Published using Google Docs
10/23-10/27 8th Grade Newsletter
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

8th Grade Weekly Overview!

October 23-27, 2023



Here is what’s happening this week!


Sarah Reams

It’s the most wonderful time of the year - SPOOKY STORY time! Students have been using graphic organizers to gather and organize their thoughts about story elements like plot, characters, and dialogue. All work for this unit is posted on Google Classroom. Ask your student to tell you about their spooky story!

Students are also finishing their first book club novel this week! They have been working hard to meet reading deadlines, strengthen reading stamina, and build discussion skills.


Zach Allen

8th Grade Math: This week we continued preparing for our unit final.  This will be delayed until next week so that students will have more time to prepare.    

Math 1: This week we completed our introduction to functions and will begin to explore the topic in more detail next week.  


Shawn Bourque

Students are continuing work on the ecosystems unit.  They are exploring the impact that abiotic and biotic factors have on an ecosystem.  Students completed their check-ins and did well on the standards that we covered during our pathogens unit.

Social Studies

Diana Jones

We started Unit 2: Road to Revolution this week. This unit focuses on the settlement and colonization of the thirteen colonies.  Students will be using critical reading strategies to analyze primary and secondary sources to learn about different economic, social and political aspects of American colonial life.


Shannon Vaden

Darian LopezMartinez

The phrase of the week: ¿En serio? - Seriously?

1B will continue to read the class novel Tumba.


Jonathan Dameron

Beth Burroughs

Lindsay Grey

Coach Burroughs-  We are headed outside, on the turf, for some flag football w/ speed and agility. Please dress warm for this cooler weather.

Coach Dameron - Pickleball & CPR Training


Sarah Reams

Diana Jones

We have finished up with note-taking strategies in AVID. This week, we moved to AVID tutorials. Tutorials are a chance for students to raise academic points of concern with their classmates, and then collaborate on how to clarify their confusion.


Medical Detectives

Shawn Bourque

We are learning about the nervous system and will be dissecting sheep brains.


Computer Science

Zach Allen

This week we began working with the microbits and learned about conditional statements and variables in coding.  


Nate Barton

We have been in the artists exploration/experimentation mode as we play with the best ways to construct a three dimensional face using paper, mat board and glue. Below are a few of the many amazing pieces that have been constructed so far:

Hudson Goerges

Check back next week.


Melanye Crayton

Check back next week.


Chelsey Montgomery

Jeff Tippins

We will be sending out a bi-weekly band specific newsletter that will have all necessary reminders and upcoming events for band! If you do not receive it, please email us so we can add you to our list!


Bryan Campbell

Check back next week.

Important Contacts

  • Administration:
  • Counselors/ Family Support/ Questions about 504 Plans
  • Jesse Mitchell:
  • Technology Support:
  • Contact Homeroom teachers for general questions.
  • Contact specific course teachers for course specific information.
  • Notes about attendance:
  • Exceptional Children: Laura Marsden, or the appropriate case manager