Published using Google Docs
MidCamp 2023 Virtual Speaker Resources
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Virtual Speaker Resources Packet

Speaker information video call recording. (or another)

Host/Room Monitor Info: Google Doc

For more help:

If you’re comfortable doing so, we ask that you record your session in addition to the Host. Please follow these recording instructions.

Getting Started

What should I do before my session?

How do I join?

What happens next?

Giving your talk

How do I share my screen?

Do I need a webcam?

Will participants hear me?

Will I hear participants?

Will my session be recorded?

Will I see participants come and go?

How do I take questions?

What do I do when I'm done?

What about multiple presenters?

What happens if I lose my connection?


Do I need to enable anything to Caption my session?

What does Zoom Captioning look like?

Will Contribution Day be Captioned?

Will Workshops be Captioned?

What does a transcript look like?

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