ITE August  Workshop

 August 30th 2018


Registration and Breakfast

CKB 116

9:15 - 9:30


John Carpinelli and Mike Koskinen

CKB 116

9:30 - 10:30

OER: What’s On The Horizon

Learn about free Open Educational Resources (OER) and NJIT’s Open & Affordable Textbook (OAT) Initiative awards for implementing open textbooks. Stop by this session and learn more about what it takes to adopt, adapt or create OER from a select panel composed of faculty, librarians, instructional designers and students.  

Creating universally accessible content is beneficial not only for students that require an accommodation, but for all students. In this presentation we will showcase NJIT services and tips on creating better accessible content for your courses.

CKB 116



Homework as a tool for preparedness in the classroom.

One of the biggest hurdles facing instructors today is the lack of preparedness of students in the classroom. Typically, students come to a lecture with little exposure or prior knowledge of the discussion topic. This lack of familiarity with the material makes the learning process arduous and uninteresting. I will discuss a technique I implemented in the fall of 2016 where I used homework as a pre-work to the lecture. The students were required to complete a part of the HW before coming to class. I will present data to show that this approach did work by comparing student performance in a national standardized exam. I will also discuss the pros and cons of this approach and strategies to implement this across a larger portion of the freshman chemistry program.

Dr. Bhavani Balasubramanian
CKB 116

Digital Learning Open Hour

This session is open for instructors who want to ask questions about instructional tools for digital learning, such as Kaltura, Respondus, Turnitin, and Moodle.

Nikki Bosca
CKB 08


Break and Lunch-CKB 116



Welcome and Open Discussion with the Provost’s Office

Dr. Fadi Deek & Dr. Basil Baltzis

 CKB 116

Afternoon sessions on backside



Hands-On Design Activities for Engineering Students

In this session, we will discuss ideas to promote innovative design activities in engineering courses. This will be a hands-on, fun session. Demonstration of a concept design activity using Lego pieces will be given. This activity engages students by getting them to participate in various stages of engineering product design process.

Dr. Ashish Borgaonkar

Dr. Jaskirat Sodhi
CKB 116


In this session, we will explore using VoiceThread in Moodle. VoiceThread is a platform designed to replace text-based discussions. You and your students can record comments to engage in asynchronous conversations surrounding digital media like images, documents, and videos. This workshop will also touch on using VoiceThread to create interactive lectures, assignments, and assessments.

Cassie Sardo




Academic Integrity Tools for Online 

In this presentation we will showcase NJIT services and tips on ensuring academic integrity for digital learning .
Michael Koskinen

CKB 116

An Introduction To Using Canvas

Get an introduction to the features of Canvas. An alternative platform to Moodle which NJIT will pilot in the fall of 2018.

Amal Shah




Just for Fun: The Memory Palace
We all want our students to master higher-order learning skills, but some things just have to be memorized.  This session presents the method of loci, or memory palace, a technique used by participants in the US and World Memory Championships to memorize large amounts of data.  Participants will go through an exercise to illustrate how their students could use this technique to memorize basic information needed in their courses.

Dr. John Carpinelli

CKB 116


Drawing for Prizes

CKB 116