Volunteer Registration - General Information

  1. Sign up for volunteer positions during the player registration process or simply through your Sports Connect Account at any time. Sign up as the Account Holder - you will not be charged a $20 AYSO National Membership Fee - that’s only for players.
  2. The $25 Volunteer Fee will be paid by FC AYSO, however, you do have the option to contribute up to $25 to help defray those costs.  This fee covers the cost of the background check.  
  3. Volunteers sign up only once a year, but need to sign up every membership year that they volunteer.
  4. All volunteers must undergo an annual background check.  After you sign up through Sports Connect, you will receive an  email from Sterling Volunteers about the background check.  Follow the instructions and submit.
  5. Background checks generally take 24-48 hours to process.  You will have access to your full report for 2 years.  Administrators at AYSO will only have access to whether you Pass/Fail depending on AYSO National criteria without details as to the circumstances surrounding a failed check.  AYSO Administrators do NOT have access to your background check details.  
  6. All volunteers have to take the online Safe Haven, CDC Concussion, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest courses offered through AYSOU (available through our website or www.aysou.org) in addition to training relevant to the volunteer job.  These courses are short and quick. The Safe Haven course is required every 3 years.  The Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest courses are required once, but recommended to take every few years as a refresher course.
  7. There are online courses for all the coach and referee positions through www.aysou.org  You must complete these online courses before any field sessions.  
  8. The calendar for field sessions for coach and referee courses is available on AYSOU, but you MUST sign up for these courses before attending to get credit.  You may also take course components outside of Foster City with other AYSO regions if our schedule does not work for you.  
  9. Contact Steven Delmonico for coach training information (steven.delmonico@veritivcorp.com or Luis-David Maya for referee training information (ld@aysofc.org).

Step-by-Step Instructions for Volunteer Coach Registration

  1. You can register when you register your players - the options will appear during the registration process - or at another time. If you do not have players in the system, register through your Sports Connect account (thru www.fcayso.org - click on the “head” icon, go to “Account”)
  2. If you are registering after you’ve registered your player(s), or if you do not have players in the program, sign in to your Sports Connect account (accessed thru www.fcayso.org) and click on the VOLUNTEER tab on the left hand side. (do not hit the volunteer opportunities button or “register now” button at the top).
  3. Then click on “Find volunteer roles” in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
  4. Select the program (Fall coaches: Fall Program MY2021) and hit “View Divisions”
  5. SELECT THE AGE/GENDER DIVISION YOU WANT TO COACH and hit “View Selected Opportunities”.  If you are coaching more than one division, you must select only one age division, and then go through the registration process for any other age divisions.
  6. Choose “Head Coach” or “Assistant Coach” and hit “Select”
  7. The next screen asks who you want to sign up - a registered user or a new user. Choose “Registered User” and then choose YOUR NAME, not your player’s name, and hit “Continue”.  
  8. The next screen is to enter your info for the background check and the required disclosures for AYSO.
  9. You will get a confirmation email that you’ve successfully registered as a volunteer.  
  10. The next step is to do the background check… (done only for first volunteer position you enroll for)

Background Check:

  1. You will receive an email from Sterling Volunteers to create an account or to update your password for your existing account and initiate the background check. You will not be eligible to volunteer for AYSO until the background check is completed. (Check your junk folder if you don’t see it in your regular email)
  2. Go through the background check registration - it’s self-explanatory.  In the last step, it gives you the option to pay $25.00 to offset the cost of the Volunteer Membership Fee - Foster City AYSO pays that for all volunteers - it's your choice as to whether you'd like to make a contribution to offset the cost.  You don’t have to pay for it!   This is only charged once if you sign up for multiple volunteer positions.

If you'd also like to sign up to Coach another age division, or as a Referee or Board Member, you need to go through the volunteer registration again for that position.  The Board Member and Referee Programs are separate.   The background check is performed only for the first volunteer position.  

Congratulations and Thank You for Becoming an AYSO Volunteer!