Recount planner (TREE)


Backward S plan

Recount plan


Escaping from zombie apoc eilat



  • Running away from the zombies with the family.
  • Running home to get the bikes.
  • Escaping Zombie apocalypse
  • The apocalypse started 10 weeks ago when we escape
  • Humans are trying to get to safety
  • The family was trying to find some objects to build a base.


Event 1

  • family finds motorbikes
  • The family got home and found some bikes.
  • not enough bikes
  • There was not enough bikes so Billy Bob and Bob the Builder went behind Mum and Dad
  •  not enough petrol (one or two bikes on empty)
  • The small family found the bikes but there weren't enough bikes so they freewheel downhill to the gas station.

Event 2

  • there is a survivor at the petrol station
  • When the family got to the gas station the survivor asked Billy Bob if he  wanted to go behind him.
  • the survivor is infected but hiding the wound on his arm
  • While the survivor was hiding the wound on his arm he turned into a zombie while riding the bike and fell off.

Event 3

  • Everyone escapes on bike, but they encounter THE HORDE!
  • Everyone escaped but Billy Bob wanted to sacrifice his life.
  • They sacrifice someone to let the others escape.
  • Bob the builder sacrifice himself for Billy Bob because in the other zombie apocalypse Billy Bob saved Bob the Builder  in the other zombie apocalypse


  • What is life like now
  • Life is ok but the news and said the zombies will be coming back after 3 weeks
  • How do I feel
  • I feel very good but kinda scared about the zombies coming back to earth.
  • What I did well
  • I did well at finding somewhere to keep my family safe
  • What I needs to improve on
  • I need to improve on finding a better base.

Recount draft

Title The Zombie Apocalypse….

Me and my family were running away from the zombie, to go home and get our bikes but we must've forgot to fill up our bikes  because it had no gas. But luckily our home had a hill. But we didn't have enough bikes so Billy Bob and Bob the Builder went behind Me and Patty.  

Then they freewheel down to get to the gas station. Meanwhile as they went to the  gas station there was a survivor and he asked Billy Bob if he needed a ride so they hoped on but while they were driving the survivor started to turn into a zombie and crashed into a tree so mum and dad and Bob the builder ran as fast as they could  to a safe place.

This zombie apocalypse  started 10 weeks ago and is starting again this year.

While Patty and I were talking about how to find somewhere to build a base we saw some zombies so we hopped on the motorbikes and found somewhere to build a base.

Then all humans were trying to get to a safe place but my family and I built a quick base but first we needed to look for some object to build the base.

Where no zombies could get to us. Before the next morning Patty and I were talking about where to go next. When we woke up we wanted to find somewhere safer because it was very cold where we were.

After every one escaped but Bob the Builder wanted to sacrifice himself for Billy Bob because in the other zombie apoc Billy Bob saved Bob the builder. So Bob the builder sacrificed himself.

Lastly Life is normal but the news said that the zombies will be coming back in 3 weeks. I feel ok but a bit scared because the zombies are coming back in 3 weeks.

I did really well at building a base as quick as I can for my family. I need to improve on finding objects as fast as I can to build the base.