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On how trades are processed:

Trades are processed after the sim (before I put the file out).  If both GMs agree, you can send me instructions to complete the trade before the sim and put players where they need to be. Please ask before exports are pulled, or the default of post-sim processing will happen.

On Manager Control:

Managers are used in SFBL.  For lenient managers (no red dots on lineup+pitching staff), you may override manager control for lineups in manager options. See the area covered by the red box on your manager’s profile page to see what they may want to have control over. If your manager is strict, “suggest role” can help take back control, but managers still have the final say.

On Extensions:

Players must reach arbitration (post-year 2 for super 2 players, post-year 3 for most players).  Contracts cannot change by more than 20% year-over-year.

On Injuries, IL time running out during sim:

Players will remain on the IL until the file is out and must to be moved before exporting the new file.  If rehab time runs out during the sim, players will automatically go into DFA.

On Team Channels:

GMs can request their own team highlights channel to keep up with their own scores and injuries in slack. Please message the commissioner to set it up.

On Unbalanced Trades:

Please avoid making unbalanced trades.  If it is egregious enough and many GMs consider a trade to be incredibly lopsided, the trade may be vetoed. This power is reserved for only the worst cases and should not happen often. Explaining your side of the deal can be helpful to persuade others that you made the right choice.