropdown menu from the toolbar
  3. Choose the appropriate heading level for that text (H1 - Heading 1 to H4 - Heading 4).