OCD diary worksheet

Obsessions: List the obsessions you experienced today. For each obsession, include a brief description of the thought, image, or impulse that you experienced.

Compulsions: List the compulsions you engaged in today. For each compulsion, include a brief description of the behaviour or mental act that you performed in response to your obsessions.

Related Thoughts and Emotions:

For each obsession and compulsion, identify any related thoughts or emotions that you experienced.

Alternative Responses:

For each obsession and compulsion, identify an alternative response that you could have used instead of engaging in the compulsion. This could include an exposure and response prevention (ERP) technique, a thought-stopping technique, or a mindfulness exercise.

Obsession 1: _______________________________

Alternative Response:

Obsession 2: _______________________________

Alternative Response:

Compulsion 1: _______________________________

Alternative Response:

Compulsion 2: _______________________________

Alternative Response:


(n.d.). CBT Specialists UK-wide and Online | Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT Near Me. https://thinkcbt.com/images/Downloads/Thought_Records/OCD-THOUGHT-RECORD-THINK-CBT-V-09.07.18.pdf

Assessments & worksheets. (2016, April 6). International OCD Foundation. https://iocdf.org/professionals/training-institute/general-attendee-info/assessments-worksheets/

You can download more Mental Health worksheets here.

Please note: There may be a more up-to-date and editable version of this worksheet available here which may be more suitable to present to clients if you are a therapist or to use in a classroom as a teacher or guidance counsellor.

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