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Griffy Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy

Griffy by Swaraj Phadtare is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. This Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") is designed to help you understand what information we gather, how we use it, what we do to protect it, and to assist you in making informed decisions when using our platform (referred to as "Griffy" or "Services").

For the purpose of this Agreement, the terms "we," "us," and "our" refer to the Griffy by Swaraj Phadtare. "You" refers to you, as a user of the Griffy platform.

I. Consent

By accessing our platform, you accept our Privacy Policy and consent to our collection, storage, and use of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. Each time you visit our platform and whenever you voluntarily provide us with information, you agree that you are consenting to our collection, use, and disclosure of the information you provide, and you are consenting to receive communications from us, as described in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy applies to all users of the Griffy platform.

II. Collection of Information

We may collect both "Non-Personal Information" and "Personal Information" about you. "Non-Personal Information" includes information that cannot be used to personally identify you, such as anonymous usage data, general demographic information we may collect, referring/exit pages and URLs, platform types, preferences you submit, and preferences that are generated based on the data you submit. "Personal Information" includes information that can be used to personally identify you, such as your name, email address, and any other information you provide voluntarily.

a. Analytics

We may track information regarding your use of the platform. This may include information provided to us by your browser or collected through the platform, such as the referring website from which you came to Griffy, the type of browser you use, the device from which you accessed the platform, the time and date of access, and other information that does not personally identify you. We use this information for various purposes, including the operation of the platform, improving our services, enhancing your experience on Griffy, and understanding user requirements.

b. User Interactions

On Griffy, you may participate in opinion voting activities. When you interact with the platform, we may collect information that identifies you, such as your name and email address. This information is used to facilitate the opinion voting process and may be displayed to other users within the platform for the purpose of voting and discussion. We do not share this information with third parties.

c. Communication

We may contact you via email or other communication channels based on the Personal Information you provide. We may use your Personal Information to send you updates and notifications related to the platform. If you no longer wish to receive such communications, you may opt-out by contacting us and letting us know.

III. Data Usage

We will use the data provided by you to us to provide the Services, facilitate opinion voting activities, troubleshoot the platform, and diagnose problems. We do not sell, trade, rent, or otherwise share your Personal Information with third parties without your consent. We may share your Personal Information with vendors and other third-party providers who are performing services for the Company, solely for the purpose of providing and improving the Services.

We may be required to disclose your Personal Information by law in response to a lawful notice from a competent statutory/investigatory authority. Such disclosures will be made in compliance with applicable law. We may also be required to disclose your Personal Information to a competent authority if it is found that you have violated our Terms & Conditions and/or have engaged in illegal activities while using our platform.

We may use your Non-Personal Information to analyze usage patterns, improve the platform, and share aggregated and anonymized data with partners, advertisers, and other third parties at our sole discretion.

IV. Protection of Information

We take reasonable precautions to safeguard your Personal Information and ensure that it is not accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed without authorization. However, these measures do not guarantee absolute security. By using our platform, you acknowledge that you understand and assume the associated risks.

V. Age of Consent

By using the Griffy platform, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age or that you have allowed your child to access the platform under your supervision and control.

VI. Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. You will be notified of any changes to our Privacy Policy when they are implemented.

VII. Last Updated

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 8 June 2023.