Radio Ad Rubric









(Summative Assessment)


Spoke clearly, creatively and enthusiastically throughout entire advertisement


Spoke clearly and enthusiastically throughout most of the advertisement


Some of advertisement was not clear and enthusiastic


Most of the advertisement was unclear and with little enthusiasm


Persuasive Influence


Effectively connected with audience using sound reasoning, persuasive language, and sensory details



Mostly connected with audience through persuasive language and sensory detail


Some of the advertisement was persuasive, connecting with the audience


The advertisement used little persuasive language and did not connect with the audience



Word Choice/ Sentence Fluency


All sentences were complete, on topic, purposeful, and fluent


Most sentences were complete, on topic and fluent


Some sentences were complete, on topic and fluent


The sentences were unclear and confusing




The ORDER of each sentence is purposeful, using strong, smooth transitions that build up to the concluding statement



The order of each sentence is mostly purposeful, using smooth transitions between ideas


Some of the sentences were in a purposeful order, using a few transitions between ideas


The advertisement was not organized in a purposeful way and was difficult to follow