Dates: Summer 2
Reception - Unit title: Changing me (Fruit Mobiles
What are the names for the parts of our body?)
Teacher resources Parents PDF version
BEING READY Do any resources need to be located or ordered?
Are there any timetabling implications? | KNOWING YOUR PUPILS Is a pre-assessment needed?
Was there any missed or disrupted learning in 19/20 & 20/21? | PLANNING FOR GAPS Will additional teaching be needed? (lessons, or parts of lessons) - Prior year group content
- Consolidation of previously taught material
(This may need to be completed after plotting out the unit) | PLANNING FOR FUTURE LEARNING Which skills from the LIHT Skills Progression document were not covered in this unit?
(This will need to be completed after plotting out the unit) |
How many weeks? |
| How many lessons? | 6 | Duration of each lesson? |
Lesson Number | What? Key learning | Why? Purpose LIHT Skills Progression document | How? Activity / Product / Written outcome |
1 | My Body THIS IS A NSPCC PANTS LESSON LI: We are learning to: - understand and learn the PANTS rules
- name body parts and know which parts should be private
- know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch
- understand that they have the right to say “no” to unwanted touch
- start thinking about who they trust and who they can ask for help.
Context: - Children know parts of the body that are private and know those are the parts our swimsuits cover.
- Children know that parts of our body are private to keep themselves safe.
- Children can reflect why their bodies are amazing.
| n/a | Learning Sequence - Calm me edited
- Interest Me
- Help me learn
- Let’s think Refer to book suggested in resources
- This part is additional to Jigsaw. Teach PANTS Slide 1, 4, 5 & 6 must be taught. Slide 3 is covered in the above part (through Jigsaw)
Parts of the body - penis and vagina are not taught
Key Vocabulary children will be using in the lesson: - Body part names (see resource)
2 | Respecting my Body LI: We are learning to tell some of the things I can do and the foods I can eat to be healthy.
Context: - Chn can sort objects and foods into healthy and not healthy.
- Chn know what we need to do to keep our bodies healthy and happy.
- Chn can explore what will happen if we don’t choose healthy options.
| n/a
| Learning Sequence - Calm me script edited
- Interest me. Play song, don’t need lyrics. pictures edited with drinks changed.
- Help me learn
- Let’s think
Key Vocabulary children will be using in the lesson:
Resources - 2 containers or hoops for sorting.
- Pictures of healthy and unhealthy foods. Pre agreed
Support Extension |
3 | Growing Up LI: We are learning to understand that we all grow from babies to adults.
Context: - Chn can identify and share special experiences
- Chn can explain why someone has been special to them
- Chn can represent their memories (feelings about) of someone who is special to them in their way of choosing
| n/a
| Learning Sequence - Calm me script edited
- Interest me Play song, don’t need lyrics.
- Help me learn
- Let’s think
Key Vocabulary children will be using in the lesson:
Resources Support Extension
4 | Fun and Fears (Part 1) LI: We are learning to express how I feel about moving to year 1 Context: - Chn can express how they feel in movement.
- Chn can identify emotions linking to change.
- Chn can give reasons for their feelings.
| n/a
| Learning Sequence - Calm me script edited
- Interest me Play song, don’t need lyrics.
- Help me learn See story to use in resources list
- Let’s think
Key Vocabulary children will be using in the lesson: - Emotions
- Worries
- Move
- Change
Extension |
5 | Fun and Fears (Part 2) LI: We are learning to talk about how they feel about their worries and the things they are looking forward to next year.
Context: - Chn can move according to how they are feeling.
- Chn can express their fears and help each other solve their fears.
| n/a
| Learning Sequence - Calm me
- Interest me Use Kidzbop Youtube channel for music
- Help me learn
- Let’s think
Key Vocabulary children will be using in the lesson:
6 | Celebration LI: We are learning to recap the fun parts of reception year.
Context: - Chn can reflect on everything they have enjoyed this year.
- Chn can add memories to a memory box.
- Chn can look forward to other fun and exciting things to come in year 1.
| n/a
| Learning Sequence - Calm me
- Interest me
- Help me learn
- Let’s think
Key Vocabulary children will be using in the lesson:
Resources - Paper
- A special box Teacher to prepare this prior to lesson