Key Area Key Roles Key Functions
A. Plan developmentally appropriate learning experiences in physical education (PE), which are also suitable for students with special educational needs (SEN)
A.1. Assess the needs (current level of performance) of students with (SEN).
A.1.1 Identify the special needs of students in relation to adapted physical education (APE) (e.g. information from family, using appropriate screening tests).
A.1.1 Identify the special needs of students in relation to adapted physical education (APE) (e.g. information from family, using appropriate screening tests).
A.1.2 Identify the support services and resources, which can facilitate APE (e.g., assistant personnel, equipment, environment)
A.1.3 Identify special needs for the purposes of prescription of individual goals and the most appropriate teaching strategies.
A.1.4 Identify competencies and attitudes of students, teachers and other staff in relation to participation of students with SEN in physical education.
A.2. Adapt school curriculum in physical education to meet the individual needs of all students with special educational needs.
A.2.1. Identify the strengths and weaknesses in school physical education curriculum in relation to adapted physical education.
A3. Plan developmentally appropriate learning experiences in adapted physical education.
A3.1. Prepare individual educational plan for the physical education of students
with special educational needs.
A3.2. Identify the most appropriate level of support (e.g. no support/ part time
support/ full time support).
A3.3. Plan the most appropriate communication strategies in relation to students
with special education needs.
A3.4. Plan the most appropriate behavioural management strategies in relation to
students with special education needs.
A4: Prepare teaching environment before arrival of student with special educational needs.
A4.1. Prepare assistant personnel (e.g., teacher assistants, peer tutors)
A4.2. Prepare other students
A4.3. Prepare school staff
A.4.4. Ensure that facilities, equipment and environment are appropriate and safe.
A.5. Collaborate with out of school organisations.
A.5.1. Contact relevant community based disability organisations for potential cooperation (e.g. Special Olympics, Local sports clubs).
B. Teach students with special educational needs together with students without SEN
B1. Adapt teaching in order to meet the needs of ALL students in adapted physical education.
B1.1. Use appropriate adapted equipment, which can facilitate inclusive physical
B1.1. Use appropriate adapted equipment, which can facilitate inclusive physical
education (e.g. brightly coloured, sounded, lighter or heavier, bigger).
education (e.g. brightly coloured, sounded, lighter or heavier, bigger).
B1.2. Use task analysis for desirable skills.
B1.3. Adapt the rules of games, teaching style and physical setting (current
environment) to facilitate participation.
B1.4. Use appropriate instructional accommodations (e.g., physical/verbal cues,
prompts, feedback, reinforcement).
B2. Manage students’ behaviour to assure the most appropriate and safe learning for
B2.1. Positive/negative reinforcement of desirable/undesirable students’
behaviours where appropriate
ALL students in APE.
B2.2. Keep records related to behavioural management plan.
B3. Communicate with students with SEN to assure their understanding and maximum participation.
B3.1. Use appropriate communication tools (e.g., Braille, sign language,
augmentative and other alternative communication tools)
C. Evaluate learning progress of students with SEN and effectiveness of applied teaching and support strategies.
C1. Evaluate learning progress of student with SEN in relation to his/her Individual Education Plan (IEP) goals.
C1.1. Use appropriate evaluation tools to measure students’ progress in relation
C1.1. Use appropriate evaluation tools to measure students’ progress in relation
to the IEP
to the IEP
C1.2. Assign appropriate grade according to IEP.
C.2. Evaluate the suitability of the curriculum adaptations to students with SEN
C2.1. Assess appropriateness of curriculum to individual needs and abilities
C.3. Evaluate effectiveness of applied teaching and support strategies.
C.3.1. Assess appropriateness of applied teaching C.3.2. Assess appropriateness of support strategies
D. Professional collaboration to improve teaching quality for students with SEN
D1 Collaborate with professionals in APE.
D1.1. Collaborate with other specialists providing PE/APE.
D1.1. Collaborate with other specialists providing PE/APE.
D1.2. Collaborate with health and rehabilitation professionals (e,g.,
Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, psychologists)
D1.3. Collaborate with the disability sport and recreation representatives.
D2 Collaborate with other advocates of students with SEN
D.2.1. Collaborate with parents/guardians of students with SEN
D.2.2. Collaborate with Non- Governmental Organisations (e.g., in children rights)
D3 Improve professional skills and knowledge
D.3.1. Identify needs for professional development in the area of APE.
D.3.2. Engage in continuing professional development activities (e.g. reading professional publications; attending conferences (workshops, seminars) to learn about new trends in APE).
D3.3. Communicate with other PE/APE specialists to share your experiences and learn about the examples of best practices.
D.3.4. Self-evaluate
D4 Advocate for the needs and rights of students with special educational needs.
D.4.1. Advocate appropriate support in physical education service delivery for students with SEN.
D.4.2. Advocate the utilisation of adapted physical education specialist, teacher assistants or peers tutors where appropriate.
D.4.3. Advocate for the rights of persons with SEN for physical activities.