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Newsletter #1 Social Work Supports/Family Care Coordinator #1 9.16.22
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Social Work Supports

Sabena Escott, MSW      

Lyman Memorial High School Social Worker and District Family Care Coordinator

The 2022-2023 school year is off to a great start! With recent legislation over the summer, a family care coordinator has been added to the growing number of mental health staff that CT recognizes will further support our children and families in the school setting.  The family care coordinator role already encompasses what our Lebanon school district mental health teams provide for students and families. Providing students with access to mental health resources within the community and bringing mental health services to students inside of the school has always been a priority in our district. Please reach out if there are any specific mental health topics, community programs, therapeutic referrals or town programs and resources that you would like to know more about. Below are a few programs and resources for students and families.

The campaign aims to advance access to programs and services that build young people’s essential life skills as part of primary prevention and wellness promotion in a full continuum of support.


The goal is to help adolescent girls form healthy relationships with themselves, family, friends and future romantic relationships

WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Adolescent females 13-17 years

WHERE AND WHEN? Tuesdays at 4:00 pm for 10 weeks        Starting September 27

LOCATION This group is held virtually online.

REGISTRATION INFORMATION Pre-registration is required.Contact Jacqueline Proulx at or 860-450-0585 x6287

This week the Child Mind Institute offers tips on parenting tweens — kids who are about 9 to 12 years old. Articles include, how to help kids who are too hard on themselves, how to support your child who may be socially struggling, supporting your child with social media and self doubt and much more!        In Spanish & English

September is Suicide Prevention Month!         The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) funds scientific research, educates the public about mental health and suicide prevention, advocates for public policies in mental health and suicide prevention and supports survivors of suicide loss and those affected by suicide.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)        Join an AFSP "Out of the Darkness" Walk this fall!         

To register:           Information on substance use, mental health                                                                                   disorders, prevention and health  


The Lebanon Social Services Office offers a variety of services to Lebanon children, adults, and seniors. Social Services Administrator Shelly Ashcom works with federal, state, and local organizations to provide assistance to Lebanon residents in need.   Town of Lebanon Social Services

The Next National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is October 29, 2022, 10AM to 2PM.

To find a location near you: Drug Take Back Sites