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CP-010 English language
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The English Language Battle

Concept Papers (CP Snow) on the social science WARS

Herb Zinser explains British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow and his year 1959 TWO CULTURES lecture. Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of society" was split into two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities.

Concept Paper (CP) 010 by Herb Zinser

The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.


Let's look at  year 2014 and Nature's  Symbol Machine WAR  that involves languages,  word commands,  algebra subsets of words, equations, and the human brain bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR.








The Y2K equation -->   Yeats  + 2 Keats --> factor the word  --> eats  --> Eats ( Y + 2K)  --> the brain cannibal poetry instructions


John Keats

John Keats by William Hilton.jpg

Portrait of John Keats by William Hilton. National Portrait Gallery, London


31 October 1795

Moorgate, London, Great Britain


23 February 1821 (aged 25)

Rome, Papal States



Alma mater

King's College London

Literary movement




W. B. Yeats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet and one of the foremost figures of 20th century literature. A pillar of both the Irish and British literary establishments, in his ...

WB Yeats bibliography - ‎Maud Gonne - ‎The Tower - ‎Eugen Steinach


John Keats | Academy of Poets

Academy of American Poets


English Romantic poet John Keats was born to breathe  O = Oxygen molecule molecular mass 32 (continuum address space 0 to 31) on  O = October 31, 1795, in London. The oldest of four children with 4 DNA nucleotides, he lost both his double-helix  parents at a young age. His father, a ...

Bright Star - ‎Ode to a Nightingale - ‎When I Have Fears that I May ... - ‎To Autumn










Are you brave enough  to think and understand the power of words  ..... those that are  used for good  abstract thought  purposes or  that usage of words to EAT.