PERSONAL PROJECT: Self and Peer Assessment

Your Name






Level awarded/ maximum





Criterion A: Planning

Notes to support revision-  look for repetition in the sections, do you refer to evidence and have you explained yourself clearly?


Strand i: state a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal.

Strand ii: state an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product.

Strand iii: present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria.

Criterion B: Applying Skills

Notes to support revision-  look for repetition in the sections, do you refer to evidence and have you explained yourself clearly?


Strand i: explain how the ATL skill(s)

was/were applied to help achieve

their learning goal.

Strand ii: explain how the ATL skill(s)

was/were applied to help achieve

their product.

Criterion C: Reflecting

Notes to support revision-  look for repetition in the sections, do you refer to evidence and have you explained yourself clearly?


Strand i: explain the impact of

the project on themselves or their


Strand ii: evaluate the product based on the success criteria.

Your Friend’s Name






Level awarded/ maximum





Criterion A: Planning

Notes to support revision-  look for repetition in the sections, do you refer to evidence and have you explained yourself clearly?


Strand i: state a learning goal for the project and explain how a personal interest led to that goal.

Strand ii: state an intended product and develop appropriate success criteria for the product.

Strand iii: present a clear, detailed plan for achieving the product and its associated success criteria.

Criterion B: Applying Skills

Notes to support revision-  look for repetition in the sections, do you refer to evidence and have you explained yourself clearly?


Strand i: explain how the ATL skill(s)

was/were applied to help achieve

their learning goal.

Strand ii: explain how the ATL skill(s)

was/were applied to help achieve

their product.

Criterion C: Reflecting

Notes to support revision-  look for repetition in the sections, do you refer to evidence and have you explained yourself clearly?


Strand i: explain the impact of

the project on themselves or their


Strand ii: evaluate the product based on the success criteria.