Does your body feel weak? Do you want to be weak for the rest of your life? I didn’t think so, which is why we should have to exercise everyday.

We should exercise everyday because then you will be more fit. Just at least 15 minutes a day then you will be fine. This could be: going for a walk, jogging, push ups, burpees, and yoga, or  something like that.

We should exercise everyday because then you can get outside, get some vitamin d, and then do some exercise. All you need to do is not be slumped around on the couch watching tv all day.

We should exercise everyday because then in the future it could help for things like the olympics or a tournament. You could also maybe win a medal!

So we have talked about how you can be more fit, and about how you can be in the sun, and because it could change your future. In conclusion, that is why people should exercise everyday