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December 2023 LEA Plan Documentation-Continuity of Services Plan
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Springfield Local Schools

Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Service Plan

Updated December 27, 2023

Matt Geha, Superintendent

K-12 Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan (April 1, 2021)

K-12 Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan (June 21, 2022)

K-12 Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan (December, 15, 2022)

K-12 Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan (June 1, 2023)

K-12 Learning Recovery and Extended Learning Plan (December 27, 2023)

Springfield Local Schools Guidelines and Policies

The following guidelines were implemented for the 2020/2021 school year in accordance with the recommendations from The Center of Disease Control, The Ohio Department of Health, and the Lucas County Health Department.  As guidance is changing for individuals who are fully vaccinated, Springfield Local has begun adapting to these changes and developing strategies to to follow the recommendations and still keep our students and staff safe.

Standard COVID Precautions for Springfield Local        

To be in compliance with the recommendations from the Ohio Department of Health, Springfield Local School District will be adhering to the following policies regarding symptoms screening, frequent sanitization, social distancing, and facial coverings to promote the health and safety of the staff during the COVID pandemic.  It has been shown that layering multiple protective strategies will decrease the risk of transmission of the virus which is why Springfield Local is implementing multiple safety measures for students and staff.

Symptom Screening

Staff will be expected to complete the daily COVID self assessment per policy and report symptoms as indicated.  Parents will be expected to monitor their children before sending them to school for COVID related symptoms, including checking their temperature.  Parents are to keep any child home presenting with any of the most up to date symptoms of COVID.  If a student or staff member is presenting with symptoms of COVID, they will follow the Springfield protocol for isolation management and will be sent home.  

Frequent Sanitization

Hand sanitizing stations will be added to each building at the entrances/exits, common areas, classrooms, bathrooms, and cafeterias.  Students will be instructed to wash their hands frequently including the entrance/exit of the building, before and after eating, after using the bathroom, after coughing/sneezing, after touching their face, and as needed throughout the day.  Signs will be posted throughout the building reminding students and staff to wash their hands frequently.  Hand sanitizers located throughout the building will be an

60-95% alcohol based solution per the Ohio Department of Health recommendation. The cleaning of surfaces will be done more frequently especially high touch areas such as door handles or tables.  Each classroom will be supplied with cleaning wipes for teachers and students to wipe down their area.  Rooms will be cleaned with a fogging device every night after students and staff have vacated the building.  Buildings and classrooms have been assessed and cleared of items that would increase the risk of transmission of the virus.  Only items that are easily cleaned will be permitted in the rooms.

Social Distancing

Springfield has adapted their schedules and configuration of their classrooms to be in compliance with social distancing.  A reduced number of students will be present in the buildings using a hybrid in person and online teaching education model.  Desks will be at least 6 feet apart and students will be monitored to keep 6 feet apart from one another.  Markers will be placed on floors to indicate 6 feet distance when necessary.  As guidance changes and students return to full-time instruction, spacing will be reduced to 3 feet in the classroom setting per the guidance from the Ohio Department of Health and The Lucas County Health Department.   Lunch seating will continue to be spaced by 6 feet whenever possible.  Lockers will not be utilized to prevent the congregation of students.  Student arrival times may be staggered to promote social distancing while entering the building.  Students using district transportation will have assigned seats that are staggered to ensure safe social distancing. Plexiglass dividers will be installed in high traffic areas such as the desk of the office secretaries.

Facial Coverings

Facial coverings will be required of all staff and students Kindergarten through 12th grade.  Preschool students will be required to wear a mask when out of the classroom in the hallway, bathroom, or the bus.  If a student or staff member states they are unable to wear a mask, written documentation must be provided and approved by administration.  This documentation must be readily available for the health department if they wish to review it.  Springfield will follow the Center for Disease Control’s guidance that anyone with difficulty breathing or the inability to remove a face mask on their own without assistance will not be required to wear a face mask.  Documentation will be kept indicating their reasoning and a doctor’s note may be required.  Per the Ohio Department of Health, face masks must be cloth or fabric and cover an individual’s nose, mouth, and chin.  Medical quality masks will also be acceptable.  As guidance is changed, Springfield’s policies regarding masks will evolve with the most up-to-date guidance.

Facial Coverings Policy

Facial coverings will be required for all staff and students in kindergarten through 12th grade. The district will follow the most current guidelines from the health department on the usage of masks on school property to assist in decreasing the rate of infection of students and staff.

Facial coverings will be required at all times while on school property and while riding on district transportation.  Students and staff will be required to supply their own masks. Facial coverings may be removed while eating or drinking.  There may be circumstances where masks may be removed at the discretion and direction of a staff member.  If staff or students are outside and more than 6-feet of social distancing can be maintained at all times, facial coverings may be removed.

Individuals who believe that they may not be able to wear a facial covering will be required to fill out the exemption form (Face Covering Exemption Request Form (03220419x9EF3B).DOCX).  Individuals who have

difficulty breathing, are unconscious, incapacitated, or unable to remove their mask without assistance should not wear a mask per the Center for Disease Control.  Additionally the Ohio Department of health has stated that any child under the age of 2 years, a child with significant behavioral/psychological issues undergoing treatment that is exacerbated specifically by the use of a face covering, a child living with severe autism or extreme developmental delay who may become agitated or anxious wearing a mask, or a child with a facial deformity that causes air obstruction may also be exempted.  The Ohio Department of Health states that conditions such as asthma, allergies, and sinus infections are not determined to be an automatic exemption from facial coverings.  The exemption form will need to be filled out for these circumstances or any other circumstances that may prohibit one from wearing a mask.  The exemption form has to be approved by administration and documentation from a healthcare provider may be required. The exemption forms must be readily available for the health department as needed.

Facial Covering Requirements include:

Each child is required to have an extra face mask with them each day as a back-up.  If a face mask becomes dirty, soiled, or wet they will need to use a new mask.  The school will have a small supply of masks available for students in emergency situations.

If a guest/visitor must enter the building, they will be required to follow the district’s mask policy.  No visitor or guest will be permitted in the building without a mask. If a visitor or guest has an acceptable reason for not being able to wear a mask, they must complete an exemption form and have it approved before entering the building.

Staff will be required to wear a mask at all times.  Certain circumstances may arise where a facial covering may interfere with their job in which a face shield may be utilized.  The alternate use of a face shield must be approved by the building administration.  If a staff member is working alone in their designated area, such as an office, a facial covering is not required.  If more than one person is present in a work area, a facial covering will be required.  There are certain exceptions in which staff may not be able to wear a face mask which include:

If a staff member feels that one of these exceptions applies to them, the exemption form must be filled out and approved by administration.  If individual circumstances change regarding the use of facial masks, a new exemption form can be filled out.

Students and staff who are not following the district guidelines for facial coverings and do not have an approved facial covering exemption will be subject to disciplinary action.

As facial covering recommendations from The Center for Disease Control, the Ohio Department of Health, and The Lucas County Health Department are being updated, the district will work to update the facial covering policy for students and staff.  Protocols are being adjusted for those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 while still keeping in mind those students and staff that are not able to be vaccinated.

Student Symptom Assessment Form

The following daily student symptom check form is available on the Springfield website and to be sent to families periodically to serve as a reminder.

Daily Student Symptom Check

  • Temperature ______
  • Fever/Chills (temperature of 100 degrees or higher.)
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Cough
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose or congestion
  • Headache
  • Lethargy
  • Body aches
  • Loss of taste and/or smell      
  • If your child is experiencing any of the listed symptoms they are required to stay home.  Please call your school and notify them of your child’s absence and symptoms.  
  • Contact your healthcare provider for further recommendations.  
  • If these symptoms are present, with no other diagnosis from a healthcare provider or a negative COVID PCR test, the student may need to be isolated for at least 10 days and be fever free with a drastic improvement of symptoms for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication.  Please speak with your building nurse for the proper guidance in accordance with Lucas County Health Department guidelines.
  • If your child has been in contact with an individual who tested positive for COVID, they are required to stay home.  Contact your building nurse for further guidance.

If the student is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a provider or through testing you are required by the state to notify the school within 24 hours.  Call the attendance hotline to report and speak with a nurse.

Staff COVID Daily Assessment

Staff will be expected to complete the daily COVID self assessment before arriving to work and submit electronically.  The link to this form will be sent out to each building staff member by their supervisor.  Employees who are afebrile (no fever) and answer no to the health questions will be permitted to report to work.  Employees who have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher or have answered yes to one or more of the health questions will be directed to the CDC symptoms check questionnaire.  Employees who are unable to report to work will contact their supervisor and the director of health services will follow up with the employee to determine the best course of action with the recommendations from the Lucas County Health Department.  The director of health services will be the designated personnel to monitor and track staff presenting with COVID symptoms.  They will work with the necessary staff, such as the school principal, to confirm reasoning of staff absence and ability to return to work. Staff confidentiality will be maintained.

Student/Employee COVID Tracking

Each building in the district will have a nurse who will be the primary contact person for COVID symptom tracking and providing guidelines to return to work/school.  The director of health services will be a point person for the overall district and central office staff.  The director of health services will be the main contact person with the Lucas County Department of Health.  Personal information should remain confidential of the staff and students that are absent to be in compliance with HIPAA.  The nurse will follow the most up to date guidelines as provided by the Lucas County Health Department when determining when it is appropriate for students and staff to be quarantined/isolated and when they are able to return.  The nurse and administration will work closely with the Health Department to report cases and develop plans for the district as needed.  Tracking documentation will only be available to appropriate administration and nursing.  

Detailed attendance will be mandatory throughout the school day including seating charts.  If a child tests positive for COVID, their day will be reviewed with the teachers and staff that had the student for class, bus transportation, lunch, recess, and any sport practices/events.  Any students and/or staff that were within 6 feet or less for 15 minutes or more will be identified to quarantine for 14 days.  There may be some situations where the distance of 3 feet to identify quarantined individuals will be utilized per the Lucas County Health Department School guidance.  The Lucas County Health Department will be notified and given a list of students and staff that were exposed.  The district will notify families/staff and provide written documentation of directions for quarantine.  Confidentiality of the student with COVID must be maintained.  The Lucas County Health Department will also be providing follow-up to exposed individuals.  

Current Guidelines from the Lucas County Health Department

Isolation: Keeps someone who is sick (even without symptoms) away from others, even in their own home. Isolation lasts at least 10 days from the time symptoms first appeared, at least 24 hours have passed with no fever without fever-reducing medication, and other symptoms have significantly improved (all 3 conditions have to be met before isolation is lifted).

Quarantine: Keeps someone who was in close contact with someone who is sick (even without symptoms), especially with COVID-19, away from others. Quarantine lasts at least 14 days from the most recent contact, includes two temperature checks per day and staying alert to symptoms of COVID-19.

Close Contact: Contact with someone who has had a diagnosis of COVID-19, at a distance of 6 feet or less for 15 minutes or longer, with or without a face covering or barrier, at any time up to 48 hours before the initial date of exposure/diagnosis, or had direct contact with the COVID-19 positive person within the same time parameters.  A distance of 3 feet may be considered in certain situations for determining necessary quarantines in accordance with the Lucas County Health Department guidelines.

Student Presenting with COVID Symptoms Protocol

Symptoms according to the CDC

Staff members of Springfield Schools are not in a position to determine if symptoms are related to COVID or another illness/disease process.  Students who have chronic issues that have symptoms that are identifiable with  COVID symptoms should speak with their nurse within their child’s school building. Staff will triage and act in the best interest of the safety of all the students and staff within the building.  Children will be sent home at the discretion of the staff in the building when symptoms have appeared.  Students that have been sent home due to COVID related symptoms will be expected to follow the most up to date guidelines per the Lucas County Health Department regarding quarantining/isolating and returning to school.  The Lucas County Health Department guidelines can be found at  If a student has been sent home with symptoms and has been diagnosed with an illness that explains their symptoms, they may return as their healthcare provider instructs and 24 hours have passed since symptoms have resolved.  Example, a child presents to the office with a sore throat and fever and has been tested for strep throat which comes back positive.  They may return to school with a note from their healthcare provider if the healthcare provider deems appropriate.  The school nurse algorithm from the Lucas County Health Department specifies that an alternative diagnosis must also be provided when returning to school that rules out COVID-19.  A negative COVID PCR or molecular test could also be accepted if appropriate according to the school nurse algorithm.

Each building will have a designated isolation area for students who present with sick symptoms.  This space will allow the nurse office to be available for “clean” nurse visits such as medication administration or injury management.  The isolation space can act as an area for students to be assessed and wait to be picked up by a family member as needed.

If a student presents with symptoms during the screening process at the start of school, they will not be permitted in the building.  Students will be held in the isolation area until a guardian is able to pick them up. If symptoms are severe, EMS is to be called.

If a student presents with symptoms during their school day, the teacher will call down to the office before sending the student to the isolation room.  They will state “I am sending student X to Room 200,” (whatever the room name or number of their isolation room is).  This will alert staff a student is coming, and still keep the nature of why the student is being sent to the office confidential from fellow students.  The student will be sent to the isolation room wearing their mask/facial covering.  The teacher will send a school nurse note with the student explaining symptoms observed and concerns that need to be addressed by the nurse.  The nurse will meet the student in the quarantine room wearing a N95 mask, PPE gown, gloves, and facial shield/approved goggles to screen their symptoms.  If the student is presenting with any of the listed COVID symptoms as determined by staff, the student’s guardian will be contacted to pick up the student as soon as possible.   The staff will assess symptoms and act to keep the student and others safe.  The Lucas County Health Department Guidelines indicate that a student presenting with symptoms will need to be sent home with instructions per the LCHD Springfield Local  nurse algorithm.  Each return to school scenario includes drastic symptom improvement with no fever for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to school.  The guardian will be guided to contact their healthcare provider and to follow the most up to date isolation/quarantine/return to school protocol from the Lucas County Health Department.   If more than one student is present in the isolation room, social distancing of at least 6 feet must be maintained.  If a student’s symptoms are severe, EMS is to be called to transport the child to the nearest medical facility.  If a guardian is refusing to pick up a child or is unable, EMS or the local authorities will be called to transport the child out of the building.

Nursing will contact the health department to determine the course of action with further quarantining of students and staff with a suspected/positive case of COVID.  They will work with the health department to determine if an outbreak is occurring or any further precautionary quarantining needs to occur.  The nurse will also work with the health department to provide any contact tracing notifications that may be needed when a positive case of COVID has occurred.

District COVID-19 Testing of Students and Staff

In partnership with Promedica, Springfield Local has COVID-19 PCR tests available for symptomatic students and staff.  The nurses within the district will triage any students or staff to determine if they qualify for testing per the physician orders for COVID-19 testing.  The tests supplied by Promedica are PCR tests which allow for students and staff to return to work or school if symptoms resolve.  Springfield Local nurses only collect the specimen and are not part of the lab processing system.  Springfield Local  receives all the results with the consent of the patient via fax.  These results are given to each student or staff tested by a member of the Springfield nursing team.  At that time proper guidance can be given for return to work or school per the Lucas County Health Department guidelines for COVID-19 related symptoms.  All positive cases are reported to the Lucas County Health Department and contact tracing is completed.

COVID Reporting

Springfield Local School District will be reporting identified positive cases of COVID per the order released by the Ohio Department of Health.  

Student Reporting

Students/guardians are required to notify the school within 24 hours of receiving a positive COVID test.  They will be instructed to provide this information to the attendance hotline at their student’s designated building.  Staff will inform any family calling in a positive test result that the building nurse will follow-up with them and the student may not return until guidance is given from the nurse. Each nurse in the building will work directly with the director of health services to coordinate with the Lucas County Health Department for appropriate action including contact tracing.

Reporting to the Lucas County Health Department

The director of health services will be the main point of contact for the health department and will be responsible for notifying the Lucas County Health Department right away (within 24 hours) of any known positive COVID cases in the district.  Parents, teachers or guardians may notify their teachers of a positive test result.  If staff have learned of a positive COVID case in the district, they should notify the nurse in their building or the director of health services so they may notify the health department and complete the necessary contact tracing.  All students and staff, including those learning or working remotely, must be reported to the health department.  

Public Reporting of District Cases

Every Thursday the district will release their updated COVID cases.  This information will be available on the district website under the COVID link.  Data will be broken down by staff and students with a weekly update on numbers as well as a cumulative update.  

District Notification of Cases

Parents/guardians will be notified of a positive COVID case as appropriate.  The identity of the student or staff member that has tested positive will remain confidential.  A letter will be sent home as well as an email to any classroom or team that has had a positive COVID case that would be directly affected.  A building wide notification will be sent through the school messenger system that contains a short message regarding the positive case and then the link to the COVID portion of the district website for additional information.  

Visitor Screening Guidelines

Visitors will not be routinely permitted to enter any of the Springfield Local School Buildings to help decrease the risk of transmission.  If a visitor has been permitted to enter the building for a special circumstance, they will be screened. Verification of their entry should be confirmed with the building principal or the staff member which they have the appointment with.

Screening Process

will make sure the visitor has a mask on to enter the building and to wear for the duration of their meeting.

Note that Springfield may use some external services, such as Renewed Minds, that provide students with support.  These staff members will be screened in the same manner.  They will be permitted to walk independently to their work area and educated to wear a mask for the duration of their time in the building. They will be permitted to work with one student at a time following social distancing guidelines and with both parties wearing a mask.  

Visitor Sign-in Sheet

Springfield Local School District

Visitor Sign-in Sheet



Symptom Check

Temperature: _____

Mark below if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever/Chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath or difficulty breathing
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose or congestion
  • Headache
  • Lethargy
  • Body aches
  • Loss of taste and/or smell      

______I am not experiencing any of the previous symptoms.

______I agree to wear a facemask for the duration of my visit.

Student Paper/Book Usage Handling Guidelines

The Center of Disease Control and the National Institute of Health both confirm that the COVID 19 virus can remain stable on surfaces for hours to days.  To enhance the safety of students and teachers electronic assignments should be used when able. Paper assignments carry the risk of transmitting the virus from person to person.  While the transmission of COVID is primarily through respiratory droplets in the air, transmission through objects is possible.  When paper assignments are necessary please take the following precautions to decrease the risk of spreading any germs:

        *Have a labeled bin/container/box for each day of the week

        *Have students place all their paper assignments for the day in the corresponding bin.

*Keep papers in the bin without handling for 24 hours.

*After 24 hours, papers may be graded/reviewed as needed.  

Example:  It is Wednesday morning and Johnny is turning in his math worksheet that he completed last night as homework.  He places it in the Wednesday bin and sits down.  At the end of the day, the teacher places this bin aside to leave sit for at least 24 hours.  Once this time frame has passed, the teacher may grade Johnny’s homework.  As long as the teacher is wearing a mask and practicing proper hand hygiene, the paper can be returned to Johnny when grading is complete.  If the teacher does not wish to wear a mask while grading or is unable, the same 1 day rule should be applied in returning papers to students.  Feedback may also be given electronically if able.

Parents and students will need to be informed that feedback on paper assignments may take longer than usual due to the needed safety precautions.  

Communication between parents and teachers should be electronic to decrease the risk of transmission.

The libraries will start the year closed.  When they will be able to open, students borrowing library books, whether from the school’s main library or the teacher’s personal library, should follow the same 1 day rule.   A recommended method to achieve this would be to have a designated day that all the books need to be returned.  If all books are to be returned Friday morning, then by Monday morning, the books would be able to be handled.

Student sharing of books and/or supplies should be avoided at this time to help decrease the risk of transmission of the virus.

Testing for Special Services (IDEA)

During School Hours

Students that need testing completed to assess their needs for specialized school services during school hours need to be done with the following considerations for COVID Precautions:

Cleaning/Maintaining Facilities

Accommodations were made to ensure more fresh air was rotated through the buildings.  This was accomplished by increased programming with the building automation system that allows for cycling of fresh air.  Buildings HVAC air filters were changed frequently and treated with a long acting disinfecting agent (BioShield). Windows and doors were left open as much as possible to increase the fresh air in circulation.  Ionizing devices were added to the air handlers and/or room heating and cooling units.  Nightly disinfecting spraying was completed with approved chemicals that killed COVID-19.  These were rotated to ensure efficacy.  Electrostatic sprayers and long acting disinfectants (products that were proven to kill COVID-19 for up to 90 days) were used throughout the building every night for increased disinfection.  High touch points were sanitized throughout the day.  Additional cleaning was completed to areas that were exposed to a positive case or areas or classrooms with increased symptoms among students and staff.  

Cafeteria Meals/Distribution

March 13, 2020 thru May 27, 2020 - Drive thru Monday-Friday providing breakfast and lunch

August 20, 2020 thru August 28, 2020 - Drive thru for SDA/Hybrid families providing breakfast and lunch. Bagged breakfast and lunch for hybrid students in class

August 31, 2020 thru September 28, 2020 - Drive thru Monday-Friday providing breakfast and lunch

September 29, 2020 thru November 20, 2020 - Drive thru for SDA/Hybrid families providing breakfast and lunch. Bagged breakfast and lunch for hybrid students in class

November 23, 2020 thru January 15, 2021 - Drive thru Monday-Friday providing breakfast and lunch

January 19, 2021 thru April 5, 2021 - Drive thru for SDA/Hybrid families providing breakfast and lunch. Bagged breakfast and lunch for hybrid students in class

April 6, 2021 thru May 26, 2021 - Drive thru for SDA families providing breakfast and lunch. All other students in person provided bagged breakfast and lunch.

Summer Months--Connecting Kids to Meals

Sites at: Dorr Elementary School, Crissey Elementary School and Holland Branch Toledo Lucas County Public Library

June 2022/December 2022/June 2023/December 2023 Periodic Review:

As of June 1st, 2023, the following protocols remain in effect for Springfield Local School District:

The following protocols have been discontinued and continue to be discontinued at this time:

Periodic Review:

Review at least every 6 months through September 20, 2024 and revise the plan as appropriate.

Public Input:

We will seek public input by posting the plan on our District website as well as discussing it at Board of Education Meetings. Revisions to the plan will be documented through Board Minutes and posted on the website.