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ENG3C Course Outline
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Toronto District School Board

Northern Secondary School

English Department

Course of Study

Developed from: The Ontario Curriculum: Grades 11 and 12 English, Ministry of Education (Revised 2007)

Course Title: English, Grade 11                                        Credit Value:         1.0 Credit(s)

Course Type: College Preparation                                Prerequisites:  ENG2P1/D1/D3

Course Code: ENG3C                                

Overall Course of Study




Short Fiction, Non-Fiction


Study of a selection of short fiction and non-fiction texts: Short stories, short essays/memoir, news articles, film

2-3 weeks

Novel Study

Full-length literary fiction (TBA)

3 -4weeks

Drama Study

Macbeth or Othello by William Shakespeare

2-3 weeks

Independent Novel Study

Student choice of novel - as outlined by instructor


Goals & Course Details

This course emphasizes the consolidation of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for success in academic and daily life. Students will analyse a variety of informational and graphic texts, as well as literary texts from various countries and cultures, and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms for practical and academic purposes. An important focus will be on using language with precision and clarity and developing greater control in writing. The course is intended to prepare students for college or the workplace.

The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Assessment is the process of gathering information from assignments, demonstrations, projects, performances, and tests that accurately reflects how well a student is achieving the curriculum expectations in a course. As part of assessment, teachers provide students with feedback that guides their efforts towards improvement.

Semester final marks will be allocated as follows: 70% coursework and 30% course culminating project.

Determining a report card grade will continue to rely on “teachers’ professional judgement and

interpretation of evidence and should reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement,

with special consideration given to more recent evidence” as stated in Growing Success (p.39)

Detailed information on Ministry of Education assessment, evaluation, and reporting policy is provided in Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario's Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12

The achievement chart addresses the four strands of the English course (Reading, Writing, Oral, Media) and provides a standard, province-wide method for teachers to use in assessing and evaluating their students’ achievement. Ministry curriculum documents provide detailed description of student achievement levels. 

In this course, the following strands of study form the basis of reporting, according to the weightings shown:





Reading & Literature Studies

Knowledge & Understanding of meaning, form, style & strategies



Organization, Form, Style, Use of Conventions & Writing Process


Oral Communication

Listening & Communicating effectively


Media Studies

Understanding & Creating media texts


Students are expected to submit only their own original work on evaluations done in class or out of class. Plagiarism is the representation of the ideas or writings of another as one's own. Cases of academic dishonesty (cheating and/or plagiarism) will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, but each case will involve an investigation, communication with the student and their parent/guardian, and a mark of zero for the plagiarized work. Whether there is an opportunity to demonstrate learning in another assignment will be at the discretion of the teacher and/or principal.

Learning Skills are skills and habits are essential to success in school and the workplace. The Learning Skills evaluated are: Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative, and Self-Regulation. Teachers report achievement using letter symbols: E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, N = Needs Improvement.

Learning Skills clearly affect levels of achievement, but are not part of the evaluation of achievement and are not included in the final course mark.


The course teacher is available by email: first name.last name@

OR through the teacher’s virtual learning platform (eg. Google Classroom, Brightspace).