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ITN - 431
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#431 - Into the Nexus: “1 Week”

• Garrett • Kyle • NotParadox or Guest

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Intro:  Welcome to Into the Nexus! The Heroes of the Storm podcast!

One week till a balance patch?! What’s on your list? Garrett and Kyle share their desires for the upcoming Heroes of the Storm update. Reddit has ideas, discord has ideas. All math or CCL balance awaits us. You be the judge! Emails and more to follow!

Patreon Mention:

Thanks to our Patreon producers Shawn B & Mike R!

Patron Thanks Doc for keeping track

What is your balance patch wishlist?

1 week left!


Gazlowe level 20 bomb toss nerf and AA build buffs

Rehgar minor talent nerf to earthgrasp totem talent (he's still overperforming after 3 nerfs)

Tracer minor nerf to pulse generator, she's still over performing and this is the prime suspect.

Rexxar minor nerf to Misha's hp, she's so frustrating on Braxis and Dragonshire

Valeera silence duration reduced by .25 seconds baseline, buffs to all level 4 and 7 talents not related to Sinister strike build


Genji auto attack range increase (nerf from years ago reverted)

Ana minor health increase, maybe some buffs to grenade talents

Li Li minor health increase

Chen accumulating flame increases duration against all enemies, not just heroes

Malthael damage buff of 1% hp/sec to Tormented Souls. Currently one of the biggest weakness for malthael is he does zero structure dmg.

Other comments:

Slight nerf to Mephisto's damage in some form, also maybe a nerf to Furious Spark. Animosity replaced by a talent that's useful.

Kerrigan Ultralisk damage nerfed from 250 to 220. Maybe somehow give her talent diversity on her 7 tier instead of Boundless Fury being the only real talent.

LiLi rework that gives her a trait that doesn't depend on enemies being bad and hitting her with poke, maybe also gives her some useful baseline power.

Rehgar either nerfed healing or nerfed W damage so at least if he gets to heal decently well he doesn't also get to macro so well. Maybe another health nerf.

Auriel talent shuffle.

Whitemane slight talent changes: make Inquisitor's Prayer no longer increase health and instead increase E damage by 1 per hit. Saintly Greatstaff changed to proc off of any damage dealt to targets recently hit with E instead of just aa's. Armor from Scarlet Aegis increased from 40 to 50 (because it is the lower winrate and pickrate heroic in SL and Whitemane isn't super competitively viable, maybe this will help prevent being oneshot in higher level play). Scarlet Wrath changed functionality: basic attacks against heroes lower the cooldown of Zeal by 4 seconds. Basic attacks against heroes while Zeal is active deal spell damage instead of physical and reduce the cooldown of Whitemane's heroic ability by 2%.

Ana slight health buff, Q healing buffed from 195-200. Lower cooldown on Eye of Horus? Sharpshooter now gains 1 stack per target hit (i.e. piercing Q now gives double stacks).

Alex On Ruby Wings now reduces Cleansing Flame's cooldown by 1 second for each allied and enemy hero hit.

Sylvanas Barbed Shot buff. Deafening Blast measuring (measures edge to center currently, should be edge to edge) fixed.

Reworks to Nova and Valeera to make them more generalist and less annoying to play against. It's not illegal for either to have waveclear.

Anduin Varian's Legacy's burn damage now procs Pursued by Grace on each tick.

Somehow make Arthas better.

Johanna Zealous Glare damage bonus reduced from 75% to 60%, and it it switched with Hold Your Ground (so HYG is now at level 1 and Zealous Glare is at 4). Sins Exposed healing reduction increased from 35% to 40%.

Garrett’s List

Kyle’s List

From our Discord







What are some of the unique solo lanes that are great on certain maps? Like Rexxar on Dshire/Braxis, Hog on Alterac, examples like that? (Rag on warhead 😂) Any obscure ones you guys can think of?


  1. Which HotS map would you most like to visit in real life as a tourist destination?
  2. Magic wand: if you could instantly reach your maximum skill potential with one hero on the roster, which would you choose?
  3. If you could wave your wand and place your account at a particular Storm League rank with no uncertainty (200 points per win/loss from that spot), what rank would you choose?


Patreon Shout Out

ITN is supported by our badass Patrons. You can become an ITN Patron by going to

Thanks to our Patreon producers Shawn B & Mike R!

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Thanks to Gorath for our intro music and (@briangriffith) for our outro..

Personal Stuff

