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Jesus and Miracles
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Jesus and Miracles

The following table represents either miracles Jesus performs or comments He makes about miracles. It also examines the motives behind the miracle and the effect the miracle had on observers.


Miracle (and/or comment)

Motive (and/or effect)

John 2:1-12

Turning water into wine at the marriage of Cana

Petitioned - disciples believed in Him

John 4:46-54

Nobleman’s son healed

Petitioned/Compassion but noted the people would only believe if they saw miracles

John 5:1-15

Man with an infirmity 38 years is healed in Jerusalem at Bethesda

Compassion - but as it was a Sabbath the Jew’s were angry with Jesus

John 5:19-20, 36

Jesus says the works He does are a witness from the Father that He is His Son

Miracles are a witness from the Father

Matt 8:1-4

Mark 1:40-45

Luke 5:12-15

Leper cured (tell no one - but the priest)

Petitioned/Compassion (telling the priest is interesting as was potentially a Messianic sign Luke’s gospel mentions that as result many were healed)

Matt 8:5-13

Luke 7:1-10

Centurion's Servant healed


(amazed at centurion’s faith)

Luke 7:11-17

Raised the widow’s son at Nain

Compassion - done in public so the crowds marvelled

Luke 7:18-23

In response to John the Baptist’s question Jesus heals a number of people

Public demonstration Jesus’s Messianic claims

Mark 1:21-28

Luke 4:31-37

Capernaum synagogue - man with an unclean spirit cured

Compassion - done in public so the crowds marvelled

Matt 8:14-15

Mark 1:29-31

Luke 4:38-39

Peter’s mother-in-law healed of a fever


Matt 8:16

Mark 1:32-34

Luke 4:40-41

Many in Capernaum healed and set free from demons (same day as Peter’s mother-in-law & centurion’s servant healed)

Petitioned/Compassion (the people of Capernaum responding to the healings they heard about that day)

Matt 8:23-27

Mark 4:35-41

Luke 8:22-25

Calms the wind and sea on Lake Galilee  


(disappointed at the disciples lack of faith)

Matt 8:28-34

Mark 5:1-20

Luke 8:26-39

Demon possessed man set free (demons enter the pigs)

Compassion & Demonstration of Messianic authority? (local people beg Jesus to leave - cured man to tell people what the Lord had done for him)

Matt 9:1-8

Mark 2:1-12

Luke 5:17-26

The paralytic man who is forgiven

Demonstration of Jesus being God therefore He can forgive sins

Mark 3:7-8

Luke 6:17-19

Great multitude healed

(Mark’s account does not refer to healings)

Petitioned/Compassion - - done in public

Matt 9:18-25

Mark 5:21-43

Luke 8:40-56

Young girl raised to life

Petitioned/Compassion - done in private

Matt 9:20-22

Mark 5:25-34

Luke 8:43-48

Woman with the issue of blood

Petitioned/Compassion - - done in public

Matt 9:27-31

Blind men healed

Petitioned/Compassion (told to keep it secret but spread the news anyway)

Matt 9:32-34

Mute man healed

Petitioned/Compassion - done in public so the crowds marvelled

Matt 9:35-36

Healed many in the cities and villages


Matt 11:1-6

Refers to His miracles as evidence of His being the Messiah

Demonstration of His being the Messiah

Matt 11:20-24

Luke 10:13-16

Judgement on Chorazin, Bethsaida & Capernaum for not repenting despite seeing the miracles

Demonstration of His being the Messiah

Luke 10:17-20

Power of the disciples in healing and deliverance

Demonstration of the gospel

Matt 12:9-13

Mark 3:1-6

Luke 6:6-11

Man with a withered hand

Compassion & Demonstration of His being the Messiah

Matt 12:22-23

Mute and blind man

Petitioned.Compassion & Demonstration of His being the Messiah

Matt 12:24-30

Mark 3:20-27

Luke 11:14-23

Defence of His miracles as from God not Satan

Demonstration of His being the Messiah

Matt 12:38-42

Pharisees demand a sign

Jesus refuses their request - wrong motive

Matt 13:53-58

Mark 6:1-6

Few miracles in Nazareth

Lack of miracles due to unbelief

Matt 14:13-21

Mark 6:30-44

Luke 9:10-17

John 6:1-14

Feeding the Five Thousand

Compassion but also a very public demonstration of His being the Messiah

Matt 14:22-33

Mark 6:45-52

John 6:15-21

Jesus (& Peter) walk on the Sea of Galilee then the wind stops

Demonstration of His being the Messiah

John 9:1-12

Whilst in Jerusalem Jesus heals a man born blind

Compassion and to make a point to His disciples

John 10:32, 37-38

Believe the miracles so that you may know ‘that the Father is in me and I in Him’

Miracles are a witness from the Father

Matt 14:34-36

Mark 6:53-56

As many as touched Jesus and His garments were made well

Petitioned/Compassion & Demonstration of His being the Messiah

Matt 15:21-28

Mark 7:24-30

Woman of Canaan’s daughter is made well


Mark 7:31-37

Decapolis a deaf and mute man is healed

Petitioned/Compassion - told to keep it quiet but they spread the news

Matt 15:29-31

Multitudes in Galilee healed

Petitioned/Compassion & Demonstration of His being the Messiah

Matt 15:32-39

Mark 8:1-10

Feeding the Four Thousand

Compassion but also a very public demonstration of His being the Messiah

Matt 16:1-4

Mark 8:11-12

Pharisees & Sadducees seek a sign

Jesus refuses their request - wrong motive

Mark 8:22-26

Blind man healed using spit in Bethsaida

Petitioned/Compassion - not to tell anyone

Matt 17:1-9

Mark 9:1-8

Luke 9:27-36


God opens heaven as a demonstration that Jesus is the Messiah

Matt 17:14-21

Mark 9:14-29

Luke 9:37-42

Child with epilepsy caused by demonic possession

Petitioned/Compassion & Demonstration of His being the Messiah

Luke 13:10-17

Women cured of infirmity she has had for 18 years

Compassion in a public space on the Sabbath

Luke 14:1-6

Man cured of dropsy

Compassion in a public space on the Sabbath

Luke 17:11-19

Ten lepers cleansed


John 11:1-45

Resurrection of Lazarus

Petitioned/Compassion and a public demonstration of His being the Messiah

Matt 20:29-34

Mark 10:46-52

Luke 18:35-43

Blind men receive sight at Jericho

Petitioned/Compassion & Demonstration of His being the Messiah

Matt 21:14

Blind and lame healed in the Temple

Petitioned/Compassion & Demonstration of His being the Messiah

John 12:28-30

A voice speaks from heaven

The Father gives testimony to the Son

Matt 21:18-19

Mark 11:20-24

Withered Fig Tree

Demonstration of His being the Messiah & teaching lesson

John 14:10-14

Believe for the works and if you believe me you will do greater works

Miracles are a witness that Jesus is from God

John 15:24

Their sin remains because despite the miracles they still hated Jesus

Miracles are a witness that Jesus is from God

Luke 23:6-12

Refused to do Miracles in front of Herod

Jesus refuses their request - wrong motive

Matt 28:1-20

Mark 16:1-20

Luke 24:1-43

John 20:1-31


The fact that God raised Jesus is a demonstration that Jesus is the Messiah