Introduction 1
Formation Skydiving 1
Vertical formation skydiving 3
D2W and D4W 3
D2W Intermediate 4
RULES UPDATES (with blue background in the document)
2024.11.16 | D2W Pro et Intermediate: Qualification and battle brackets specific to Weembinamic |
2024.11.17 | D2W Intermediate: No review |
2024.11.17 | D2W Intermediate: Maximum working time |
2024.11.21 | FS: ties |
We, as Weembi staff, are publishing this document so the teams are aware of the modified rules they will find in this event compared to the regular FAI indoor skydiving rules.
Formation Skydiving
About FS4W, FS8W and VFS regarding live judging, official french rules that now follow live judging will be applied, they are available on the FFP website:
https://www.ffp.asso.fr/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/2019_ipc_cr_indoorformationskydiving_vfs.pdf .
- Draw : contrary to the FAI rules, there is no minimum guarantee minimum time between the draw and the first round, however we will provide a reasonable time. Other draw rules are the same than FAI rules, except for the final round, which is published on social media several months in advance.
- Order of flights : because of the tournament model of this event, the qualification rounds and the tournament rounds will be given by the organizer’s brackets regarding the number of participating teams (link to the brackets).
- Training flight : contrary to FAI rules, only one speed test flight per team will be done, 1 minute for FS4W and VFS events and 1’30 for FS8W event. Rest of FAI rules are applied.
- Time between rounds and flights: 15 minutes minimum will be given between rounds. Warning! Some rounds are made of two flights, with only one flight of another team between them, so teams will need to brief two flights before to reach the antichamber. Teams will have to refer to the organizer’s brackets to know which rounds are made of two flights and therefore prepare both flights before entering the antechamber.
- Composition of teams : contrary to the FAI rules, no rules are applied to the team compositions.
- Start of flights: start is given by teams when they want, not by judges
- The end of the working time will be indicated precisely at 35 seconds for VR4 and 50 seconds for VR8 by blinking LEDs.
- Judging : all the judging system differ from FAI rules: judging will be made of at least two judges, judging is live, judging is on screens broadcasting the vertical video. Start of the working time is displayed by the judging system with the green LEDs as indicators, one judge will mark the points when one or many others will mark the suspicions of bust. One bust marked during the flight will be shown live to the public and flying team with the LEDs going red for one second. If needed, the judges will be able to watch the video again, as many viewings as needed will be available. There is no “freeze frame” anymore but a timer judgment on the last point. The final score will be broadcasting to the public through screens before the next team performance.
- Ties: Equality: In “battle” mode, which requires a winner for each round, in the event of a tie, the team with the highest score in the round wins. If still tied, the team with the fewest penalties in the round prevails. If the tie persists, the decision moves back round by round. If there is still no winner, the team that completes the last point of the final flight first (based on the clock) is declared the winner. Each qualification is considered a round, and the battle are also rounds so a round may consist of multiple flights.
Vertical formation skydiving
In comparison to VFS official FAI rules, the same rules and modified rules than seen previously for FS events will be applied to VFS except for following points.
- All official randoms and blocks will be used for the draw,
- Entrance: start is given by teams when they leave the net
- Training flight : contrary to the FAI rules, there will be only one training flight of 1 minute. The team must know the power they need by the end of this flight.
All remaining points described in the FS events but not described in the VFS event will be applied to the VFS event.
D2W and D4W
The competition format (number of qualification rounds and creation of battles) differs from the official rules to ensure that all competitors complete 7 flights (in FAI rules, some competitors are eliminated in the first round of the finals).
All qualification rounds and battle brackets, based on the number of teams, are available at the link below. Each sheet corresponds to the number of teams it defines, as indicated by its number.
Tableaux de dynamic à 7 manches
The official FAI rules are applied except that all free rounds are replaced with speed rounds, so the events are made only with speed rounds. The official FAI rules are available on the french skydiving federation website :
D2W Intermediate
Regarding the D2W official FAI rules (link available in the previous chapter “D2W and D4W”), the following points will be changed :
- S1: head down inface snake
- S3: head up inface snake
- S5: head down mixed snake
- V1: Back Layout
- V3: Classic
- V5: Head up 360
- M1: Head down inface circles
- M2: Head up inface circles
- M6: Head up shuffler
- Maximum working time: A maximum time of 2:15 minutes will be allocated to each team to complete the course. Beyond this time, the flight will be interrupted, and the team must exit the wind tunnel. For scoring purposes, the team will be assigned the maximum time, to which the number of missing movements (including snake, vertical, mixer, and connector) will be added as skips.
In case of a tie during a battle, the team whose second flyer completed the last full movement last on the clock will be assigned an additional fault to break the tie in the score table. More generally, in the event of a battle with N teams tied, the second team will be given 1 additional fault, the third team 2 additional faults, and so on, with the Nth team receiving N-1 faults.
Judges are not required to review the flight to time the last full movement of the second flyer if the difference between the two teams is obvious (e.g., if, for Team A, the first flyer had already started the next movement while the second flyer had almost, and for Team B, the second flyer had just completed the last full movement, the judges may directly assign the tiebreaking fault to Team B without reviewing the flight). Or based on merit decided by the judges.
- NO REVIEW WILL BE PERFORMED scoring will be entirely live. This means judges must record faults during the flights at the slightest doubt, with no possibility of later verifying the validity of the fault. Cleaner teams will therefore have an advantage.