Kevin G. Smith

Curriculum vitae

(708) 601-1801

694 Massachusetts Ave. #4

Boston, MA 02118







PhD English, Northeastern University, 2018 (anticipated)

MA New Media Studies, DePaul University, 2012 (with distinction)

BA English, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2004-09



“(Re)Making/(Re)Marking: Genre and Markup in the Writing Classroom”


This IRB-approved teacher-research study examines an innovative, computational approach to rhetorical genre pedagogy employed in one first-year and one advanced disciplinary writing course. Working at the intersection of Writing Studies and the Digital Humanities, the courses used XML markup and collaborative schema writing as methods for students to research, map, examine, and produce multiple genres of writing. A qualitative study of students’ experiences and writing contributes to conversations of digital and multimodal writing, computational rhetorics, genre knowledge formation and performance, and post-process theories of composing.


Dissertation Readers: Professor Chris W. Gallagher (chair), Professor Ellen Cushman, Associate Professor Mya Poe, Professor Julia Flanders, Assistant Professor Ryan Cordell


Comprehensive Examinations

“The Making of Knowledge in the Digital Humanities,” Dr. Ryan Cordell

Field: Digital Humanities; Focus: Critical Making in the Classroom; completed January 2015, with distinction


“Technology, Literacy, and Design in the Teaching of Writing,” Dr. Mya Poe

Field: Digital Literacies; Focus: Design; completed May 2015, with distinction


“The History of Empirical Research in Composition,” Dr. Chris Gallagher

Field: Empirical Research; Focus: Teacher Research; completed July 2015, with distinction


Areas of Specialization

Writing Studies

Digital Rhetoric

Empirical Research

Digital Humanities and Digital Media Studies

Rhetorical Genre Studies



Publications and Presentations


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

“Negotiating Community Literacy Practice: Public Memory Work and the Boston Bombing Digital Archive,” Computers and Composition 40 (2016): 115–130.


Other Publications

“A Writing Studies Review of Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson, editors, Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities,” Digital Humanities Quarterly 10.1 (May 2016).


“Four Questions for Researchers in the Teaching of Englishes,” Ellen Cushman (Academic Blog), Guest Authored Blog Post (Feb. 2016).


Mary M. Juzwik, Ellen Cushman, Kevin G. Smith, and Cori McKenzie. “Editor’s Introduction: Defining and Doing the ‘English Language Arts’ in Twenty-First Century Classrooms and Teacher Education Programs,” Research in the Teaching of English 51.2 (Nov. 2016)


Cori McKenzie, Mary M. Juzwik, Ellen Cushman, and Kevin G. Smith. “Editor’s Introduction: Reading, Writing, and Teaching Across Borders: The Nation-State, Citizenship, and Colonial Legacies of Linguistic and Literate Practice,” Research in the Teaching of English 50.4 (May 2016).


Ellen Cushman, Mary M. Juzwik, Cori McKenzie, and Kevin G. Smith. “Editor’s Introduction: Spatial and Material Relationships in Teaching and Learning English,” Research in the Teaching of English 50.3 (Feb. 2016).


Scholarly Presentations and Participation

“Modeling Student Authorship: The Rhetoric of Markup in the Writing Classroom,” Poster, Digital Humanities (DH) 2017, Montreal, QC: 8 August 2017.


“Digital Rhetoric Behind and Beyond the Screen,” Seminar Participant, Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) Summer Institute: Bloomington, IN: 22-25 May 2017.


“(Data) Modeling Understanding: The Rhetoric of (XML) Markup in the Writing Classroom,” Digital Praxis Poster, Conference on College Composition and Communication Convention, Portland, OR: 16 March 2017.


“The ‘Productive Unease’ of Teacher Research: Collaborative Research Through Writing in XML,” Conference on College Composition and Communication Convention, Houston, TX: 7 April 2016.


“(Re)Orienting XML/TEI in Composition,” Keystone Digital Humanities Conference, Philadelphia, PA: 23 July 2015.


Humanities Programing,” Certificate Program, Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching (HILT) Institute, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), College Park, MD: 3-8 August 2014.


Campus Presentations

Ph.D. Student Panel: “Perspectives on Teaching,” Teaching Orientation for Ph.D. Students, Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning Through Research, Northeastern University.

31 August 2017.


“(Re)Making/(Re)Marking: Rhetoric, Design, and Markup in the Writing Classroom,” DH Open Office Hours, Digital Scholarship Group, Northeastern University. 26 October 2016.



Grants and Fellowships


NULab Seedling Grant, NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks, Northeastern University, November, 2016 ($710)


Graduate Fellowship, Research in the Teaching of English, Northeastern University, AY 2015-16


Graduate Fellowship, NULab for Texts, Maps and Networks, Northeastern University, AY 2014-15


University Excellence Fellowship, Northeastern University College of Social Science and Humanities, funded Fall 2013 through Spring 2018



Teaching and Tutoring


Northeastern University

Introduction to Writing Studies; Substitute Instructor (3 weeks, Spring 2016)

First-Year Writing (Fall 2016, Spring 2014)

Advanced Writing for the Technical Professions (Summer 2016, Summer 2015)

Technologies of Text; Teaching Assistant for Dr. Ryan Cordell (Fall 2014)

College Writing, Global Pathways Program (Summer 2014)

Writing Center Consultant (Spring 2017, Fall 2014)


MCPHS University

Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing (Fall 2017)

Expository Writing II (Spring 2017, Spring 2016)

Expository Writing I (Fall 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2014)

Writing Center Consultant (Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2014)



Administration, Research, and Project Experience


Assistant Director, Northeastern University Writing Program, AY 2017-18

Department of English, Northeastern University


Research Assistant, CSSH Student Interview Project, AY 2017-18, AY 2016-17

College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Northeastern University


Pedagogical Development Consultant, Women Writers Project, AY 2016-17

Digital Scholarship Group, Northeastern University


Associate Editor, Research in the Teaching of English, August 2015-July 2016

National Council of Teachers of English


Research Assistant, TEI Institutes, September 2015-February 2016

Digital Scholarship Group, Northeastern University


Graduate Fellow, NULab for Texts, Maps and Networks, AY 2015-16, AY 2014-15


Research Assistant, NULab for Texts, Maps & Networks, AY 2014-15, AY 2013-14

Viral Texts: Mapping Networks of Reprinting in 19th-Century Newspapers and Magazines


Project Manager, Our Marathon: The Boston Bombing Digital Archive, Summer 2014

Boston City Archives Collection, NULab for Texts, Maps and Networks



Academic Leadership and Service


Reviewer: Digital Humanities Quarterly

Reviewer: Research in the Teaching of English



Faculty Search Committee, Cluster hire for Digital Humanities, 2015-16 academic year

College of Social Science and Humanities, Northeastern University



Writing Program Assessment Committee, AY 2016-17

Northeastern University Writing Program


Faculty Search Committee, Senior hire for Rhetoric and Composition, AY 2014-15

English Department, Northeastern University


Representative to the Writing Program Committee, AY 2015-16, 2014-15

English Graduate Student Association, English Department, Northeastern University


Ph.D. Representative, AY 2013-14

English Graduate Student Association, English Department, Northeastern University


Publicity Management Team, AY 2013-14

Graduate Conference Planning Committee, English Department, Northeastern University


University of Illinois

Prose Editor, Montage Literary Arts Journal, University of Illinois, January 2008 to May 2009



Professional Affiliations


Conference on College Composition and Communication / National Council of Teachers of English (CCCC / NCTE)


Rhetoric Society of America (RSA)


Association for Computers in the Humanities (ACH)





Chris Gallagher, Professor of English, Northeastern University


t: 617.373.2193


Ellen Cushman, Dean’s Professor of Civic Sustainability; Professor of English; Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, Diversity and Inclusion, Northeastern University


t: 617.373.3349


Julia Flanders, Director, Digital Scholarship Group; Professor of Practice in English, Northeastern University


t: 617.373.4435


Mya Poe, Associate Professor of English, Northeastern University


t: 617.373.3966


Ryan Cordell, Assistant Professor of English, Northeastern University


t: 617.373.4540


