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LASL Handbook - Revised March 2022
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The mission of LASL shall be to promote and to maintain high standards of school librarianship, to serve as a medium for the exchange of ideas, and to encourage a continuing and critical evaluation of school library service. 


March 2022




Revised March 2022


Article I – Name  

The name of the organization shall be the Louisiana Association of School Librarians.  

Article II – Mission  

The mission of this organization shall be to promote and to maintain high standards of  school librarianship, to serve as a medium for the exchange of ideas, and to encourage a  continuing and critical evaluation of school library service.  

Article III – Membership  

Any person holding membership in the Louisiana Library Association shall be eligible for  membership.  

Article IV – Officers  

Section 1 – Names of Officers  

The elected officers of the organization shall be a President, a First Vice President/President-Elect, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary.    

The immediate Past President is automatically an officer of the Executive Board and the Parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President.  

Section 2 – Eligibility of Officers  

All officers must be members of the Louisiana Library Association and the Louisiana  Association of School Librarians. All nominees shall have been members of the  Louisiana Association of School Librarians for one year prior to nomination or  appointment unless approved by the LASL Executive Board. All nominees must currently work full time in a Louisiana school library and be fully certified as a school librarian.

Section 3 – Election of Officers  

Officers shall be elected by ballot through the Louisiana Library Association management company.  

Section 4 – Vacancies  

Should a vacancy occur, the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall  appoint a new officer to serve in the capacity of the office for the remainder of the year. The position will be placed on the ballot during the next regular election that follows.

Article V – Executive Board  

Section 1 – Membership of the Board  

The Executive Board of the Association shall be composed of the elected officers of the  Association, the Parliamentarian, the Immediate Past President, all Regional Representatives, and the librarian sponsor of the President of the Louisiana Teen-Age Librarians Association (LTLA).

Section 2 – Duties and Powers of the Executive Board  

The Executive Board shall be vested with administrative responsibility and authority,  including adoption of a budget.  

Article VI – Meetings  

Section 1 - Membership Meetings

There shall be a minimum of one meeting of the general membership annually during the annual conference of the Louisiana Library Association, at the annual LASL Conference, or virtually; whichever is voted on by the LASL Executive Board.

Section 2 - Executive Board Meetings  

The Executive Board shall meet at least three times each calendar year, either virtually or in person. These meetings and any other which are deemed necessary shall be called and determined by the President or LASL Executive Board. 

Article VII – Quorum  

The assembled members at any regularly scheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.  

Article VIII – Amendments  

Section 1

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at an in-person or virtual general Membership Meeting, provided that the membership has been notified of the proposed change at least thirty days prior to the meeting. The Bylaws and Official Policies may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at the general meeting.

Section 2  

The Executive Board shall have the authority to amend the information and applications for any organization awards.


Article I – Duties of Officers

Section 1 – President  

The duties of the President shall be to preside at general meetings of the Association and at Executive Board meetings. The president serves as a member of the Louisiana Library Association Conference Program Committee to coordinate all LASL activities for the annual conference. The president shall serve on other reciprocating Executive Boards as approved by the LASL Executive Board.  President shall serve as an AASL Chapter Assembly Delegate. 

Section 2 – First Vice-President  

The duties of the First Vice-President shall be to act for the President in the event of absence or inability to preside and to assist the President as needed. The First-Vice President will also become familiar with organization policies, observe the activities of the President, and prepare to assume the office of President. First Vice-President shall serve as an AASL Chapter Assembly Delegate.

Section 3 – Second Vice-President

The duties of the Second Vice-President shall be to assist the Vice-President, to become familiar with organization policies, to observe the activities of the Vice-President, and to prepare to assume the office of First Vice-President.

Section 4 – Secretary  

The duties of the Secretary shall be to record minutes of all official meetings. Minutes of official meetings should be housed in the LASL Google Drive Folder which is also linked to the LASL website.

Section 5 – Parliamentarian  

The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be to become familiar with the handbook constitution, official policies and bylaws of the organization. The Parliamentarian shall advise the Executive Board on questions of procedure in transacting the business of the organization.

Section 6 – Past President

The duties of the Past President is to ensure continuity during LASL organizational change, to help ensure the appropriate succession of Officers, to support the President in his/her role, and to provide continuity to the organization by providing historical context for issues.

Article II –   Regional Representatives

In an effort to encourage networking and participation from school librarians throughout the state, Regional Representatives will be appointed by the Executive Board. These Representatives will serve as an extension of the Executive Board and will support the efforts and initiatives of LASL at a more local level. At least one representative from each of the following regions shall represent school librarians from their region on the LASL board:


  1. The immediate Past President shall help ensure the appropriate succession of officers and provide continuity to the executive board prior to July 1st of the new fiscal year. 
  2. The LLA management company shall serve as the depository for all Louisiana Association of School Librarians official records and documents. LASL will also maintain other records in the shared Google Drive account (
  3. The past chair of Louisiana Teen-Age Librarians Association (LTLA) shall continue to serve LTLA in an advisory capacity.
  4. The Louisiana Association of School Librarians shall send a representative to the  ALA Annual Conference and/or the AASL Annual Conference. The representative must attend the AASL Affiliate Assembly. Order of priority shall be: President, First Vice-President, and Past President. Said representatives may have conference registration costs paid at the discretion of the executive board. If these officers cannot attend, the LASL executive board shall appoint the representatives.
  5. A member of the LASL executive board shall serve as a liaison to the Louisiana Department of Education in regards to LA School Library Guidelines to lend continuity to LASL involvement in ongoing standard and guideline revisions.




The duties of the President shall be to preside at general meetings of the Association and at Executive Board meetings. The president serves as a member of the Louisiana Library Association Conference Program Committee to coordinate all LASL activities for the annual conference. The president shall serve on other reciprocating Executive Boards as approved by the LASL Executive Board. President shall serve as an AASL Chapter Assembly Delegate.

Duties upon assumption of office include:

July 1 - Assume Office (annually)

General Duties include:

Duties upon leaving office include:

Prior to July 1 - Leaving Office (annually)


The duties of the First Vice-President shall be to act for the President in the event of absence or inability to preside and to assist the President as needed. The First-Vice President will also become familiar with organization policies, observe the activities of the President, and prepare to assume the office of President. First Vice-President shall serve as an AASL Chapter Assembly Delegate.

General Duties include:


The duties of the Second Vice-President shall be to assist the Vice-President, to become familiar with organization policies, to observe the activities of the Vice-President, and to prepare to assume the office of First Vice-President.

General Duties include:  


The duties of the Secretary shall be to record minutes of all official meetings. Minutes of official meetings should be housed in the LASL Google Drive Folder which is also linked to the LASL website.

General Duties include:  


The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be to become familiar with the handbook constitution, official policies and bylaws of the organization. The Parliamentarian shall advise the Executive Board on questions of procedure in transacting the business of the organization.

Duties include:


The duties of the Past President is to ensure continuity during LASL organizational change, to help ensure the appropriate succession of Officers, to support the President in his/her role, and to provide continuity to the organization by providing historical context for issues.


The duties and responsibilities described in the sections below will belong equally to all officers serving on the LASL Executive Board. Members serving as Regional Representatives will be called upon to support these LASL initiatives and processes as needed.


Duties include:


Duties include:


Duties include:


Duties include:  


Duties include:


Duties include:


Elected Officers:  

Second Vice-President and Secretary.

(See Article IV Section 1)


All officers must be current members of LLA/LASL and must have been a member at least one year prior to the nomination unless approved by the executive board.

Nominee Considerations:

Rotate Regions when possible.

Duties include:

Shall represent the Louisiana Association of School Librarians by sending voting delegates who will represent the LASL at the Affiliate Assembly of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) during the American Library Association (ALA) and/ or AASL Annual Conference. Chapter Assembly Delegates will update the AASL form prior to the conference. Chapter Assembly delegates include LASL President, Vice President, and Past President unless decided otherwise by the LASL executive board.

Duties Include:


At least one representative from each of the following regions shall represent school librarians from their region on the LASL board: North Louisiana, Central Louisiana, Acadiana, the Florida Parishes, and the Greater New Orleans area. The following duties and responsibilities will belong equally to all officers serving as Regional Representatives.

Duties include:


Shall solicit and edit quarterly articles for the School Libraries column in LLA’s official publication, Louisiana Libraries.

General duties:


Shall be responsible for the Louisiana Teen-Age Librarians Association.  

Duties include:  



Shall disseminate information about the School Librarian of the Year Award, distribute  applications, and determine the winner. Applications are due to the LLA management company by the application deadline chosen by LASL. 

Duties include:  



Shall disseminate information about the Sue Hefley Educator Award, distribute  applications, and determine the winner. Applications are due in the LLA management company by the application deadline chosen by LASL.

NOTE: The committee membership consists of the three most recent Past Presidents of LASL. The immediate Past President serves as the chairperson. Should any of the three  most recent past presidents be unable to serve, any past president may be appointed to serve. A detailed description of the Sue Hefley Educator Award is also given in the Louisiana Library Association Manual.  

Duties include: