Quick guide to enjoy CHItaly on Gather
Moving around
- Use the arrow keys in your keyboard to move around ◀️🔼🔽▶️
- Double click on a point on the floor to move there
- Follow the coloured arrows on the floor to reach the room where an event (workshop, main track, etc.) takes place
Interact with objects and join the events
- Press x in your keyboard to interact with the objects you encounter (Interactive Experiences, posters, etc.)
- To attend an event live streamed on Zoom, reach the event following the arrows on the floor, then press x in your keyboard when you reach it
Interact with peers
- You can hear and see only the participants whose avatar is close to yours
- Click on the “Participants” icon at the bottom left to see who is online
- You can automatically reach and follow someone by clicking on their name in the participant's panel and selecting the "follow" option
- You can chat with nearby people, everyone or a specific participant by clicking on the “Chat” icon at the bottom left
- You can also meet people at coffee breaks in the garden. Follow the pink arrow!
See also Gather Town instructions
Get assistance
- CHItaly staff members can be recognized by the “ASK ME” label in their avatar’s name

- Reach the Reception Desk at the entrance by click on Respawn

Quick Calendar of the main events of CHItaly 2021