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Bodysuit Fraud
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“Are you sure that’s the right size?” Greg, your best friend asks as he watches you climb into the miniature bodysuit.

“It’s gotta be! I customized my new body to be pretty small, so it makes sense this thing would- ehrm, be so tiny…” You groan, slowly pulling the waist up above your crotch.

“Oo… That’s squeezing me tight… I think I might pass out or something…” You slur, barely able to stand as the oxygen leaves your lungs.

You scrunch your face uncomfortably as an intense pain starts in your manhood, and you see Greg’s jaw drop as the suit speeds up and quickly wraps around your stumbling body. As soon as the suit closes around you, the squeezing stops and you feel your body tremble as the suit begins to bulge and bubble. Your muscles start to show through the soft skin of your shoulders, and soon you feel yourself grow taller as your shrunken body reverts back to its original height.

“This is darn crazy!!” You exclaim with a southern twang, “I ain’t never meant for nothing like this to happen!”

You slap your hand over your mouth, and you blush intensely as Greg’s pants tent up. You feel a draft and look down to see the loose clothes you’d ordered for the suit shifted into a skimpy bikini, barely bringing your laughable breasts together atop your built physique.

“This body’s completely different than the one I ordered!! I wanted to be a stacked bimbo, not this dang ol’ bodybuilder from west Tennessee!!” You whine, stretching your aching body and trying to get comfortable.

You immediately try taking the suit off, but find the pull tab missing. You call the number on the package, impatiently twirling your new long hair around your finger. You explain your predicament, and listen with terror as the customer service rep goes through what happened step by step. You put on a suit far too small to accurately adapt to your body, and didn't stop it from reaching your crotch.

“Being that you did not take the suit off before pulling it over your manhood, the suit automatically transformed you but will take a while to acclimate. It can be very damaging to your body to exit the suit right now, so you won’t be able to until it’s finished transforming you completely.” The man says, sounding completely calm.

“Can you tell me what this may encompass?” You ask, your vocabulary being stretched by the new dialect of your accent.

“Every time you fall asleep the suit will try to recalibrate itself to your body, randomly changing you and everything about you till it matches your preset or determines you complete. We’ve seen this process take a couple of days, but we’ve also even seen it take a couple of years… Good luck!!” The guy ends with a laugh, hanging up and leaving you with a dial tone.

“What!?! How is there no dang warning about- O my goodness, lord!!” You cry out in the same drawl, redialing the number and finding that you’ve been blocked.

“Now what?” Greg asks sheepishly, trying to cover his hard on as he watches your ass shake in anger.

“He said sleep would recalibrate the darn thing. See you tomorrow, probably…” You say, giggling involuntarily as you show Greg out the door and close it.

You toss and turn in bed as you sift through your thoughts, trying to ignore the obvious attraction you have for Greg and most boys now. You pray it’s a problem that’ll solve itself when you wake up tomorrow, cuz you specifically ordered the suit with no mental changes besides the necessary mannerisms.

Day 2

You wake up and brush colorful hair out of your eyes, not rainbow colors but many different shades of blonde highlights run past your shoulders. You get up to check yourself out, cursing yourself for not getting undressed cuz your bikini fell out of place and is wedgying you.

Then you lay your eyes on the tight, petite form in the mirror. A burst of happiness and arousal explodes inside your belly, making you laugh ecstatically as you pose your toned body in the new outfit.

The rolled up string and out of place top are actually by design, and you pull up the waistband higher as your pussy gushes. Your craving for a man suddenly overwhelms you, and you feel your hand going for your phone to text Greg before you catch yourself. You grapple with your new feelings before casually texting Greg ‘Hey’, reasoning that you wouldn't be able to avoid your best friend for even a day anyway. He replies that he’s on the way before you say anything else, and your cheeks flush as your heartbeat races. You fall back into your bed as you fantasize about letting Greg penetrate you, then turn over in embarrassment as you continue to struggle with your new attraction. After a bit more internal fighting you get tired, and drift off momentarily before forcefully waking yourself up.

You open your eyes, surprised to feel an odd weight on them. You start sitting up when an intense pain suddenly hits your belly, and you groan as the pain travels up your torso. You see the tiny pert boobs that barely moved earlier inflate, and you squeal in delight as they swell to squishy DD cups.  You jump out of bed, landing on the floor with a thud in your now heavier body. Your hands squeeze your sensitive breasts as you run to the mirror, squeezing your giant nipples between your excited fingers as you giggle.

You bend at the hip, feeling hornier than ever before as you check out the sexy makeup caked on your face. It’s impossible to stop playing with your new boobs, and you almost forget that Greg said he was coming till you see him approach out of the corner of your eye.

“O my gawd!!” You exclaim, only now noting your accent change and realizing you sound a bit ditzy.

“Ok…” Greg chuckles nervously, his eyes locked on your boobs as you cover up and run to try to close the door.

“I did some research last night, and figured out that this whole body suit thing is a fraud! The guy works out of his apartment, you spoke to him directly on the phone yesterday!!!” Greg stammers, getting worked up as he blurts out everything he knows.

“Wait… Are you serious?? You’re so smart Greggy!! When do- Oop!!” You cut yourself off when you realize what you just called Greg, and your eyes open wide when you see him smile knowingly.

“One more thing…” Greg says with his head down, “The plan is for you to become more and more sexed up each day, till you eventually call the number again. He’ll give you some bs explanation and tell you the suit needs service, then he’ll do the one thing that would lock you in forever. You’ll be his sex toy and loyal slave after he cums inside you, locking the suit and making it permanent even when you finish transitioning.”

“So if I don’t call him…” You trail off, waiting for Greg to finish your sentence.

“If you manage to make it all the way through you'll be able to walk out of the suit perfectly fine, just like the second before you’d entered…” Greg says without the enthusiasm you’re expecting, making you question his downtrodden attitude.

“It could go for five years, bro.” Greg sighs.

You feel the idea enter your mind, but are incapable of accepting it. You reason that five years is well past the average, and you could probably make it a year if need be. All the while your eyes stay locked on Greg’s crotch, and you can’t stop your mouth from asking If drinking cum is like penetration.

He laughs in surprise, telling you any cum that enter your body will make you that person’s permanent sex slave. You try to ignore your wet panties and the draft cooling them, your mind racing as you imagine waking up a sexier woman every day for the next year. After a few minutes you admit it’s too hard to hang out with Greg and his throbbing member, and kindly ask him to leave till you figure out a solution.

Day 12

You’ve avoided any human contact ever since the one time a week back, and haven’t even got close to the front door just in case. You know what will happen if you see anyone after you almost jumped the mailman on the fourth day, and luckily Greg took your phone on day one so you wouldn’t have a temptation to contact anyone from the outside world to come in. He didn't know about the backup phone you had, and you forgot about it till you spent the entire day searching through the house for a phallic object. You immediately send Greg a tempting picture, waiting in trepidation for him to burst through the door.

“I just thought you might, like, appreciate my ass today or whatever!” You giggle when Greg explodes through the door demanding your phone, your critical thinking well past the point where you would’ve called the guy who sold you the faulty suit.

You pull the phone out of your back pocket and he grabs it from your stretched hand, stuffing it in his own pocket and walking out the door. “I’m gonna go dude, I-”

“Call me Wanda!!” You cut him off, placing a manicured hand on his chiseled chest. “O myyyy!” You giggle, your thighs rubbing together as your pussy leaks through your tight jeans.

Greg takes the opportunity to leave, apologizing and reminding you to avoid all human contact. Your body demands some type of attention, but you keep it at ease and fall into bed with two fingers massaging your womanhood. You go back into your constant fantasies of marrying Greg, and fall asleep with a smile spread across your face.

Day 18

Your mind barely works anymore, and the only things you do all day is eat and masturbate. You go through your morning feminine routine, and let out a shriek before you start your manicure.

“This is like, totes the exact body I ordered!! I mean, I don’t think I like, ordered it with such a totally ditzy brain though!” You giggle, posing in the mirror and pulling at your new panties’ waistband.

Greg suddenly bursts through the door, and your heart races as he rips his pants off to reveal a throbbing erection. Even through the intense ditzy fog in your head and your salivating mouth, you beg Greg to leave and not turn you. He responds by spanking your ass so hard you fall face first into the couch, boobs jiggling in your face as Greg pins your back down.

“Please don’t like, fuck me you hunky- Mmmm O my gawsh…” You moan, bucking your hips back into his cock, “Just totally don’t cum in me please!!”

Greg ignores your pleas and pumps into your folds, pinning your hands down when you reach back in a last ditch effort to stop him.

“You don’t think I’ve dreamed about having you as my ever increasingly sexy fuck toy, I came everyday to check your progress in the window and couldn’t help myself today!!!” Greg says full of lust, thrusting harder as precum coats your gushing folds.

Your eyes roll back in your head as Greg’s cock massages the precum into your folds, but you practically black out from the ecstasy when he finally unleashes inside you. You scream like a Japanese pornstar as cum shoots into your womanhood, and you feel your original male essence drain out of your mind as Greg’s finger spreads your asshole open.

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You moan so loud it hurts your ears, but you don’t care cuz it turns Master on even more. He pulls out of your pussy and kisses you passionately, his finger still working your ass and making you moan into his mouth.

Master then makes you sit on his cock, not that he has to command you. The second you saw him sit down you got too excited to stand still, and were already prancing toward him as he told you to ride him. You accept your fate as his loyal servant, and ride his cock without hesitation.

Day 98

Everyday you go to sleep thinking you have no more room to change, but praying that there’s still changes to come. A morning just like any other, you start your usual yoga routine as Master makes the coffee.

“I feel like we should buy you a wardrobe that would actually fit those massive things!!” Master laughs, commenting on the tiny clothes you your giant tits and ass still get squeezed into.

“Whatever pleases Master!

I’m just gonna like, totally finish this yoga set, and then we’ll go shopping!!!” You giggle, happy to please Master in any way.

“You know working out doesn’t affect your body at all, right Wanda?” Greg asks, his eyes locked on your heaving boobs as you stretch into triangle pose.

“Like, I only do this so Master and I can enjoy my new body every morning before I totally really check it out!” You inform Master, blushing when he thanks you.

“That’s an amazing service, but I think there’s a better way for me to enjoy that body every morning…” Master trails off, making your yoga session end immediately so you can make love.