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Chapter 2
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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Day        74        (3/11)

        After adventuring across the Kingdom of Tholand, the heroes of Drim Keep see to refurbishing their newly acquired estate. In addition to restoring the keep itself, construction is begun on stables, a forge, and even an inn upon the surrounding grounds. Additional acquaintances take up residence as well, including Persephone the traveling mage, and Agathy the soothsaying apothecary, whose mercurial home is discovered on the outskirts of the domain.

A few days after Princess Rosalyn is safely returned to the capital, she sends word back to Drim Keep regarding the upcoming meeting of the Royal Council. Due to their newfound station the heroes are entitled to seats on the council, and are encouraged by the princess to participate. Seeking to learn more about the inner workings of Tholand’s government and to explore their new roles, the Councilors of Drim agree to join.

During the Royal Council meeting, the Councilors of Drim are met by several high ranking Tholish officials, some of whom they had previously been questioned by, including Master Waldorf of the Mason’s Guild, Master Architect Erlwin, and Lady Drissila of Dorrick’s Wall. The council discusses several potential threats to the kingdom, including the apparent return of magic, the alleged dragon within Wyrmfall Forest, and the suspected machinations of the barony of Stratvia. The Councilors of Drim are consulted about their direct experience with the Gillmen, Boggards, and Gnolls, as well as the new rumors of “undead” throughout the kingdom. Potential envoys to the dwarven keep of Bergenhold or the plague-ravaged city of Kartopolis are debated, though Princess Rosalyn insists on a diplomatic engagement with Stratvia. The princess hopes to repair the deteriorating relations due to accusations made regarding her recent abduction. The heroes agree to fund an archeological expedition within the kingdom led by Court Historian Persideus, and are approached by General Braddock about potential magic being used by Trolls on the western border. The heroes suspect the magic described by the general to be some kind of necromancy, a theoretically power over life and death. They further theorize that such magic could be countered by the divine power of devout clerics.

Day        81         (4/15)

        In an effort to test their theory about trollish necromancy, the Council of Drim seeks out a priest of true heart and unwavering faith. To that end Princess Rosalyn introduces them to Brother Dillany, who after some prodding from the councilors demonstrates the ability to produce divine magic. To pursue this discovery further, the Council of Drim decides to travel to the eastern border to see if this ability can be taught to other clerics in defense against the trolls.

        General Braddock travels with the heroes to the town of Stone Bridge to organize meetings with the priests overseeing the soldiers stationed there. Along the way the group briefly encounters an undead being, feeding on dead livestock and decaying in the encroaching morning sunlight. Upon arrival the heroes discover that not all members of the church possess such latent abilities, and theorize that only the most devout can potentially manifest these powers. However, when introduced to the resolute and nationalistic Sister Einem, they decline to induce any possible powers for fear of what such a single-minded individual might do with them. The Council of Drim leaves both General Braddock and Sister Einem frustrated and confused as they depart to join up with Princess Rosalyn in her diplomatic mission to Stratvia.

Day        90        (4/30)

        A Tholish delegation including Princess Rosalyn, the Marshal of Dorrick’s Wall, and the Council of Drim heads southeast to the Stratvian border. As they travel deeper into Stratvian territory, the winter weather worsens into an intensifying storm. While camped along the road for the night the group is attacked by a multitude of undead creatures. The heroes help to easily dispatch the monsters, and escort the delegation to the relative safety of Morrich village. The few Stratvians encountered there are wary and uninterested in the new arrivals. Rosalyn relays much of the history and resulting hardship endured by Stratvia under Tholish dominion, including the waning health of Stratvia’s leader, Sovereign Victor Bellakovich, as the delegation prepares to meet him and his court the following day.

        The following day the delegation arrives at Bellakovich Castle amidst torrential rain and howling winds. After sitting through a tense dinner with the ailing Victor Bellakovich and his advisors, the guests briefly retire until a loud crash reveals that the drawbridge has been ostensibly destroyed by the storm. While discussing the possibilities of repair and departure, the group discovers that Lord Victor has died. Upon investigation, Lady Ira determines that the sovereign may have been poisoned. After intense argument between the Tholish and Stratvian parties, it is further discovered that the Sovereign’s personal physician Dr. Mishka has been brutally murdered. Without an immediate way to leave the castle, the delegation decides to spend the night under careful watch and guard. However, during the night a disturbance from the downstairs barracks reveals that the bulk of both the Stratvian and Tholish security forces have seemingly murdered each other in a fierce battle. While attempting to safely traverse the castle, Bane of the Council of Drim and Lady Ira are confronted by a now towering vampiric form of the late Victor Bellalovich. The councilors narrowly escape through the clever use of a powerful healing scroll that disables the undead fiend. They heroes manage to get the remainder of the delegation to the lower docks where they proceed to traverse the stormy waters to the mainland, but not before Marshal Lee of Dorrick’s Wall falls victim to the monstrous Lord Victor’s bloodlust as they flee. The sorcerer Aeron uses his magic to pull the group in small boats across the narrow channel, while Ira posits that the very power now infusing the undead sovereign might prevent him from crossing the waters. The delegation escapes the castle, and after a brief and bewildered commiseration in the town of Morrich, the Stratvians and the Tholish go their separate ways in hopes of learning more about what evil has just been unleashed.

Day        102        (5/20)

        The Council of Drim manages to retreat back to their keep as the Princess of Tholand continues safely back to the capital. The heroes decide to check on their recently launched archaeological venture, though before departing, Ira receives a missive from members of the Royal Council claiming to possess information about her past and requesting a meeting. The heroes travel to the dig site managed by Master Persideus, but upon arriving discover that the excavation has been sabotaged with alchemical corrosives applied to the tools. That night they lie in wait and manage to capture Zed, an old shipmate from the Albatross. Zed confesses to working on behalf of a group known as the “Clutch”, the same group of brigands that had occupied Brindle weeks prior. Though Zed flees before the morning arrives, the group decides to investigate the possible location from which the Clutch currently operates.

The heroes follow tracks from the dig site to the base of the  South Coast Mountains where they find an iron door embedded in the rock. Using a key taken from Zed during his capture, the group unlocks the door and discovers a small abandoned mine that has been laid with devious traps. The heroes navigate and fight their way through the defenses until they exit into a secluded mountain clearing concealing a small farming settlement.

Day        105        (6/24)

        The heroes discover several farmers and defenders within a hidden commune in the South Coast Mountains. After a brief and one-sided fight, surrender is offered by Finian, the apparent leader of this community of outlaws known as the Clutch. After tense negotiations, Finian reveals that an organization called the “Fulcrum” has been providing the Clutch with the means to live and work outside the notice of the Tholish government. In return however, the Clutch has been made to do the Fulcrum’s bidding, which had often consisted of harrying the Council of Drim. In an attempt to de-escalate the circumstances, the heroes eliminate the threat of a nearby predator. A pair of dire badgers had burrowed not far from the Clutch’s den and had been periodically attacking the people there. The beasts were overgrown and ferocious, similar to alchemically mutated creatures the heroes had encountered before, but they managed to slay the pair and bring relief to the members of the Clutch. With less immediate threat to his people, Finian entertains the notion of abandoning the Fulcrum for the protection of Drim, though he describes the idea as a dangerous gamble. With the initial sabotage decidedly brought to an end, the council decides to leave, but before departing Finian shows them one last secret. Under the Fulcrum’s direction the Clutch had captured an important religious leader to the Gnolls. The council discerns the dark and demonic aura that surrounds this prisoner and debates whether it is wise or safe to keep such a being alive. Bane however, ever the capricious one, unilaterally executes the prisoner, leaving Finian and the Clutch to decide their next move regarding the Fulcrum.


Day 106        (8/19)

        While the excavators at the recently sabotaged archeological site wait for an expected resupply, the Council of Drim departs to see to outstanding business in the city of Dalton. While there, Lady Ira has a private meeting with the Duchess of Dorrick’s Wall. The Duchess reveals that she has within her care Ira’s previous elven acquaintance, Jeronica. The Duchess explains that Jeronica has undoubtedly suffered immense trauma in her recent past that has led to the development of an assortment of delusions. Jeronica praises the help the Duchess has been able to offer her in the form of therapy and medication, and the two presume that a similar regime would likewise help Ira see past her own presumed delusions. The pair theorizes that contrary to Ira’s belief, she is not a survivor from the 1,000 year old elvish civilization, but a survivor of a small forest commune that was wiped out some decades ago. Jeronica fully believes this explanation and appears happier with this newfound truth, But Ira remains skeptical and departs, leaving Jeronica within the care of the Duchess of Dorrick’s Wall.

        While in the city of Dalton, the group witness a proselytizer in a public square preaching about impending doom, salvation, and the necessity of focusing worship towards the sun god Saren. Authorities eventually apprehend the evangelist and attempt to bring him to the city garrison, but are thwarted by Korvosa and Bane, who discretely attack the guards and free their would-be prisoner. The elderly man does not seem as sound of mind as the group might have hoped, but gives a vague warning about evil and sin festering in the northern part of the city before fleeing to parts unknown.

        While traveling through the city the group catches the departure of Sir Bailey and his retinue. Sir Bailey gives a speech to the gathered onlookers explaining that regardless of what the alleged “dragon” in Wyrmfall Forest actually is, he and his soldiers will put an end to any threat it poses to the people of Tholand. The young sorcerer Aeron urges the knight to reconsider his plans and attempts to impart just how dangerous a creature the dragon truly is. Though Sir Bailey appreciates the wisdom relayed, he does not intend to balk at his orders, and rides with his troops to Wyrmfall Forest.

        The group makes their way to the northern part of the city where they encounter a young scavenger by the name of Liam. Liam offers to trade the valuables he’s collected, including some minor magical artifacts, and warns that even the most dangerous criminals only pass through this area with great caution. The boy further reveals that he possesses some slight magical capability which has allowed him to safely traverse this part of town that most of the populace earnestly avoid due to the rumors of murder, the strange sounds, and the foul smells. As the group leaves the young collector, they discover an old warehouse, converted into a makeshift house of worship, and barred from the outside. Upon exploring within they discover many bodies of recently killed townsfolk, theorizing that they were likely poisoned. As they investigate a small pit that has been dug into the floor they realize that some of the bodies are in fact undead, which suddenly animate and begin attacking. The group destroys the walking corpses as well as a small obsidian idol that radiates a necrotic magical aura. The small stone figurine of a stout demon wearing a ram’s skull pulses with dread, and indicates some kind of demonic death cult, but offers scant few answers. Their business in Dalton concluded, the Council takes lodgings for the night and prepares to return to the dig site upon the morning.

Day 107        (9/9)

        The Council of Drim arrives at the recently resupplied dig site to find the crew has breached an opening into the subterranean structure. While the work crew has yet to construct a means of descending into the newly uncovered depths, the Council magically levitates down into the darkness to conduct a preliminary exploration. There they find a familiar jumble of ancient stone buildings embedded in volcanic rock, similar to previous elvish ruins they’ve encountered. During their search they encounter several areas containing ancient corpses, signs of tremendous struggle, and barricaded entrance ways. Some threats still remain after the evident catastrophe including elemental entities, ghosts of light and flame, and an angelic being still defending a door long after the inhabitants behind it have perished.

Day 107        (9/30)

        The explorers continue to search the newly uncovered ruins in the hopes of discovering the “Solarium Library”- a repository of ancient knowledge that Master Persideus theorizes is part of this sprawling complex. They find a wide assortment of powerful magical artifacts and writings, but most of the texts they uncover are untranslatable. Ira theorizes that the information has been encoded by magical means, but they are unable to decipher it. The group descends deeper into the tunnels and corridors and face further threats- ghostly spiders and shadowy specters that seem to drain the very life force from their victims. Yet the explorers venture onward.

Day 107        (10/21)

        The group returns to the surface to rest through the night. Early in the morning a messenger arrives with a missive indicating the Earl of Dalton is attempting to lay claim to the dig site and any findings within. The Earl’s troops are expected to arrive the following day, so the group resolves to explore as much of the ruins as possible before a protracted legal dispute ensues. The deeper the heroes descend however, the darker the threats become. Malevolent wraiths of pure shadow seek to consume them wherever they step. As they press on they find more evidence of the tragic desperation in the final moments of the former denizens of these buried halls.

Day 108        (11/11)

        The heroes fight their way through the shadows and discover multiple instances of religious iconography, mostly in veneration of the sun goddess Sarenrae. But within one chamber amongst the corpses and shadows they uncover a small onyx figurine of a goat headed demon emanating necromantic energy, nearly identical to an idol they recently found in Dalton. Alongside this evil totem is a prayer inscribed upon the stone walls. Upon translating, the prayer decries the blinding, searing sun, and longs for an end to all light and an unending darkness.

Day 108        (12/2)

After multiple near death encounters the group decides to rest within the ruins before continuing further. The heroes of elvish heritage each experience dreams of the civilization whose remnants they sift through. Aeron witnesses pillars of fire and people running in terror. Ira however confronts a more mundane, and somehow familiar circumstance. Whether they can glean anything from these visions, or whether they are just the echoed memories of long dead ghosts remains a mystery.

Day 109        (12/16)

Day 110        (1/6)

Day                 (2/10)

        The Council of Drim prepares for their next incursion into Stratvia to confront the vampiric Sovereign Victor Bellakovich. Using a magical scroll procured by their allied wizard Persephone, the troupe teleports themselves to the outskirts of the village of Morrich. On their journey to the Sovereign’s castle they discover a horde of undead, ambling about the road to the destroyed drawbridge. Skirting around this newly formed undead army, the group manages to reach the lower docks of the castle from whence they once escaped without much resistance. Upon setting foot on the castle grounds the heroes are attacked by gargoyles, swooping down from the castle roof to repel the invaders. The heroes manage to dispatch the stony defenders and gain entry into Castle Bellakovich.

Day                (3/2)

        Aeron the ascendant sorcerer elects to scout the castle chambers ahead. While exploring the rooms beyond he encounters a spectral woman who cryptically hints at an intimate past with Castle Bellakovich and Sovereign Victor. After encountering other supernatural hauntings of various rooms, the group comes upon a ritual chamber where they discover voluminous research notes about an ancient family pact with infernal entities. The notes indicate that the Sovereign intended to enact this pact that was once offered but ultimately refused by his family progenitor 300 years ago. This rejection may be the cause of the “curse” that is said to afflict the Bellakovich family. Like his forebears, it appears Victor Bellakovich also eventually abandoned pursuit of the pact shortly after the death of his sister. Yet something triggered his vampiric transformation and a bloodlust that immediately killed several Tholish citizens and Stratvians alike.

        Upon exploring the castle dungeon, the group finds a living prisoner. Apparently human, though obviously not a typical castle servant, the prisoner identifies themselves as “Michael” and claims to be one of the last surviving inhabitants of the castle. The group allows the  newly freed Michael to follow them, but as Aeron examines their surroundings using a magical lens, he discovers the true form of Michael to be a featureless inhuman creature. Upon being discovered Michael flees to the exterior of the castle.

Day                (4/20)

         The group chases after the human-guised creature Michael around the castle perimeter. Korvosa using the magical flight bestowed by his celestial armor catches him first. After a brief parlay Michael relinquishes the handful of items that were gifted to him and the gunslinger allows him to retreat. Returning to the castle interior the group begins exploring the rooms above the basement.

Abandon Changeling and encounter Crypt Thing

Day                (5/19)