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Goal Correlating with Standard 1:   To implement identification procedures that are clear, equitable, and comprehensive and lead towards appropriate educational services.

Rockingham County Schools define what it means to be academically gifted in reading, academically gifted in math, intellectually gifted in reading, intellectually gifted in math, and both academically and intellectually gifted.

Students in grades four through thirteen may be referred for possible AIG placement by administrators, parents, students, or teachers. Rockingham County Schools’ AIG program will identify AIG students in grades 8-13 through the use of multiple pathways and multiple entry points. Annual end-of-grade test results in 8th grade and end-of-course test results at 8th grade and at the high school level will be reviewed as possible entry points for students in grades 8-13. The Identification/Placement (I/P) team will meet at least two times a semester to review data and discuss any new possible placements. I/P team members will include: a counselor, an English Honors teacher, a Math Honors teacher, the high school instructional coach or the AIG Lead Teacher, and an administrator. Cognitive Abilities Test results at these grade levels can be utilized every two years to identify academically and/or intellectually gifted students. Pathways for a student to be identified as academically and/or intellectually gifted in grades 8-13 are described below:


Because AIG guidelines are consistent throughout the system, placements for students who transfer within the system are automatic. Any student from another system who transfers with appropriate documentation of participation in a program for academically or intellectually gifted will continue to receive services in the appropriate AIG setting. In such cases, parents are notified and invited to attend a DEP conference with the instructional coach.

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AIG Identification and Placement Team Members*


Committee Members


Russell Vernon


Julia Tatum

Guidance Counselor

Valencia Abbott

Social Studies Teacher

Stephanie Dickens

Instructional Coach/Social Studies Teacher

Rob Seltzer

Math Teacher

William O’Neil

English Teacher

*The committee meets at least twice a year to discuss placement of students for the upcoming or following year. New students who meet the criteria are discussed, as well as students who are currently in the program.

Entrance Criteria –High School (Grades 8-12)

Pathways to AIG Student Identification

*Students may qualify through more than one pathway and could qualify as Academically and Intellectually Gifted.

Academically Gifted Requirements*:  (AR, AM, or AG)

  • Pathway 1: Students need to have a minimum score of 85th percentile on an EOG or on an EOC AND 85th percentile on a CogAt** in one or both areas. Partial composite scores can be used.
  • Pathway 2: Students need to have a minimum score of 90th percentile on an EOG or on an EOC in one or both areas.

Intellectually Gifted Requirements*: (IG or AI)

  • Pathway 3: Students need to have a minimum score of 95th percentile on a PSAT (10th) or SAT (11th) in one or both areas.
  • Pathway 4: Students need to have a minimum score of 95th percentile on the CogAt: Verbal, Quantitative, and/or Partial Composite**.

**CogAT testing can be initiated by the parent, a teacher, an IP team member or the student every two years.

These totals and percentages are based on the total enrollment (Grade 9-13) as of  

As of 10/1/2021


Numbers and Percentages of Formally Identified AIG Students

RECHS High School



% of AIG Identified Who are Minorities

52/161 = 32.3%

% of Total Enrollment Who are AIG Identified and Minorities

52/299= 17.4%

# Students Identified as AIG and EC


% of Students Identified as AIG Identified and EC


Goal Correlating to Standard 2:   To employ challenging, rigorous, and relevant curriculum and instruction K-12 to accommodate a range of academic, intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted learners. 

Each school has an instructional coach which provides support to teachers in employing diverse and effective instructional practices. Co-teaching is used as the service delivery model to ensure that differentiation, extension, and enrichment are provided to the gifted students. This model includes the following:

AIG Service Delivery Options at RECHS High School

At the high school level, students are able to self-select courses and participate in special activities. This self-selection process is supported through counseling, DEP meetings, and recommendations from teachers, instructional coaches, and school counselors.  Students have the option to pursue Honors and Advanced Placement classes as well as High School Academies.  Each student has the option of attending a traditional high school program or one of the following academies:

In addition to selecting a high school academy, all students can participate in a Virtual Academy.  These online courses are taken in addition to the regular coursework and the majority of the offerings are at an advanced level.

The instructional coaches collaboratively plan with instructional staff to ensure appropriate services for gifted learners. Coaching cycles are utilized to facilitate teacher growth and improvement in instructional practices.

Goal Correlating to Standard 3:   To recruit and retain highly qualified professionals and provide relevant and effective professional development concerning the needs of gifted learners that is ongoing and comprehensive. 

Each school has a full time instructional coach that is AIG-licensed or will be licensed within one year of assuming the position.  The following responsibilities ensure that the needs of gifted learners are explicitly met:

RCS AIG department recommends that classroom teachers have AIG certification when the classroom membership includes AIG students.  Principals are expected to cluster group and provide flexible scheduling options to ensure identified learners are served by regular education teachers who are AIG certified, whenever possible. Instructional coaches, who are also certified, work with identified AIG students and with teachers who do not have AIG certification.  Using information in our locally developed AIG Application, the AIG department monitors the placement of students in classrooms with AIG certified teachers. In the spring, each principal is given a list of current AIG certified teachers at his/her school site as plans are made for the next school year.

AIG Certified Teachers

Rob Seltzer - Math

Valencia Abbott - Social Studies

Stephanie Dickens - Social Studies teacher & IC

Andrew Johnson - English teacher

Planned Professional Development at School and District Level:

Professional Development


Personnel Involved

Mode of Delivery (FTF, online, blended)

AIG Plan Overview


All school staff


AIG/IC meetings

8/9/21, 9/16/21, 10/12/21, 11/10/2112/8/21, 2/9/22, 3/9/22, 4/20/21, 5/11/21

AIG lead/IC


Small group instruction

9/15/21, 10/27/21,11/10/21, TBD

AIG staff & IC, RECHS staff


GEEK squad

10/22/21, 12/2/21, 1/19/22, 2/25/22, 3/25/22

AIG lead, selected teachers


Collaboration Opportunities within School Environment

Collaborative Activity

How Often

School Personnel Involved

CASA meetings


All staff

MTSS meetings


All staff

SIT meetings


All staff

Collaboration and PD with IC



List of Classroom Teachers who serve gifted students:


Grade Level

Certified (Y/N)

Valencia Abbott



Romona Bankston



Stephanie Dickens



Kyle Hunter



Willam Joyner



Anna Micciulla



Rob Seltzer



Rebekah Williams



Andrew Johnson



William O’Neil



Goal Correlated with Standard 4:   To provide an array of K-12 programs and services by the total school community to meet the diverse academic, intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted learners.

Students receive services and are cluster-grouped according to their identified area(s) of strength. Students requiring individualized services may need subject or grade level acceleration in a setting that best meets their differentiation goals.  Differentiated Education Plans (DEP) and Individualized Differentiated Education Plans (IDEP) are developed to align services with students’ demonstrated needs. Instructional coaches collaborate to make sure that students have equitable access to resources.

All teachers and schools are consistently aware of student identification and service needs at each grade level. Communication is facilitated through the following means:

Collaboration to address the social and emotional needs of students is facilitated through:

The RECHS AIG program supports and encourages students to consider participating in the following community services, extra-curricular programs, and/or contests:  

Program or Service


Personnel Involved



Valencia Abbott & William Joyner

Junior Tarheel Historians Club


Valencia Abbott

National Honor Society


Ramona Bankston

D & D club


Andrew Johnson

Battle of the Books


William O’Neil

FOR (Friends of Rachel) club


Rebekah Williams

Prom Committee


Michelle Bayne

Art Club


Anna Micciulla

Gamers Club


Andrew Johnson

First Robotics


Stephanie Dickens

Movie Club


Andrew Johnson



William Joyner

Science Fair


Kyle Hunter

Peer Tutoring


Stephanie Dickens

Goal Correlated with Standard 5:   To ensure on-going and meaningful participation of stakeholders in the planning and implementation of the local AIG program to develop strong partnerships. 

- Parent meetings (include date of DEP meeting)

- Advisory council members and dates of meetings

- Partnerships with businesses, parents, and other stakeholders in the


Parents of rising 9th-12th AIG students will be invited to attend an informational meeting in  December 2019. At this meeting, parents will be provided with information regarding course and extra-curricular options that are available at the high school for gifted students.

At the high school level, students self-select their courses, so they are actively involved in the DEP process annually. This ensures that students are well-informed of their options and well-directed in their course selections for the upcoming year. The IC and school counselors will conduct individual DEP meetings with students in December 2019, and the DEPs will be  sent home with the students to be signed by the parents. Signed DEPs will be collected by the IC and/or the counseling department.

Advisory Council Members and Meeting Dates

The Advisory Council meets at least twice a year, once in November and another time in April. The purpose of the Advisory Council is to review and evaluate the AIG program at the school in order to continue meeting the needs of the AIG students in the school. Minutes are taken at the meetings, and they are submitted for review to the county’s AIG Advisory Board. The members on the Advisory Council include the IP team, as well as parents who are interested in participating.  

Advisory Council Member 


Russell Vernon


Julia Tatum

Guidance Counselor

Valencia Abbott

Social Studies Teacher

Stephanie Dickens

Instructional Coach/Social Studies Teacher

Rob Seltzer

Math Teacher

William O’Neil

English Teacer

Anna Micciulla


Jennifer Rakestraw


Goal Correlated with Standard 6:   To implement, monitor, and evaluate the local AIG program and plan to ensure that all programs and services are effective in meeting the academic, intellectual, social, and emotional needs of gifted learners. 

                - Annual review of goals and objectives

                - Growth Summary Based on EOG Results (Do not include student


                - Retention data of under-served populations

Annual Review of Goals and Objectives

Minimum Performance Standards

 A growth summary is attached to show average growth of AIG students at each grade level in reading and math.  This data will show information gathered from EOC Testing Data from spring of 2021.

Summary/Action from Analysis of Data:

A copy of each plan is to be turned in to the principal and to the AIG Lead Teacher.  The Instructional Coach keeps a copy also.