Sick Day Guidelines
School policy requires a student stay home if the student:
- Has a fever of 100.4 or higher
- Has vomited or had diarrhea within the past 24 hours
- Has a sore throat (if you suspect a strep infection)
- Drainage from an ear or eye (may indicate infection)
- Severe productive or nonproductive cough
- Frequent sneezing, sniffling, coughing, or congestion
Please follow the 24 Hour Rule:
- Fever: please keep your student home until fever has resolved for 24 hours without fever reducing medication
- Vomiting or Diarrhea: please keep your student home for 24 hours after the last time they vomited or had diarrhea
- Colds: viral illnesses can be contagious for at least 48 hours. Returning to school too soon may slow recovery and make others sick
- Flu: please keep your student home until fever has resolved for 24 hours without medication and your student show an improvement in symptoms
- Covid: please keep your student home until fever has resolved for 24 hours without medication and your student shows an improvement in symptoms.
- Antibiotics: if your student is prescribed antibiotics please keep them home for 24 hours following the first dose of the antibiotic; With the exception of people with strep throat who should stay home from work, school, or daycare until they no longer have a fever and have taken antibiotics for at least 12 hours.
Please consult your student’s pediatrician promptly if there is any doubt about their condition. Follow the directions from your student's physician or school nurse before sending your student back to school following an illness. The nurse may ask for a note from the pediatrician upon returning to school.
Thank you for your partnership in helping to keep our schools safe and healthy environments for learning!