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The Community Development Cooperation will give a $250 scholarship to a graduating senior from Fayette Local School.  The stipulations and requirements for applying for this scholarship are as follows:

      Applicant must be attending a Trade School

      Application must be completed and submitted to the guidance office by April 1 of the graduating year.

Submit the following information in a word document.  Be sure to address all of the items.

1.  Give your name and address.


2.  Give the name of the trade school you will attend and the address.


3.  Give the name of the program for which you have been accepted, the length of that program and why you have selected this program.


4.  What are your short term goals and long term goals?


5.  List your community service activities in which you have participated.  What was your role in these activities?


6.  List the extra-curricular activities you have participated in during your high school years.  What leadership roles did you have in these activities?


7.  Explain why you are qualified to receive this scholarship.


8.  Briefly explain your financial need.


9.  Attach a copy of your official transcript.