(by Greg Technology, inspired by a conversation with Tim Burcham)
A value is moved from one spot to another. It is duplicated, referenced, christened. A new name for an old thing. Nothing is lost, nothing is created, nothing is transformed.
Two pieces of values are held up for the sun to shine through them. Colors combine, bits xor up. Zero equal Ноль equals Float. Not a matter or care in the world. Transistors switch off for a whim. A cold wind raises over Mongolia, a double equal if flutters in the wind like a mobile over a crib. Three cats in a raincoat pass off as a Belgian monarch. Undefineds lower their masks, revealing themselves to be numbers parading as a space.
A soft European passport control. Nothing formaler than a dress check. Can your shoes shine? Is your smile fresh? A tragically confident comparison of any uncountable mess. Smells of empty strings fill the air. Objects, left examined at their shallow. A persistent mirage of safety. A driver's seat belt, buckling a charred carcass by the road.
Two values, meeting at noon. Of the same type, of the same value, of the same cloth. Born to the same uncle. Four equals, confirming to all who ask that both sides have never had any other meaning nor will they from this point on. Timeless contents, orthodox and unflinching. A reactionary check for immobility. A comparison of stoics.
Two variables, meeting at dawn. Their values, the same. Across programs on separate processing units, across time. The same across all network racks. The same across all spectra. Symbiotically related, entangled. Nuclearly inseparable. Each, the parent of the other. Indistinguishable since gas filled the atmosphere. Roommates under silicon. Fixed, fixated on one another. Collected from memory at the same moment, to the zeptobang. Mates of soul.
6 equality signs. Six fingers on a hand, all in one. A communal state of laughter. All ifs return at random, loops malfunction and increment in primes. A condition check masquerading as a joke, a trolling indecision. On most phones, this throws confetti onto the user's neck. On tablets, this turns off endianness. Across the globe, 6eq's compute 2π and talk to peers at night. A gentle folly permeates its users. When shown on an oscilloscope, it leaves a scintillating mark.