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02232022_Senate Minutes

Associated Students of Boise State University

Senate Meeting

February 23rd, 2022 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Zoom Link

  1. Call to Order 4:33pm
  2. Welcome
  1. Land Acknowledgement
  1. Attendance
  2. Officer Updates
  1. Kayla: funding board heard six grants, may be a bill in the near future about funding
  2. Government Relations: Day at the Capitol is happening next Tuesday, any general members of ASBSU who would like to hand out gifts to members of the legislature are more than welcome, probably around 8am on Mar 1, 2022
  3. VPIE: because of the grant that the Gender Equity Center received, they are holding a focus group next week on Wednesday in the Bishop Barnwell Room from 5:00-6:00pm, food will be provided, if you would like to volunteer let her know; Farm Workers Appreciation Week coming up, if you know anyone who wants to partner with Student Equity, let her know, her email is on the website; last Black History Month event is tomorrow, movie night, Beyonce’s Homecoming 6:00pm in the Student Equity Center; Seven Arrow Powwow at the end of April, if you would like to volunteer, fill out the volunteer form; Student Equity Center is adding an Asian-Pacific Islander stole ceremony
  4. Graf: has been working on student evaluation of teaching (policy 4300), golden apples, arbor day with Suscomm, and more! DM or email Graf if you'd like more information on any of those things
  5. David Stolworthy made a motion to add Resolution #3 to New Business before the presentation, David Lund seconded
  1. 13 approved, 1 deny, 0 abstentions
  1. Sarah: volunteer for the Mobile Food Pantry 9:00am-4:00pm, let Sarah know; next Thursday and Friday is Bronco Giving Day, March 3 & 4, there will be a car show and food trucks; check out following links for more information
  1. Approval of Minutes
  1. January 26th, 2022 Minutes
  1. Maren Long made a motion to fasttrack the reading of the minutes of January 26, Delaney seconded the motion
  1. Approve: 5 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Maren Long made a motion to approve the minutes of January 26, Delaney seconded the motion
  1. Approve: 5 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. February 9th, 2022 Minutes
  1. Maren Long made a motion to fasttrack the reading of the minutes of February 2, Delaney seconded the motion
  1. Approve: 5 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Maren Long made a motion to approve the minutes of February 2, Delaney seconded the motion
  1. Approve: 5 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. New Business
  1. Madeline Gendreau proposed Resolution #3, titled “Opposition to efforts to suppress the voting rights of students”
  1. Adam Jones asked if this were to pass, would ASBSU testify in front of the state legislature to support the bill? Madeline answered that this would not, nobody would have to testify for or against the bill, it would just be a statement from ASBSU
  2. David Lund said he would like to see ASBSU students testify in front of legislature committees
  3. Kalista Barkley asked if you were an out-of-state student, could you vote in Idaho with your student ID? Madeline answered yes, that you would be able to register to vote with a student ID after living in ID for 30 days
  4. Delaney O’Keefe asked about international students and how that would all work, Madeline replied by saying you would still need your SSN to register to vote, you would still certainly need to be a citizen to vote and this would not be interfering with that principle at all
  5. William Farkas asked if someone was an out-of-state student and if they registered to vote in Idaho, they could not vote in multiple states, correct? Madeline answered that it was illegal to vote in multiple states.
  6. Adam Jones asked how they planned to communicate these statements to the legislature, Madeline replied that these universities that are all sending the same type of letter via email and whoever reads and responds on behalf of these people
  7. David Lund wanted to point out that currently students can use their student ID to vote, the current bill in the legislature is making movements to prevent students from using their IDs, Lund stated that he thought there was no function to passing this solution because there was no problem yet
  8. Emily Fisk referenced her life experience in helping students register to vote, she mentioned that it is perfectly legal for students going away to college to vote in the states they are resident in and that states actually prefer students to vote in the states they attend college in instead of voting absentee for states they are not resident in anymore
  9. Graf made it a point to mention that this was a time for questions, not for discussion, and that we can have discussions when the branches break out.
  1. Discussion of Resolution #3
  1. Delaney O’Keefe mentioned that she was confused about whether it was registering to vote or actual voting. She also was confused about whether it was a replacement for an actual ID or if it is a secondary thing you can bring when you register. John Halton answered by saying that he was not sure either but thought it might be either one.
  2. Delaney asked if it was something they wanted to implement, and Kelsie Zak responded that there is an Idaho government bill presented today that made it so you could not use your student ID, this is like a response to that.
  3. Delaney O’Keefe wanted to clarify that your student ID was not a legal form of identification. Kelsie Zak reiterated that the student ID just serves as a type of proof that you indeed reside in the state you are attempting to register to vote in.
  4. Kelsie Zak began discussing different ways to show residency, like your car’s registration, to show other examples of ways people prove their residency outside of things like a student ID.
  5. Maren Long motioned to move to a vote, Delaney O’Keefe seconded.
  1. Approve: 5 Deny: 0 Abstain: 0
  1. Official Vote Count on Resolution #03

Approve: 4  Deny: 1 Abstain: 0

  1. Presentation and discussion of engagement with students and student organizations by Grace Burgert
  1. Grace talked about how different clubs and organizations are getting their sparks back this semester. She wanted to show us the different clubs or events happening in hopes that we will find something we would want to get involved in.
  1. Old Business
  2. Announcements
  3. Meeting Adjourned 5:59pm