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Akiria Rowell_My Poetry
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

I Stood Face to Face with Her

I saw the black dress she wore.

‘I hate you.’ she told me.

I knew it was true.

I could see it in her deep brown eyes.

I watched her judge me.

I couldn’t move.

I saw her everywhere.

I let her chase me.

It wasn’t till I hated her too, we were at peace.

The End

In the end will I be content?

Once that big screen flashes my life

Will I believe it was worth it?

I have many regrets, and while I’m still young

I hope as I’m older, they’ll lessen.

5 Days a Week

Supposed to be a safe place for kids.

I see kids bouncing their legs in anxiety everyday.

I see fights.

I see metal detectors.

I see unresolved bullying.

I see drugs.

I see tears.

There are days I can’t even go because of all the stress and pressure.

A Safe place for kids?

To My Sunflower: A poem for Letty

your pedals are symbolic of the sun just a glance and happiness is won

the admirations are seen well

and giving optimism you are

the peace you give causes subtle devotion

your longevity and beauty, I believe will last forever

because although not perfect, your presence will never wither

i’ll remember you my Sunflower, till my dying day

i love you, Sunflower

and I thank you for everything


It hurts knowing someone is willing to leave, especially when they’ve told you so.

It just hits you in that moment that you don’t make them happy enough to stay.

The Hammock

I see birds in the pale blue sky,

Seems to be the grass is greener than ever.

I watch a butterfly rest its beauty on a flower

while the sun is kissing my melanin skin.

The Earth is quiet and the bees, among many other things, sing.

God’s wind quietly rocks my makeshift cradle and for a moment

life is okay.

Been Der Done Dat

I don’t really know “why?”.

Maybe it was the fact I could change myself?

Who I was?

I’m not very “proud” of it.

Never will be, honestly.

I’ve contributed to the confusion in my mind

and one day, hopefully, i’ll be able to

sincerely apologize to God for it.

Text Note 04/04

Why am I always in my way?

I always try to blame others, but never try to admit to myself

I’m wrong.

Maybe then I wouldn’t have an excuse to why I’m not living.

WoW- Owen Wilson

It’s a gray area I leave unmentioned.

I’m not sure why (or how) it happens.

Happy can turn to sad within a blink of an eye.

I do try to put all my effort in (to make it go away)

But my expression remains emotionless.

I’m sorry to those who have to experience it.


It induces temperance.

Whenever I happen to be working your opinion seems almost impulsive.

I feel stuck in a loop, knowing I could have more freedom.

Maybe I’d be content if my impulsive decision would be to keep going.

He’ll grow faster than her and she has no one to blame but herself.

The “fear” I have isn’t true, but then again, I do hate to take the wheel.


It is a numbing type of feeling.

So heavy it pulls me down so I can no longer stand.

I sit still and wait for the feeling to pass by hoping for some miracle.

It’s a darkplace that leaves me hungry and longing for a mental solitude,

where not even my mind can speak to me.

It’s a constant reminder of things I cannot and will not forget.


Why should you judge her?

She is just a representation of who you are and the moment you were frozen into an image.

How can you look at your features and feel hate, but then turn around and see someone who has the same features as you and call them beautiful?

She is who you were then, not much of a difference from who you are now.

Right Now

As of right now, things for me seem beautifully created.

Anything anywhere.

I was told I am amazing and sweet and I think I’m beginning to see my beauty for what it is now.


I (for once) feel genuine excitement for my future and right now I even have excitement for the present.

That Moment In my Mind

It’s a dark place,

that moment in my mind.

Nothing feels real and the voices around me

begin to echo.

So strong it can be triggered by a soft wind.

Help is given and I can’t help but feel like a burden,

an annoyance.

There’s some wrong but also nothing?

It’s a dark place,

that moment in my mind.

Untitled #1

I had a vision.

I was in the bath while melodies played.

The phone rang,

It was you, but I didn’t answer.

You were hurting, and although in that small vision

i felt it,

I didn’t answer.

By the time I returned your call, you were gone.

The realization of, I, being your last hope, was a vivid feeling.

you are meant to live.

Chicken Strips

I feel like I don’t belong anywhere right now.

Not even in my darkest hours.

I feel close to everyone but not enough to touch.

I feel empty and unrealistic.

I don’t know who I am or why I’m here.

Solitude for me is a prison and it seems to be that I remain there

even in the presence of those who care.

The Aura

I saw a yellow aura with you.

It was full of peace and comfort.

Your eyes were gentle and relaxed, and I felt as if I could tell you anything.

That yellow aura overtime turned gray.

You are distant and what we knew is fading away,

I won't lie, I don’t like it.

I miss that yellow aura.

It was of you and me.

It was full of happiness and life.

But now because your aura is gray, I don’t know who I am meant to be.

Your eyes are replaced with nothing and it fills me with grief.

It’s been awhile since I’ve looked in them.

I never saw red with you in that yellow aura.

At this point I’m not sure if I should stay.

What I Am Fighting For

What am I fighting for?

I know in some cases my reasons were abrupt, but I NEED you to see that isn’t what I wanted.

I would beg for a day with you.

I'm fighting for your time.

I would beg to be near you.

I’m fighting for your company.

I would conquer my fears for you.

I’m fighting for your courage.

I would dance with you.

I’m fighting for your touch.

I would give my all to you.

I’m fighting for your love.

All these things I fight for, but where are you?

I convince myself everyday that I’m not to give in.

You HAVE to see that a love like mine has to be earned.

Not taken advantage of.

To you it could be unlimited.

If only you would fight too.


I fell in love with a false belief

I made an unrealistic state of serenity and now I am paying for it

I saw a light in your eyes when there was darkness

I told myself you’d hang the stars for me, but they were all dead

I imagined a future with you and built it in a place of innocence

I don’t understand how you can’t see how much you’ve hurt me

How much I’ve let you hurt me.


The beauty I see in you:

Your dark brown hair

Your deep, doe like eyes

Your plump lips

Your soft cheeks

Your curves and imperfections

You see it too.

But it is only you who will believe

that this beauty is to be rejected.

The Sea

awkward pauses

one-sided emotions

seems to be the sea evoked them

one big box lost in the ocean

awkward pauses with lost emotions

melodies played to show she loves them

one-sided emotions

the sea evoked them

Untitled #2

La mujer no olvidada

En mis sueños ella baila conmigo

Ella me mantiene cerca

Pero cuando yo despierto

Vuelva la verdad

But You

holding hands just feels right with you

i want you, but you don’t want me

it’s what you told me and i guess that’s how it’s meant to be

i could hold you forever if time let me

but i want you and you don’t want me

i daydream about you, don’t know how to feel

i want you, but you don’t want me

That’s how it’s supposed to be

What Is Time If I Never Acknowledge It?

I could lose count of my days if I wanted too.

I could start worrying about those rather than you.


butterflies around my room

new life full of color

butterflies around my room

they never seem to be in trouble

butterflies around my room

God’s most beautiful creature

Apple Dish Soap and Rice Water

A single moment can be brought back by the smallest thing.

Holes in the walls

Blue houses


Meme and Louis




Yellow nails with a smile

Dinner and a show

A single moment can be brought back by the smallest thing.