
One gloomy night two young boys Huirau and Quineil are both loud, both a bit wise and one short and the other one is tall. Both of them are shy when speaking in front of heaps of people. They are also a bit rough and funny. Quineil and Huirau are looking for somewhere in the dark scary forest to stay for the night. They found the right spot under a huge kauri tree. But suddenly they hear a noise coming from the bush. Quineil’s mind filled with fear as he approached the bush. It was just a star from the Matariki cluster, Quineil and Huirau had to put it back in the sky before the morning.



So Quineil and Huirau try their hardest to help the star to get back up in the sky or else matariki won't be the same without all of the nine stars. So then they were trying and trying. They were climbing and trying to throw it back in the sky but it didn't quite work. So they tried a couple more times and if that didn't work then matariki would be ruined. So Quineil climbed the hill next to the kauri tree and tried to throw the star in the sky but then it didn't work. Then Huirau tried so he climbed up the hill then it almost worked but not quite.

 But then a bright light came from the sky then it started to rain so the they new the sun was gonna come soon so one bright star came down from the sky then Quineil and Huirau started a fire to keep the stars warm the other star was trying to lift the star and bring him to the sky but it didn't work he was to heavy for him so they done a karakia then the star was coming to life again.


The star was starting to get his power back as the star was doing the karakia and he came to life again. So they said they good byes and the star thanked Quineil and Huirau for helping him so they flew up in the sky then the sun came up and Quineil and Huirau could see them up in the sky so Quineil and Huirau made and hangi then the smoke was feeding the stars.