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LSLC Meeting 5.17.23
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LSLC Meeting

Wednesday, May 17, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Room M-156

  1. Welcome/ Call to Order
  1. Ben Gertner, Briana Ramirez, Aida, Gillian Russom, Spencer Mills, Griselda Perez, Melanie Barajas, Jeffery Matsumura, Magdalena Ceja, Nicolette Morales



Old Business


New Business

IV.                    PD Framework: We needed department time because of CTA goals. May is impacted with Pathway stuff so teachers felt they needed more pathway time later in year. 37-38 Tuesday in school year with new contract. 4 way rotation: 1 pathway, 1 department, alternating district and SEL, 1 common planning time. Common planning time would need structure because there may be multiple groups people want to plan with. We are saving the discussion about structure for later.


Melanie: Can we transition some of the CoP meetings into the common planning time?

Matsumura: Can we possibly host workshops for teachers to share their learning from PDs that they have attended

Brianna: Can we use last meeting for more department time?

Gillian: Teachers are really asking for the time to work with other teachers not during their conf. period.

Mills: Can we plan the flexible option around the last week of the quarters?

Nicki: In speaking to RJ team, frontloading SEL practices feels more beneficial if it is at the beginning of the semester. It could give folks more opportunity to practice SEL for students and themselves. If there is space throughout we can add them for adult SEL.

Mills: Agreed

Gillian: Clarifying question-Would SEL only be in the beginning for adults and students? Or beginning ones for students and later ones for adults?

Nicki: using 2 PD at the beginning of the semester to learn the strategies of the year and then use the remaining two throughout the year to leverage adult sel practice.

Ben: Some of our teachers would benefit from these in the beginning of the year. Should we have differentiated PD? Should the management PD be before school or within first Tuesdays PD.

Nicki: Before the school year begins. That is something our newer teachers are struggling with. Differentiation in hosting circles, routines, etc. Some teachers can support by leading PD.

Gillian-Motion to add 5 minutes to discussion. 2nd by Ceja. No opposition. 5 minutes added to discussion

Brianna: We should have new teacher PD before school starts because we have seen some folks struggle.

Gillian: 4 way rotation question: equitable grading, expertise, new teacher PD-how do integrate them into rotation? We want to ask coaches who would be best to meet with during common planning time and what other topics we could have for PD.  Bigger question: where do we go from here ? VOTE today with an overall framework and then work on the dates when the calendar is published.

Matsu: Realistically what can you do during common planning time? It is only 45 min. What is the end product you want to accomplish with common planning time? What is the product because if there is no product then people will not have a goal and then they have to wait another month to discuss. Who is going to trump what during common planning time? 4 is too many categories. We should consider this.

*Nicki motions to add 2 minutes. Matus seconds. No opposition. 2 min added.

Gillian: Common planning time does not need to be so structured. Who do teachers need more time to meet with?  

Magdalena: because our dept and pathway are so impacted we dont have common planning time. Is this just an extra day/time?

Matsu- you can just take this time and add it for pathway.I know plenty ppl are willing to plan alone.

Nicki: suggestion- within department and pathway meeting ask what will you do during common planning time? Can we meet in the same location for common planning time?

Gillian: i see a lack of trust with our folks, and we are not saying this is a do whatever you want time or plan with who you want time. Example this is a time to schedule with your time in advanced.  It is the hope that we choose the folks who they want to plan with. ?- do we schedule another meeting/ do we have an alternate proposal? Or do we table this and do a survey.

Matsu- why not schedule in time for more dept or pathway. You either want to work with dept/ teams.

Magdalena- motion to keep this discussion going via email and return WED. 31st.

Ms Perez- we need the survey for the second meeting and see if his recommendation would fit.

Maggie- survey out for the dept meeting on the 23rd.

Matsu- survey to ask: what groups of other educators do you need more time to work with. dept/ pathway/ other that will indicate what are the priorities. SURVEY to ask both.

V. Policy Changes

Nicki: We need to see ethnic studies as its own department.

Ben: What do you mean by department? It has implications.

Nicki: Because ethnic studies is taught by ELA and SS teachers it does not give RHS students the universal ES experience.

Ben: I agree but I don’t know if we need to call it a department, but maybe we can do it within department PD.

Brianna: What do you mean by policy changes? Students have concerns on tardy policies, restroom policies, etc.

Matsu- if there is funding to be able to do ES pull out? Then we do not need a policy change. If there students are there by norm day then principal has purview of the funds for pd.

Gillian- common planning 1xmo and course alike every other.

DEFINE Policy Changes: LSLC has purview over discipline policy (restroom, discipline, tardy)

VI. Special Schedule Finals

Gertner: Proposal- NONE. it is better to set aside days and the time is protected.

Brianna: What will students do after their “Final” day for their class? Are we thinking before and after the “Final” day for classes?

Matsu: Is it just the title of “Finals” day? Or will there be structure? Will there be rules or something special about it? Some teachers have finals the week before so what will their students do?

Melanie: I would like to have some type of structure for the last week?

Gillian: Some concerns we also had last time-Time to grade, losing energy for end of year. It’s a little late to have this conversation because people already have their plans. Suggested final schedule, to speak w grade level teams and be flexible with the fact that other teams have rolled out their finals.

BG- what are the unanswered questions or what do we need to ask? If we knew in advance people can plan. And the faculty needs to know day 1. Next year, Fall 2023 decide this quarter.

NEXT meeting: Period 2- lunch on May 31st.