Kia ora my name is India and I live in  New Zealand. I have been in lockdown for the past 50 days.

What is my favourite part about quarantine?

My favourite  part about quarantine is………. I live right next to the beach     i  have been COOKING everyday.  I have been helping out with my family farm and doing  makeover projects around my house that I've wanted to do for a while. I've also been going out fishing nearly everyday a week and been getting about 3 or 5 fish each time . I did my weetbix try at home. I had all 3 of us have had our birthdays. I have been learning the australian law. We have harvested so much fruit  My favorite part of level 3  has been helping out with my auntie with her flower business called Te luca wildflowers. I've been taking care of a kids and bunching flowers for her and making  $0.10 per Bunch.

What have I found the most challenging?

The thing that I found challenging is that I'm an only child and I just live with my parents  mange and estate where we live with our bosses . I love hanging out with my friends cause  I have no siblings. but I feel very lonely  at this moment in time. Is to  also keep myself doing school while i would rather go out and do something else.

What is the thing that I've missed the most?

I definitely miss my friends the most and my family  at this moment ,I can't see them as much as I want to.

What am I most excited to do when everything goes back to normal?

I'm definitely excited to go hang out with my friends in my family and go around to Whangarei and Auckland to see my other friends that are down there.

Did you know that we are living in a moment in history?

I did know we were living in a very big moment of History. This Is Never happened before and it is very scary but very cool at the same time. Because you are living and something that you can tell you're great grandkids or your kids  when you are older.