Glue thingy to tip thingy with the plastic glue stuff

Get fins out

Cut fins out

Sand curvy Finnish edges

Cut out guide from instructions

Draw lines on rocket

Draw line 1 cm above lines

Glew fonays to le boday

Glew teensny tewb to boday

Put spacer in with yellow tewb

Attach rubber banday to le paperyyyyy

Attach paper with banday to le rocketayyy

Attach other end to tippppppppppppppppp

Attach streamer to ruber banddddddddd

Roll streamer uppppppppppppppppppppp

Wad itttt

Put the brown tube innnnnn

Put the igniter innnnnnnnnn

Bend the wires away from the tube on the side

Stick the plug in harddddddddddd

Lift by weerays.