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GOTF 5,2
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Young Jacen: So your saying there were hundreds of Jedi before you and dad.

Mara: Thousands of them, until everything changed.

Mother and son sit around a campfire in the dense jungle of Dagobah. Wildlife chirps and squeaks all around them as the fire crackles.

Young Jacen: What happened.

Mara: Order sixty six, Palpatine ordered the deaths of every single Jedi across the galaxy.

Young Jacen: Did anyone survive?

Mara: Not many. Luke told me of a couple.

Young Jacen: Please tell me!

Mara: Well there was Ahsoka Tano, She left the Jedi order to follow the light, After the fall of the Republic she worked with the Rebellion under the codename Fulcrum.

Mara: Caleb Dume, he was just a padawan when he lost his master. I heard he spent many years on the run. He would eventually join the Rebellion too and train a padawan of his own named Ezra Bridger.

Mara: There were a couple others like Cal Kestis, Cere Junda, and Grogu.

Mara: There were some Jedi who are rumored to have survived but we may never know. Master Windu, Quinlan Vos, Jocasta Nu.

Young Jacen: I think you're forgetting about a couple people mom.

Mara: Oh Jace you already know about masters Obi Wan and Yoda.

Jacen smiles.

Young Jacen: Where were you during order sixty six?

Mara gives a look of sudden pain.

Mara: I was born the day the Republic fell, the same day as your father. The Jedi felt my strength in the force even before I was born and they were going to take me to the temple. A Jedi came to get me accompanied by several clones. Suddenly the clones began to fire on their Jedi general. My mom was able to escape through the window with me but- but she was shot down. The clones would pick me up and take me to Palpatine where I would train as his agent.

Mara looks up into the dense forest seeing a small glimmer of light peeking through.

Mara: It’s time for bed Jace.

Young Jacen: No mom. Tell me what happened after that.

Mara smiles, she picks Jacen up throughout the force twirling him in the air. Jacen eventually lands right in his mothers lap.

Mara: Well after the battle of Endor came operation Cinder. I was tasked with finding your father and killing him.

Jacen: You never told me this!

Mara smiles.

Mara: Huh, wonder why.

Mara: Well me and your father were stranded on the planet krisk for months. And that’s where we fell in love.

Jacen: But I thought you were trying to kill him. How did you end up together if you were trying to do that?

Mara: Love and hate are very close emotions… and they are very confusing.

Jacen laughs.

Mara picks Jacen up. They walk towards a small hut embedded into a tree.

Mara: Ok Jacen, time for bed.

Jacen: But mom!

Mara walks into a large hut with dimly lit candles and a bowl of stew sitting on a counter. Mara tucks Jacen into a small bed.

Mara: Goodnight Starlight.

Jacen: Goodnight mom.

Star wars Guardians of the force

A feeling


The Millennium Falcon flies overhead. It makes its way towards a grey planet, the planet of Batuu. As it rushes through the atmosphere they come across a bustling town.  

Jannah (over coms): This is black spire outpost, Please transmit clearance codes.

Ben who is sitting in the pilot seats slides a data card into a small slit in the dashboard. Inside a small stone hut Jannah sits watching a monitor. Aurebesh letters begin to appear on the screen. She then presses a button which lights up green.

Jannah: Welcome Millennium Falcon, You may land at docking bay three.

Ben steers the ship down into a large area with multiple engineers and workers. The ramp opens up as Ben, Rey, Aayla, and Finn walk out.

Aayla: This sure brings back memories.

Ben: Good ones?

Aayla: Some good ones, some bad.

The four of them walk through the bustling town walking past multiple different types of aliens.

Aayla: You know the last time I was here I heard they were building an amusement park.

Rey (Laughing): What!

Aayla: Hey, maybe we can take Jay here one day.

A woman with colorful clothing and a bow and arrow around her back walks up to them.

Jannah: Hello there.

Ben: Hi.

Jannah: My name is Jannah, I’m the Marshal of this town. So what brings you guys here.

Ben: We’ll be just here for a quick fuel refill. Just on a quick mission with the Galactic Alliance.

Jannah: I’m with the Galactic Alliance too! Chancellor Dameron stationed me here a year ago.

Ben: You sure don’t look like part of the Galactic Alliance.

Jannah: Hey well you know how the Chancellor is with clothing style. Leader of the galaxy and he walks around in a dirty old flight suit.

Finn: Before Poe was leading the galaxy he was one of the best pilots in the resistance.

Jannah: You know the chancellor?

Finn: Oh we go way back. Back when I was a stormtrooper-

Jannah: Wait, you were a stormtrooper?

Finn: Yea I defected after the battle of Jakku.

Jannah: I was a stormtrooper too! I was stationed and kirth bir when our orders were to kill a bunch of innocent civilians. And- and instead of killing them my squad laid down our blasters, every one of us.

Finn: What happened?

Jannah: We spent years on the run, that is until the battle of Coruscant. Now we have all parted ways, been a long time since I've seen them.

Jannah: C’mon, let me show you around.

They walk through the town passing by a large tree with hundreds of small ribbons hanging from its many branches. Finn walks up to Rey.

Rey: Don’t tell me you have a bad feeling about her.

Finn: No it’s not that, I just feel a connection.

Rey: We’ll you were both stormtroopers.

Finn: It’s not that, I feel connected... Through the force.

Jannah stops to turn to them.

Jannah: And this is the statue of General Hux, hero at the battle of Coruscant.

Behind Jannah stands a large stone statute of Hux. He stands proudly in a first order uniform.

Aayla: I thought you didn't like the First order?

Jannah: Everything changed at the battle of Coruscant, Poe convinced the entire First Order to help them fight Palpatine’s sith Empire. He sacrificed himself to let the others escape. I remember that like it was yesterday.

They keep walking until they reach a small cantina.

Jannah: You have to try their Kaddu ribs. They're so hot it is like eating Mustafar.

As they walk inside Aayla suddenly stops. Ben turns to her.

Ben: You coming in?

Aayla: I’ll meet you back in a bit, just gotta check something.

Ben (confused): Okay call me if you need help.

He points to his comlink. Aayla begins walking through the town. She stops at a large circular building with a large statue of a Jedi sitting in front of it. The doors slide open revealing a quiet room with thousands of artifacts and antiquities. Aayla walks up to an old Ithorian.

Aayla: Uh Hello. I am looking for something that has been, how do you say this… Calling out to me. It’s been like a weird ringing noise in my ears and it is coming from here.

Doc Ondar. Ree uthar werv.

Aayla: Thanks, that was no help at all.

Aayla walks around the room admiring the many items. She looks at an Imperial badge.

Aayla: Grand Admiral! How the hell did they get this?

She continues walking forward.

Aayla: A clone wars survival guide, Jay would love this… And probably Ben too.

Doc Ondar: Urr wee tooa

Aayla: Okay Okay.

She stops at a small glass case with two lightsabers. She takes off her helmet as if she has finally found the thing that has been calling out to her. She reads a small label.

Aayla: What’s an Ahsoka Tano?

Doc Ondar: Urrr we ged

The Ithorian uses a key to open the case. Aayla takes out the two lightsabers. She ignites them causing the entire room to glow blue. Aayla twirls them around in her hand, accidentally cutting a small statue in half.

Aayla: I’ll pay for that.

Aayla bends down to pick up the broken statue. She looks at it realizing that it is a statue of her father Boba Fett. She sets the broken pieces on a shelf.

Aayla: So how much for the lightsabers?

Doc Ondar: Jesk Krill ooo tee wath.

Aayla: Can you just write a number out on a piece of paper.

Suddenly there is a large boom and a cloud of smoke fills the room.

Aayla: What’s going on.

Aayla ducks behind a counter as the smoke clears away. Peeking from the corner of the table she sees a large group of raiders stealing precious artifacts and putting them inside large burlap sacks. Frightened, Doc Ondar lets out a small growl.

Raider: What was that?

Three raiders walk closer to where Doc Ondar is hiding.

Aayla stands up from behind the counter and shoots one of them square in the chest. She leaps over the table and sweeps another raiders legs knocking him to the floor and then shooting him. Aayla knocks the blaster out of the final raiders hands. He pulls out a vibro blade and starts to swing at her.

Aayla: Woah buddy.

Aayla uses her jetpack to launch her onto the second floor of the building. She continues to fire only for the raider to block it with a small energy shield mounted to a wrist bracelet.

Aayla: Mandalorian technology. Two can play at that game.

Aayla jumps down from the ledge shooting a small dart from her wrist. The dart lands right on the raiders neck only for him to pull it out with ease.

Raider: Foolish girl. My species is immune to your poison darts.

He slams the sword on the ground which causes the entire room to shake. Aayla falls backwards letting go of her gun as several artifacts fall from the wall onto the floor.

The raider stands over her ready to plunge the blade through her chest. Aayla grabs the lightsaber which lays next to her. She ignites the saber blocking the incoming vibro blade.

Raider: A Mandalorian Jedi, finally a real challenge.

Aayla flips into the air behind the raider. They continue to duel with Aayla’s blue saber clashing against the vibro blade. Aayla jumps to the other side of the room giving her time to place a small device on the side of the lightsaber. She throws the saber at the raider which misses him and lands on the floor.

Raider: Missed me

Aayla: I know.

She presses a button on her wrist. Suddenly the lightsaber begins to fly through the air plunging its blade through the raiders chest. As the Raider falls to the floor she removes the lightsaber from his chest taking off the device.

Aayla: Who needs the force when you have good old electromagnets.

Aayla picks up a burlap sack containing multiple artifacts. She throws it to Doc Ondar who catches it.

Aayla: Consider this payment.

Doc Ondar: Urr wee.

She picks up the other lightsaber from the ground and attaches both to her belt.

As she walks outside she sees more raiders all approaching the building.

Aayla: I got a bad feeling about this.

The raiders move closer to her ready to shoot. Suddenly one raider is struck down by a bolt of pink energy. The raiders look to see where the bolt came from. Standing at the top of a building is Jannah with her bow in her hand.

Aayla: Woah!

She uses her jetpack to fly over to Jannah, She lands right next to here and begins shooting at the remaining raiders.

Aayla: Where are the others?

Jannah: Rey and Finn went back to get the ship, said they got something special planned.

Aayla: What about Ben.

Jannah: Right there.

Aayla looks down at the remaining raiders who are being taken out one by one by Ben Solo.

Aayla jumps down shooting two more raiders as Jannah continues shooting from on top of the building. Aayla meets with Ben in the midst of battle.

Ben: Where did you go?

Aayla: Just found these two lightsabers.

Ben: Oh no, I am not ready to teach you.

More raiders begin to close in. Ben blocks as Aayla fires but they are being out - numbered. Effortlessly, the two hold hands and begin to fuse. Using the force the fusion lifts all three lightsabers in the air spinning them around like a whirlwind. Flying through the air the three lightsabers plunge right through the remaining raiders.

Jannah: Woah.

Using her bow she shoots down one remaining soldier. She climbs down from the building and walks towards the fusion starring in awe.

Jannah: I’ve never seen anything like it.

Suddenly an old and broken down AAT rushes through the streets right for them. It fires a large missile the flies straight for them. Just before it kills them both the fusion projects a force bubble around it and Jannah.

Jannah: We can’t defeat that!

The AAT continues firing missiles at them which are absorbed by the bubble.

Ben/ Aayla fusion: I can’t hold it for much longer.

Suddenly the Millennium Falcon flies overhead.

Finn (over coms): Don’t worry Marshal we got this.

A small hatch releases from the bottom of the falcon. Three small objects are released which drop onto the ground right in front of the AAT.

Rey (over coms): Bomb’s away!

The objects erupt into a field of electricity. Caught in the middle the AAT begins to shake until finally veering off course and hitting several different cans which lay in the street. Finally the vehicle powers off.

Jannah: Yea!

The scene switches to outside docking bay three. Once again the Falcon is parked in the center.

Jannah: I could not thank you guys enough.

Finn: Hey it’s no problem.

A Mimbanese hands her a cantonica.

Jannah: To say thank you I had the chef bake a couple extra Kadu ribs for you guys.

Rey: Thank you.

Jannah: Make sure Poe gets some too. I don’t want him to be in a bad mood next time we meet.

Finn: Hey well next time you're at Starlight we’ll say hi.

Jannah smiles.

Jannah: May the force be with you.

The four of them begin walking on the ship. As they walk up the ramp Rey talks to Finn.

Rey: You know she reminds me of you.

Finn smiles: Something about her.

As Jannah waves goodbye the Millennium Falcon takes off. Ben and Rey sit in the cockpit looking at the town from below.

End of issue two


Written by: 

Marco Brnardic (the_senate.squad)

David King (fascinating_films)

Jackson Vanzil (Obi Ani memes)

Edited by:

Ellis Pickering (ellis___pickering04)

Creative Consultants:

Richard Ched (Kavon52398)

A Sith Squad creation